Request General Wish List Thread

Reagan Dow

New member
Jul 23, 2014
Can someone please explain to me the difference between the Event Camera and the Multi-ball camera options and what do you consider the best all around setting for an iPad mini retina. Thanks in advance.


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
The Multi-ball cam pulls back to a full screen when multi-ball kicks in. The angle can be changed, by the way, while multi-ball is active. The Event cam happens when the table wants to show off something, such as the gumball machine in TZ or the mixer in Dr. Dude.

I always turn Multi-ball cam off as I find the camera shifting too distracting when I'm gearing up for multi-ball action. I also prefer Event cam off on Dr.Dude, because of the bug that locks the cam on the mixer and doesn't let go. Otherwise, I need the Event cam on for such tables like STTNG because of the ball cannons, and TZ, because I like it when I get a close up of the Powerfield when activated.


Active member
Jun 3, 2014
The Multi-ball cam pulls back to a full screen when multi-ball kicks in. The angle can be changed, by the way, while multi-ball is active. The Event cam happens when the table wants to show off something, such as the gumball machine in TZ or the mixer in Dr. Dude.

I always turn Multi-ball cam off as I find the camera shifting too distracting when I'm gearing up for multi-ball action. I also prefer Event cam off on Dr.Dude, because of the bug that locks the cam on the mixer and doesn't let go. Otherwise, I need the Event cam on for such tables like STTNG because of the ball cannons, and TZ, because I like it when I get a close up of the Powerfield when activated.



New member
Feb 8, 2014
Is that Andrew Lincoln?

Yes. In "Love, Actually". Which is a movie that I very quietly secretly like a lot more than my demographic would have movie studios believe that I should.

Of course for us Brits of a certain age, we will always remember Andrew Lincoln from "This Life", the BBC TV drama that catapulted him to fame in the mid-90s, which featured the greatest TV wedding of all time and was spoiled by an ill-conceived reunion special a decade later. Also responsible for introducing Jack "Lieutenant/Commodore/Admiral/whatever Norrington" Davenport.


Active member
Jun 3, 2014
And don't forget the guy is married Gael Anderson, daughter of Jethro Tull vocalist Ian Anderson.
(Don't care about the girl. Love the man.)


New member
Nov 7, 2014
New Request; This is out of left field (pun) but I would like to see some the following made for pinball arcade;

Old crazy games like Williams Turf Champ and Midway Raceway and maybe a baseball game like the more recent SlugFest or the older wooden baseball games of various names (Pinch Hitter, Official Baseball, Pinball All Stars) . I know they these aren't super popular, or even considered pinball by many, but they are part of my pinball history.

Other tables that would be pretty fun to see; Flash Gordon, Rocky and Bullwinkle, Judge Dredd, and Tales from the Crypt, and obscure challenging ones I know nothing about.
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Chaz Louviere

New member
Dec 17, 2014
Five Requests:

(1) Not sure about the ETA on that UI update, but one thing that would be nice for the current system would be the ability to press the secondary flipper keys to jump to the next lettered table. (Ex: Pressing RB on Big Shot would send you straight to Cactus Canyon)

The flipper buttons are already used to navigate the table menu so this feels like a logical extension of that in my mind.

(2) Rotating DMD display. I play portrait and while I do love the nice and big DMD display in-game it has a bad habit of obscuring my ball when it reaches the top of the field. What I propose is as the ball reach the top of the field or near the DMD, skew the DMD in such a way that it essentially tucks itself out of the way a little bit. It would look something like the pictures below except vertical. This would allow the player to still have the DMD at all time without it being obtrusive or resorting to moving it to another place off to the side.

ZnJvbT1jbmJsb2dzJnVybD1jbWJ3NVNNd0FYYXNaV0xrSlhZaj  l5YnlSbWJoTlhaazlDTXhBak12Y21jdjV5YzVGMmQwSWpMaGxH  WmwxMkx2b0RjMFJIYQ.jpg

(3) Analog stick support in the menus. I'm not sure why this isn't already implemented, but come on guys. The d-pad on a 360 controller is terrible for basically everything. Let me use my stick.

(4) Official mod support. I don't mean player modification of the game per se. What I would love to see is the ability to customize our pinball tables in much the same way as people do in real life. Different lights, adding little toys off to the side, color DMDs, swapping the cue ball with the eight ball in Cue Ball Wizard, etc. None of these mods would change the game play in any way. Like custom balls they would just allow the tables to have a bit more customization. If this was what DLC was for this game, I'm sure cash would be made on color DMDs alone.

The guys at have been doing an amazing job converting old DMDs to color and I think this could be a lucrative partnership for all parties involved.

(5) Table exploration for all tables. I understand not having certain pro features for older tables, but not being able to look around them all is a huge bummer to people who actually bought the pro season packs.
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New member
Dec 19, 2012
I really want smart scrolling on TPA tables because when tables keep moving up and down, it makes me feel ill. Off the top of my mind, the only reason I need a table to scroll is when the ball is in the area of the bonus multiplier. I need the scroll then so I can try to increase my bonus multiplier.

That's one reason I don't play much Monster Bash. I hate the table scrolling up when hitting the "Bride's" ramp, especially when it only goes half-way up. The only time that Monster Bash needs to scroll for me is when I hit ball up to the "D I G" rollovers, so I can complete "D I G".

I am just thankful that Attack from Mars is not that way. It's the only table I enjoy playing with the scroll on.


New member
Aug 2, 2012
I leave most all of my tables on view #2 with lock. Sure, I lose many items at the top of the table, but usually when you know the table well enough you have a pretty good idea what is going on up there. Much like MM when I might miss one or two of the top rollovers during a billion point game, but nothing that is breaking the bank compared to how terrible I play when the lock is off.


New member
Dec 19, 2012
I leave most all of my tables on view #2 with lock. Sure, I lose many items at the top of the table, but usually when you know the table well enough you have a pretty good idea what is going on up there. Much like MM when I might miss one or two of the top rollovers during a billion point game, but nothing that is breaking the bank compared to how terrible I play when the lock is off.

I play most of my TPA tables on view #1 and locked and have been practicing hitting the "X" button on my controller to scroll so I can attempt to complete the bonus multiplier sequence when needed. I find that #2 view locked for me makes the table look a little far away for my taste. It would make my day to be able to create my own table view.


New member
Feb 23, 2014
My #1 request would be to have a "Random Table" button in the "My Tables" section. I'd love to launch it and play a random table each time...


New member
Sep 17, 2014
Removal of the annoying cowbell (especially during HS name insert), or an option to remove software sfx that at the same time doesn't remove table sfx
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