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  1. P

    PHOF points?

    Hey, It would seem that on PC 1000 PHOF points is 3,000,000,000!! That seems like it might be an incorrectly entered value and would probably make it the stingiest table in the whole game by a factor of 10! I'm currently on 2 PHOF points for this table and have over 100 on every other single...
  2. P

    Reliable way to hit the joker hole?

    Anyone found a way to hit the joker hole reliably? The only wizard goal I have left is to score a super jackpot but its hard enough starting Mega mode (sometimes its a reward) let alone trying to hit it during multiball (not that I've ever managed to complete the 5 cards on the upper playfield...
  3. P

    Bug Special remains lit when collected.

    The top special can be collected over and over again on android which strikes me as unintended given it awards 150k! Does that happen on other platforms? Collecting the outlane special turns both of them off which is also quite odd behaviour when you think about it. Pod
  4. P

    Android - Bug No phof points.?

    Has anyone gotten phof points for this on android? Mine reads 0 after scoring 116k. Does it work on other platforms? Can you post what a 1000 point score would be if so? I have a database I like to keep all my scores and data in. Cheers Pod
  5. P

    Safe cracker tokens

    Hey. Anyone know how to view them? I can't seem to find the menu option the instructions talk about. Cheers Pod
  6. P

    Phof total and leaderboards?

    Been away for a few years and I see that now we have phof on pc. I can see each tables phof score when you select the table in the table list but there doesn't appear to be a way to see your phof total? Am I missing something? I also can't find a leaderboard for phof? Is there one? Pod P.s...
  7. P

    Missed Opportunity?

    I'm torn by this table. (Not about the iap, although if have happily paid £3 for it over iap). On the one hand I love ghostbusters. It's always been a Pity that there wasn't a real GB table and this is a solid effort. On the other I think this is a wasted opportunity to create a really great...
  8. P

    Request Lead board access in table select menu - specifically for PHoF score

    It's quite a faff to find the phof leaderboard by loading the alphabetically last table, clicking leaderboards and then changing table so it moves onto the phof one. Could we get a shortcut in the table select menu? Cheers Pod
  9. P

    Harem and genie stack?

    So I've been trying to get this for a while as a way to reach 1000phof points and have gotten close a few times. Usually I accidentally hit the ramp while trying to complete harem during rocs. However today I managed to start tocs last and already had a wish lit and 'hare'. I hit the left...
  10. P

    tournament score innacurate?

    Hey, I noticed today that I went up 25 points on rbion but my overall score only rose by 20. So I added up all my points and found it doesn't match (its out by 2 so its not far wrong). I assume its not just a delayed update as it was such a big jump. Is that a bug? Or is there more to the...
  11. P

    Bug IOS - 2 bugs - Ultimate fight stopped half way - Cash fight wizard goal doesnt award!

    Hi, I've won 3 cash fights now. Still haven't gotten the achievement! First two times I insta drained and I wonder if FS use the DMD to award them so maybe that was why? Third time I deliberately held onto the ball. Still no award. Ultimate fight - Got to the 4th fighter. Drained down to one...
  12. P

    Oh come on! This is just rude to your customers

    (iOS version) At what point will the bug to bug free time become so one sided that the Devs might spend some real quality time fixing them over a new table. Please just dedicate one month! Today in just 2 hours on scared stiff I hit the following Ball through flipper. (multiple times) Ball...
  13. P


    Got to the Battle for the kingdom mode for the first time ever today (and on IOS to boot so nudging). Even managed to get 5 out of 7 castle hits. Then got my last ball stuck behind a troll and my only troll bomb had been automatically used earlier in the game (is that yet another...
  14. P

    Bug Super jackpot achievement doesnt register

    Sheesh, pretty much every thread on this board is a bug. Anyway, Tried for ages to get the super jackpot and finally got it to find that it didn't get ticked off. Only thing I can think of is that it awarded the replay at the same point. Perhaps farsight tie the achievements to notifes in the...
  15. P

    Mosh pit super jackpot help

    Hey, * Anyone got any tips for this? Mostly about making it easier to start I guess? * I'm finding I spend ages trying to activate it and then get 5 or so ramp shots before losing the balls and having to spend ages to restart it (after a reset naturally). * My tactics for hitting the spinner are...

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