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  1. C

    Better Tournament notification

    Can we have maybe a banner when you open up the pinball arcade telling us a tournament has started. I missed the last one, I'm not always on Facebook and the message can get gobbled up in the timeline.
  2. C

    C'Mon Fairsight, more care needed.

    Just got the World Tour on iOS. 1st game - Camera zooms out during multi ball and unable to flip. 2nd game - Ball flies off the table. 3rd game - ball gets stuck on the wheel. Unable to complete my first three games. 😩
  3. C

    Bug Gladiators instructions are Big Hurts instead

    As title, iPad Air 2 running latest updates
  4. C

    Eight ball delux is up, but I can't access most of my tables again

    I'm having enough of this now, got eight ball delux, but most of my tables are now locked and wants me to buy them's Friday and I know it will get sorted but was hoping to play my tables this weekend....not impressed
  5. C

    Bug Tournament -Medieval Madness jitters

    I'm really struggling with Medieval Madness on my iPad Air 2, the game is stuttering causing me to lose balls all the time, I'm pretty much getting fed up with this now, nothing more frustrating when you've got a good score in tournament mode to lose 2 off your balls through this....anyone else...
  6. C

    Bug Twighlight Zone will not download for me

    Another bug from the new interface. Because I've had to reinstall the game and download all owned games again, I can't download TZ, the download gets to about 1/3 and then stalls.
  7. C

    Bug CV game crashes after scoring local high score

    Twice this has happened to me now, score my highest score on CV, enter my intials then then the game goes to scanning over the table without updating the score to the servers. The only way to exit the screen is by closing the app. Bloody frustrating as I've been trying for a couple of weeks now...
  8. C

    Hi score not recording

    I increased my high score on CV yesterday on my IOS IPad and even though the high score has registered it hasn't been updated to the servers, has anyone else had this problem?. It has been the first high score I've toppled since the problems last month when I updated and lost most of my tables...
  9. C

    Bug Black Rose, not registering high score after intials

    I've been unable to enter a high score for a while now on Black Rose, after entering intials for high score it then restarts the game as you enter intials for most boats sunk. The game then freezes forcing you to close down the app.
  10. C

    Bug Leaderboards not registering my scores (shows a big fat zero)

    Hi, on the friends tab on the leaderboards all my scores are registered but on all the tables on the my score/overall tab a big 0 is registered on every table. I've logged out and back in, restored saved data and all that jazz, but nothing changes
  11. C

    Hall of fame score don't add up

    [/url] post img[/IMG] upload pics As you can see my score don't add up, I've tried reinstalling app, logging out, and everything in options but still the score will not sync the same
  12. C

    Game crashes when posting scores on Frankstein

    Anyone else having this problem, game crashes whilst posting score on the latest Frankstein table, updates the high score on table but doesn't record score on online leaderboard. Works fine on all my other tables. Deleted and reinstalled game. I'm on latest iOS and on iPad Air 2
  13. C

    360 Tournament

    I'm going to set up a tournament for the 360. The format will be 3 tables over a period of 1 week. I will add the first 20 players to my friends list who post their game tag user name. Points will be awarded from 20pts for a first place to 1pt for a last place. The bottom three will be taken out...
  14. C

    Glitches (or whatever it's called)

    Does anyone else have these small glitches that occur every now and again. It just freezes the screen for a mini second or so, but is enough to throw you off your shot. It's pretty frustrating as I've lost some good scores through this. Is this common and is there anything I can do to try and...
  15. C

    It's here

    Playing the new tables
  16. C

    Holiday tournament, Black Rose Glitch

    Can't register a score on black rose most of the time, wants me to enter my initials, then after that another game starts with the clock counting down from where it left off and the score not registering, bloody nuisance
  17. C

    Help needed, why can't I run Pinball on my laptop

    This is driving me crazy, I suppose I'm new to the world if gaming on PC, I just can't get Pinball Arcade running on my laptop. I've done a hard reset or whatever it's called back to factory settings as since I got my iphone my laptop become pretty redundant apart from playing my iTunes. Now the...
  18. C

    Help needed for dummie on PC

    As a XBOX user who is just about giving up on DLC , I thought I'd try pinball arcade through Steam. Now my laptop seemed to have all the requirements needed to run Pinball Arcade and I closed any other programmes running but the game is running at snails pace. My next option then was to dig out...
  19. C

    Lost my scores on all tables

    What's Happened?, lost all my scores on the tables, still got my scores on the leaderboard, but my top 5 scores and goals have vanished. Any help would be much appreciated.
  20. C

    Login Problems on IPHONE

    can anyone suggest what i should do. Everytime i click login it crashes and goes back to my iphone main menu, ive deleted the app, reinstalled it twice, created a new account through my wifes email and still i encounter the same problem. any suggestions please.

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