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    Steam ID thread (FX3)

    ok.Tuskak - Xanija - shutyertrap - EldarOfSuburbia / marrax - Pinballwiz45b -...
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    What table/season should I buy?

    I see, so "Season 8" will probably just be a pack of Stern tables that weren't in the other TPA seasons? If that is the case it's probably worth it to buy Ghostbusters along with Season 7 rather than individually later. Thanks.
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    What table/season should I buy?

    I am trying to decide which tables to buy from Seasons 6 and 7 (I own all the rest). I am leaning toward buying all of Season 7 since it contains many WMS tables and also includes Ghostbusters, but it concerns me when Farsight says in their announcement that "Season 8 will launch later this...
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    Bug Standard Goal Xenon Bonus 20,000 not awarded

    Same for me on Steam, thought I was doing something wrong but apparently not!
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    PC - Request Can we upgrade the textures?

    I agree, this really needs to be fixed!
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    Request Steam Leaderboards

    Friend leaderboards of some kind are badly needed! Why leave the option in if it doesn't work at all? Farsight continues to baffle me with their choices.
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    PC - Request Friend leaderboards?

    Add friends? Is there a way to add friends on the PC leaderboards? I cannot figure out a way to do this and really want to be able to view my friends' scores.
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    Back up your scores/goals

    This worked great for me, but I had to copy all of the files in Private Documents in order for everything to transfer back to the game.
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    Contact Valve To Request The Pinball Arcade On Steam...DIRECT LINK ENCLOSED!

    Message sent. Thanks for the link! Here's hoping they listen to all of us.
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    PC Release news

    This PC delay (if it is indeed true) has totally burst my bubble of enthusiasm for the game. I've been playing the iOS versions just waiting till the end of march for a REAL version of this great game. I don't have an Xbox or PS3, I'm a PC gamer, so all of the other versions in the world do me...
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    Your favorite device/platform?

    PC for all of the tables I want to play, iOS for the few I want to take with me.
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    Request Pinball Audits & Settings

    A very good idea and hopefully something they will consider for future updates!
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    New Material From FarSight Coming Soon

    That's really sad if true. I'm looking more forward to the PC version than anything else! Besides, who releases a Mac version of a game before PC?
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    Bug Missing Sound FX?

    Muting is a good idea, I'll give that a try the next time it happens.
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    Request Credit Tracking

    I agree, credits should be tracked and used for buy-in's.
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    Bug Nudging does not work correctly

    I cannot get nudging to work properly or at all most of the time. This is my #1 complaint with the game! Shake nudging does absolutely nothing on my iOS 5 device. Touch nudging *occasionally* works but very rarely can I get it to work when I need it to save a ball. Since this is an absolutely...
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    What are your most-wanted tables?

    Twilight Zone Star Trek: TNG The Addams Family T2 Attack From Mars Lethal Weapon 3 (nostalgia :))
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    Pre-selecting illusions

    Agreed, this needs to be fixed. It also says in the instructions that if you hold the left flipper before you press the start button you'll get digital pinball on your first visit to the basement, which doesn't work. Also the DMD will show the buy-in high scores even though there's no way to buy...
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    Bug Missing Sound FX?

    I have the opposite issue, sometimes the table will continue to play the intro music during the game along with the other sound effects and music! Once it happens there's no way to stop it unless I exit out of the table. This is on a 4th gen iPod Touch.

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