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  1. Toolinit

    Ha....I just now saw this message from you about the tournament back in April. I can't remember...

    Ha....I just now saw this message from you about the tournament back in April. I can't remember exactly, but I think the key is Total Annihilation & maybe stacking martian attack with it?
  2. Toolinit

    [SPA] The iOS Version Looks Terrible

    Bummer on No Landscape...I won't be playing or purchasing SPA tables until they get that worked out...You may be interested to know that all of my scores came from an iPhone 4s until October 2015, when I upgraded to iPhone 6s+... Landscape Mode/Touch Scheme B or E (sometimes with invert nudge...
  3. Toolinit

    [SPA] The iOS Version Looks Terrible

    Slam23 I have only played a few games on the free tables, but I can confirm the weird leaderboard posting you mentioned. My biggest gripe is the lack of a landscape view option (Is there one?). I play exclusively on an iPhone, and the current touch screen schemes are extremely difficult to...
  4. Toolinit

    Bug Already finding issues

    Thanks for the quick action on that leaderboard fix! <Standing Slow Clap>
  5. Toolinit

    Bug Already finding issues

    Wrong thread for EBD & Big Hurt leaderboard issues on iOS, but since I'm here: FlippyFloppy My high scores for those two tables are: EBD: 19,554,630 Big Hurt: 78,614,962,840 Hopefully they can be retrieved from the database...flip on folks!
  6. Toolinit

    Has TPA stopped working?

    New high scores on WHO Dunnit? did not post to the leaderboards for me today or yesterday...It's always something.
  7. Toolinit

    Bug Hall of Fame points are not registering correctly on multiple tables

    Sounds good...Hopefully we can finally get this bug cleaned up! Cheers!
  8. Toolinit

    Bug App crashes after achieving high high score not posted to leaderboard

    Same here, Slam23 .... I had a 64M game that crashed after entering initials & remote backup is now crashing .... So this means I have shelved the latest new table from TPA because I can't post high scores to the POTO leaderboard .... very frustrating .... farsight needs to clean up some of...
  9. Toolinit

    Bug App crashes after achieving high high score not posted to leaderboard

    I'll give these suggestions a try...still, it's a bug...very frustrating
  10. Toolinit

    Bug App crashes after achieving high high score not posted to leaderboard

    Originally from Gus: Device/OS: iPad 4 on iOS 7.1.2 Bug Description: Highscore on Phantom of the Opera crashes the game after entering initials. Score does not get saved to leaderboards either Steps to reproduce: Get a highscore on POTO Frequency: 100% I think - I'm 3 for 3 so far on...
  11. Toolinit

    Bug TPA v4.1.1 for iOS

    Same here...100%
  12. Toolinit

    Bug Diner rollover 100m

    Here's an updated list of tables with the same issue:
  13. Toolinit

    Bug Hall of Fame points not awarded correctly
  14. Toolinit

    Bug Hall of Fame points are not registering correctly on multiple tables

    Here's a list of tables exhibiting the so called rollover conundrum with regard to hall of fame points: (There may be other tables with this issue...These are confirmed by myself & other posts) Bram Stoker's Dracula Hall of Fame Target Score: 8,000,000,000 Rollover Limit: 10,000,000,000...
  15. Toolinit

    Bug Hall of Fame points are not registering correctly on multiple tables

    Bug confirmed by other players for Diner (and Class of 1812, evidently):
  16. Toolinit

    Bug Diner rollover 100m

    I've noticed this issue on numerous tables:
  17. Toolinit

    Bug Hall of Fame points are not registering correctly on multiple tables

    Bram Stoker's Dracula is exhibiting the same behavior with regard to Hall of Fame points and the table rollover limit: I posted 5,350,241,670 for 668 Hall of Fame points; which is correct for a target score of 8,000,000,000 for 1,000 Hall of Fame points...Then, my next best game was...
  18. Toolinit

    Bug Ripley's games are ending prematurely

    Thanks kinggo & vikingerik....I'll give the tilt workaround a shot....I get so frustrated with these bugs!
  19. Toolinit

    Bug Ripley's games are ending prematurely

    Ripley's games are ending prematurely. I have played multiple games where I've acquired numerous extra balls, and the game just ends when I drain on, say ball 2 or 3. It sends me to the screen that says, "You posted the high score, would you like to share on Facebook...." It seems to happen...
  20. Toolinit

    Bug Hall of Fame points are not registering correctly on multiple tables

    So if you do the math: 1,000 / Target Score = Hall of Fame points awarded (x) / High Score Example using White Water info above...Solve for (x): 1,000 / 16,000,000,000 = (x) / 10,374,560,810 Cross multiply to get: 10,374,560,810,000 = 16,000,000,000 (x) Divide both sides by...

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