Request Day/Night modes for all tables


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
Day and Night modes are a must to get full enjoyment out of all tables. Playing tables in a well lit room (Day mode) allows the player to enjoy the artwork and design of the table. Playing tables in a dim or dark room (Night mode) allows the player to enjoy the beauty and light show the table has to offer. Without one or the other, you're only getting half the experience.

Nik Barbour

Day and Night modes are a must to get full enjoyment out of all tables. Playing tables in a well lit room (Day mode) allows the player to enjoy the artwork and design of the table. Playing tables in a dim or dark room (Night mode) allows the player to enjoy the beauty and light show the table has to offer. Without one or the other, you're only getting half the experience.

Sounds like a great idea!


New member
Feb 21, 2012
It would be great for the tables they have now but will be absolutely manatory when they bring out the stunning lightshows that re Black Knight 2000 and Attack from Mars.

Gord Lacey

Site Founder
Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
If a night mode means a lot more work for FarSight, how many people would be willing to pay extra for the mode?


New member
Feb 25, 2012
If I am not mistaken, Farsight stated that the issue with day/night modes is that it would involve two completely different sets of textures thereby increasing the file size. For a download only game this is a pretty important issue. Dynamic lighting may be an option but that would most certainly require more cpu resources. I for one am not willing to sacrifice fps or stability for prettier visuals.

The console/pc versions may incorporate a day/night option but I doubt we will see this on mobile devices.
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Nik Barbour

I have a night mode on my phone, which takes all the heat out of the colours, and replaces a bright colour with a softer less blinding one, when looking at the screen in pitch blackness.
in a wierd way it kinda works with the screen brightness down!

Ryan Routon

FarSight Employee
Feb 24, 2012
ND3G is right, since we cannot use lighting methods on mobile devices due to performance it would have to be texture swaps, which would make the asset packets a bit larger than we would like.

Daniel Osborne

New member
Feb 28, 2012
I first suggested this a while back. I think the main issue apart from file size, is the fact that pinball arcade is 'just bright looking graphics ', while in no way do I mean this in a derogatory context, without any kind of dynamic lighting its pretty much impossible. If the main game is the bulk of the code and is the main file on which the size limit is placed upon, then would be possible to release some kind of dynamic day and night mode? 240 points each, or both for 400? I'd buy it. It's an option, and wouldn't piss too many folks off, you either have it, or not. It wouldn't make any difference to the game as a whole for the casual player.

Jan Duin

New member
Feb 20, 2012
Night mode would be a cool Wizard goal unlockable imo.. In any case the new screenshots look fantastic!

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