Gameprom - Pinball HD The Deep


May 19, 2012
"You have got the mission." This is one of my favorite Gameprom tables. I liked the original version more; the updated version introduced some weird physics and graphic quirks. But I remember how stunned I was when I first played this table. The fresnel-lens-like ramp is visually mesmerizing. The game objectives, while simple, are difficult to complete all the way through. It's typical early Gameprom: hit the bell at the upper left to start the mission, then follow the flashing arrows. There are some arrows, though, that have really tricky placement. After all the years I've been playing this, I've managed to complete all four missions only once.

I think one of the things that keeps me coming back to this game is the music, which has a sort of Thomas Dolby vibe to it. The voiceovers are entertaining. The theming on the table is really well done. Like Da Vinci, playing this table can be relaxing in a sort of trance-like way.

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