New Material From FarSight Coming Soon


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
This was posted earlier by FarSight on their Pinball Arcade Facebook wall:

The Pinball Arcade Sorry, we've been hard at work getting the Xbox 360, PlayStation3, and Vita versions into submission, as well as finishing the Mac version and manning the kiosk in Barcelona. We're exhausted! But we'll try to release some new material in the next week.

Can't wait to see what they have in store for us...

Craig Booth

New member
Feb 28, 2012
Hopefully new tables. It would make business sense to release on the handheld versions first, like they already have, as people are more likely to purchase on the phones/tablets and then on consoles/PC, instead of waiting 6 week for the later versions. It's quite possible I would have only bought the PC version, if all versions were released at the same time and not the Android version also. They are also keeping the game in the limelight more and longer with staggering the dates. Clever stuff by Farsight and I don't blame them if this was there intention. Although I can understand staggering the dates makes it's easier and less stressful if they did release all versions at the same time, being a small team.

Personally I do like playing on a tablet, and glad I bought on Android, and will purchase all the tables on PC and Android in future. It would be nice also to play mobile and then PC if they don't release new tables at the same time on all formats, like a double release within 1 month :)

Patrick McBride

New member
Feb 20, 2012
I think they're referring to "new material" as new videos, screenshots or info... not that they'll be releasing tables. Also, it kinda worries me that they mentioned EVERY platform is being finished up EXCEPT the PC :confused:

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
I think they're referring to "new material" as new videos, screenshots or info... not that they'll be releasing tables. Also, it kinda worries me that they mentioned EVERY platform is being finished up EXCEPT the PC :confused:

Same here. Now I'm worried about the PC version too. Hopefully it's not delayed....


New member
Feb 28, 2012
I think they're referring to "new material" as new videos, screenshots or info... not that they'll be releasing tables. Also, it kinda worries me that they mentioned EVERY platform is being finished up EXCEPT the PC :confused:
What about the 3DS? No mention of that too, and those two versions are the ones I want :/

Craig Booth

New member
Feb 28, 2012
Same here. Now I'm worried about the PC version too. Hopefully it's not delayed....

Reading between the lines with there recent FB posts, the PC version won't be coming end of this month. They reply to other posts about the release of the Mac and consoles version by saying they are on track for this month. When asked about the PC version, they say it's in the pipeline. Were as previously they would say it's due end of March.

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
Reading between the lines with there recent FB posts, the PC version won't be coming end of this month. They reply to other posts about the release of the Mac and consoles version by saying they are on track for this month. When asked about the PC version, they say it's in the pipeline. Were as previously they would say it's due end of March.

That's unfortunate, but looking at the potential bright side, hopefully it means they're working on putting in some of the extra goodies that us PC guys have been asking for........however, worst case scenario: they've put the PC version on the back burner because they're too busy finishing up the other versions :(


New member
Feb 25, 2012
I already bought all the tables for my iphone and android tablet, if the PC version is delayed I will have to buy them for 360 too. Farsight is going to make a mint! I don't mind though, anything to support this fantastic project.

Ben Thebear

New member
Feb 22, 2012
Reading between the lines with there recent FB posts, the PC version won't be coming end of this month. They reply to other posts about the release of the Mac and consoles version by saying they are on track for this month. When asked about the PC version, they say it's in the pipeline. Were as previously they would say it's due end of March.

That's really sad if true. I'm looking more forward to the PC version than anything else! Besides, who releases a Mac version of a game before PC?


New member
Feb 21, 2012
It's not totally a letdown if its not dlc. No new pics or vids for a while so anything would be nice.


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
It's not totally a letdown if its not dlc. No new pics or vids for a while so anything would be nice.

I agree...just need a little something to raise the excitement level going into the official launch that's just under 4 weeks away.

Nik Barbour

I was only going to buy Android at first, but have changed my mind now and want it for the PC also!

Tony C

New member
Feb 20, 2012
From a compatibility standpoint, it has to be easier to develop of Apple products than others since their hardware is all the same except in a MacPro. The same issues came up with Android vs. iPhone. There are so many different manufacturers using so many different chipsets and video cards, it's almost impossible to work all of the issues out.

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
From a compatibility standpoint, it has to be easier to develop of Apple products than others since their hardware is all the same except in a MacPro. The same issues came up with Android vs. iPhone. There are so many different manufacturers using so many different chipsets and video cards, it's almost impossible to work all of the issues out.

Yeah, with PC they'll probably need to have graphic detail settings, where people with older systems can turn off some of the eye candy to get a smoother frame rate. It'll take more work to add that in though, and actually that would probably be a nice feature to have on Android as well.
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Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
If the problem on the PC side is indeed distribution, particularly Steam, then it makes perfect sense that it might come out for the Mac first. The Mac App Store makes that problem disappear.

True. We didn't know about the Steam issue when I posted that :/

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