What shows are you watching?

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
What shows are you watching lately? I need some new stuff to watch. Really enjoying Boardwalk Empire, but I'm almost caught up with it. This season of Homeland has been alright as well. What else is good right now?


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
I really like Gotham. If you are into the Batman mythology.

I've also been watching Constantine. But the episodes are inconsistent, some good and some bad. According to sources the show is not going to be renewed.


Active member
Jul 21, 2012
We've been totally immersed in 4 whole seasons of the Walking Dead the last 2 months. Neither of us are anywhere near being a zombie fan, so this was a chance we took on the great quality of Breaking Bad (another AMC product) and the positive reviews we saw. Because the series was already going from 2010, we could binge-watch it. The gore level has been pretty high sometimes for our taste, but the human drama and fascinating context in which it takes place are what kept our interest piqued. Also the fact that on any given time some major character can croak has kept the suspense level enjoyably high, as was the case with Game of Thrones, another favorite. Just before the Walking Dead we were watching "the Leftovers", also fascinating, don't know if they can sustain through later seasons, but sure will watch some more of that when season 2 comes.


New member
Feb 8, 2014
My wife got me into Brooklyn 99, and it's really funny. It helps it's on right after The Simpsons on Sunday evenings which we all watch anyway.

Other than that... nothing nada, I hate playing catch up so I've not tried to get into Gotham or any of the other new shows this year.


New member
Apr 11, 2012
I watched one episode of stupid boring Downton Abbey with my wife a few weeks ago. Then I somehow managed to get addicted to it and watched every episode. :p

The best show I have seen for a while was Fargo. Billy Bob is a genius.


New member
Sep 22, 2013
American Horror Story. Awesome show, all seasons are good....as someone here can attest to.

I would like to watch Gotham, but don't have the time. I loved Smallville(it is a little teen angsty), but I'm kind of a Superman junkie.


New member
Dec 19, 2012
Hi Jeff, here are five things you may not to watch from my DVR.

1. I'm no Angel - 1933 - Mae West, Cary Grant
2. Metropolis - 2010 Restored Version - Alfred Abel, Gustav Froelich
3. Dr. Strangelove - 1963 broadcast in 1080p 16:9 ratio - Peter Sellers, George C. Scott
4. The Philadelphia Store - 1940 - Cary Grant, Jimmy Stewart, Katherine Hepburn
5. The 7th Voyage of Sinbad- 1958 - Ray Harryhausen and cast

Then I might be wrong, Jeff.
Thanks for this thread, Jeff. You gave me a chance to let people to get a glimpse of who I am.


May 10, 2013
Bought the iTunes pass for Walking Dead after a couple of seasons of trying to avoid spoilers while waiting months and months for it to start streaming on Netflix. Totally frustrating not being able to watch all of them at once, tho. Now I find myself staying up until 12:30/1 a.m. waiting for that night’s episode to appear on iTunes. I’m really digging this season, definitely on an upswing.

My wife got hooked on Supernatural a while back and has dragged me through 8 (count them, 8!) seasons over the course of a few months, so I haven’t seen much else. I can recommend most of it, although there were a couple of season storylines that fizzled for me and a few episodes that were not good at all. When it’s good, it’s really good. When it’s not good, it’s disappointing because the high points are so entertaining.

Peaky Blinders! Extremely good show on Netflix and there are only 12 episodes, so it’s not such a daunting commitment.


New member
Apr 27, 2012
My wife and I discovered Sons of Anarchy after the third season and watched the first three seasons during one month. We've been watching it the same week it air ever since and now we're just about to the series end. I like it almost as much as Walking Dead and Mad Men but my wife won't watch Walking Dead with me. I'm not usually into scary shows and movies. I have to watch Walking Dead during the day. Too scary to watch at night! :D


New member
Mar 14, 2013
It's always sunny in Philadelphia. Specifically the special features. The commentaries crack me up. For season 5 they even get dr Phil to help comment on 'the gang give frank an intervention'. And Ive had season 8 for a while but I just recently discovered an extra that had me rolling on the floor. It's a fake sitcom with Mac and Charlie's moms called Lady House. Reminded me a lot of the sitcom scene in Natural born killers. The gag reels are the best though. How they got through some of those scenes is beyond me.

Captain B. Zarre

New member
Apr 16, 2013
I've been watching a show called Megas XLR as of late. It's basically an anime type show that affectionately parodies the "giant robot" animations that used to be prominent in Japan animation. It's very funny and I'm surprised not many people know about it.

I have also been watching Steven Universe, one of the only good cartoons that I've watched so far. Yes it's THAT good. Unlike Megas XLR it seems to be getting quite a lot of attention.

Finally, because I have an interest in Pokemon, I started watching the anime. I started with Diamond and Pearl because it's the generation I have the most nostalgia for (first RPG games I ever played) but it may be the only series of the anime I watch. If the new series does something related to Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire I may check that out but for now I'm sticking to one series.

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
Shameless is back on!

Also started watching Peaky Blinders on Netflix. Not bad so far.


New member
Jan 1, 2015
Actually, I´m in the mood for western-series. After watching Deadwood (3 seasons on x-mas-holidays), I´m in the 3rd season of "Hell on wheels". Both great western-shows, highly recommended. But Deadwood is a bit more thrilling.

In the summer holidays, I watched the whole Sopranos and Battlestar Gallactica series, both oustanding.

"There must be some way out of here, said the joker to the thief!"
So say we all!

P.S. Gandolfini, I miss you, old Tony.


Active member
Feb 9, 2014
while there is a ton of junk and reality craps on TV, all thy hyperproductions brings also some good stuf. From this side of the pond....
Bron/Broen...... far better than american version
Forbrydelsen.... known as The Killing there. American version was as good as the original one. Seasons 2 and 3 are different stories than US version so take a look.
The Missing
In The Flesh....... a bit different zombie story
The Fall
Last Tango in Halifax
The Good Wife
The Wrong Mans
Unsere Mütter, unsere Väter........ just 3 episode mini series about WWII

And american shows........
Person of Interest
Top of the Lake
The Knick
The Affair
The Leftovers
True Detective
The Blacklist........... started as pretty boring but it is better now
Forever......... also much better than I expected. It is precedural but it is fun
Arrow and Flash if you are into comics
Penny Dreadful
The Americans

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