CONTEST: Predict Season 5 & Table Packs 39 & 40!


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
I predict I will have zero points by the end of this contest!

I ping people in bulk now and then for TotM. It's only bad form if you do it a bunch. One note, you need to 'edit' your list over and over until all the names are highlighted for pinging. Seems it will only do a few each time you re-submit. So just select edit, then save, and you'll notice more names get highlighted in blue, meaning success.


New member
May 4, 2012
I noted that all the usernames didn't get links, but wasn't sure what to do, so thanks SYT!

David T. Melnick

New member
Jul 23, 2014
I have no idea how many more seasons there will be, but I'd be excited about at least 100 more seasons, and I'm not exaggerating even a tiny bit, as I'm sure there are at least 1,000 tables I'd like to play. :) Also, if I saw 100 more seasons, it would mean I would live about 80 more years. Which is pretty good, though I'd like to see the year 2100. Pinball will still exist then of course, and TPA as well, but the way you will play TPA is to tell your robot you'd like to purchase Season 105, and your robot will then order the parts from the hardware store, drones will drop the parts in your backyard, and your robot will build the actual machines for you. Excelsior!
robots building....makes me think of Isaac Asimov's books. :D:cool:


New member
May 4, 2012
Here's a score update! Extork and I are tied for first, both of us getting three of four exactly right since the RS freebie. Five people picked F-14 as Table Pack #42, and five people picked Frankenstein as #43. Seven people picked all of RS, SC, HS2, F-14, and Frank. Several pickers are just behind us. This game is too easy! Maybe easier than HS2?

It's gonna get trickier now, though, at least I think so... the easy ones are done and it's into guessing mode. Of the top six predictors, more than one picked Paragon, Hurricane, TSPP, Mousin' Around, Catacomb, Shadow, Banzai Run, Stargate, Last Action Hero, and EBD. So maybe that's a short list of good guesses for #44?

Here are the full results so far:

 70 Extork                    | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] R911 [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Frank[/COLOR][/B] Shadow BzRun TSPP EBD MousinA JD [B][COLOR=red]SC
[/COLOR][/B] 70 invitro                   | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] Paragon [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Frank[/COLOR][/B] Comet WipeOut [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B] CacJack Hurr BadCats TSPP
 68 CC13                      | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] Starg [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] Catacomb [B][COLOR=red]Frank[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B] TimeMach TSPP BigGuns Breakshot Seawitch
 66 EldarOfSuburbia           | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] Paragon [B][COLOR=red]Frank[/COLOR][/B] BoneBust [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] Hurr GameShow PMagic SoF TSPP
 65 switch3flip               | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] LAH [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] MousinA JMn Paragon [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Frank[/COLOR][/B] R911 TSPP Shadow
 65 Captain B. Zarre          | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] EBD [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] Catacomb [B][COLOR=red]Frank[/COLOR][/B] BzRun LAH MousinA Starg [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B] Paragon
 61 Gorgar                    | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] BzRun LAH BoneBust [B][COLOR=red]Frank[/COLOR][/B] EBD [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] Paragon MousinA [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] Sorc
 57 lettuce                   | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] MousinA [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Frank[/COLOR][/B] TftC [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] So76 Starg TSPP TXS JD Paragon
 55 heberts811                | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] CacJack [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] BoneBust LAH RCT [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B] Paragon Hurr TimeMach BzRun
 54 weirdproq                 | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] R911 [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Frank[/COLOR][/B] BoneBust [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B] NF EBD TSPP Simpsons WCS JMn
 53 NateisGreat88             | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] JokPok [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B] BzRun [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] Congo Shadow Quicksilver TimeMach DM TSPP
 53 David Pannozzo            | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] R911 [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] BoneBust TftC [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B] MousinA LAH TSPP Paragon Starg
 53 jbejarano                 | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] EBD TftC Paragon [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B] Rollerg TSPP BzRun Flash MousinA
 52 Gus                       | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] JMn TftC BoneBust [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] EBD Paragon Gill SpStat MousinA [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B]
 51 Locksley                  | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] Paragon [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] JMn WPT Shadow Corv [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] TSPP SpStat [B][COLOR=red]Frank[/COLOR][/B] MousinA
 51 Dedpop                    | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] Starg [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] BzRun BoneBust [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B] EBD LAH [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] Hurr MousinA Paragon
 51 chinzman93                | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] Paragon [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] SpStat TftC EBD Shadow [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] JD MousinA [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B] TSPP
 51 pedersonsx                | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] JD [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] TftC Sorc [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] SoF [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B] EBD TSPP MousinA Hurr
 50 Medieval_Gofers           | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] BzRun [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B] BoneBust Freddy MousinA JMn [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] Paragon TSPP TimeMach
 50 MDUDE3st                  | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] So76 [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] TftC Freddy BzRun [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B] TSPP SoF EBD [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] WCS
 50 drdrey                    | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] EBD [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] TftC Catacomb LAH [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] BadCats TSPP Paragon TXS [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B]
 44 ER777                     | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] Paragon [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] TftC EBD Corv JMn SoF Starg BzRun JD
 43 Kolchak357                | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] TXS [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] BoneBust TftC [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] LAH Paragon JD MousinA Shadow Fireball
 42 dave950lam                | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] So76 [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] Paragon BoneBust Freddy [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] TMNT TSPP EBD Fireball JMn
 42 MisterVercetti            | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] So76 [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] MousinA SnS TSPP [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] SpStat BzRun DM Stars Paragon
 42 Nightwing                 | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] EBD [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] Starg BoneBust Shadow [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] TSPP BzRun Paragon JMn Hurr
 40 masterthes                | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] So76 [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] Paragon Freddy MousinA Hurr EBD TSPP [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] Shadow SPark
 40 Shulk                     | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] BzRun Paragon I500 So76 SpStat [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] TSPP MousinA EBD WCS
 40 pahumaran                 | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] Starg [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] Shadow TftC Paragon [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B] TSPP JMn JD R911 JMn
 39 IGoFirstIndy              | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] LAH BoneBust TftC Paragon [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] SoF TSPP BzRun Hurr Tommy
 28 Kratos3                   | EBD [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] Freddy Paragon R911 TSPP Fireball Radical SoF JD Shadow
 15 David T. Melnick          | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] So76 SWE1 LAH Sorc TftC WCS JP Fireball Spirit Aquarius Sinbad
  0 xray23                    | Paragon Algar Sorc STrek13 Flash Meteor Defender Barracora Quicksilver Embryon SInv TWD
  0 shutyertrap               | SJam BBB Metallica Fireball Orbitor1 NBAF Breakshot GNR Flint Genesis WizBlks AC/DC

PING! @invitro @Extork @CC13 @EldarOfSuburbia @switch3flip @Captain B. Zarre @Gorgar @lettuce @heberts811 @weirdproq @NateisGreat88 @David Pannozzo @jbejarano @Gus @Locksley @Dedpop @chinzman93 @pedersonsx @Medieval_Gofers @MDUDE3st @drdrey @ER777 @Kolchak357 @dave950lam @MisterVercetti @Nightwing @masterthes @Shulk @pahumaran @IGoFirstIndy @Kratos3 @David T. Melnick @xray23 @shutyertrap
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Jan 30, 2013
Cool I'm still in the running to become TPA forums next top oracle. But couldn't foresee when halloween was lol. It'll be interesting is farsight release a double table pack with 1 EM and 1 SS. Nobody saw that coming :)


New member
May 26, 2015
Since it's been a few months and it looks like this thread's dying, I'll try to keep this thing alive. Sorry if I'm crossing any boundaries, invitro, but I figured you didn't want this thing dying any more than the rest of us.

First things first; man, I'm sucking at this contest. Haven't gotten any of the past three. Perchance me luck shall improve, but it's seeming doubtful.

In more interesting news, there was only ONE correct guess for NF! Truly it was an oddball table that apparently nobody but weirdproq saw coming... and only one table off, to boot! Well done!

JD got quite a few more guesses, though, with a grand total of eight, though nobody guessed it at #45 (the closest guess was #47). With that, Extork takes the definitive lead being the only top-Sixer to guess it. Being in the middle of the road also means that more bonus points are getting handed out... only two JD guesses were too far off for a bonus. Bonus points being distributed left and right meant that some of the Top-Sixers even wound up getting knocked out!

As predicted, things are indeed getting quite tougher... NF and JD had the two lowest numbers of correct guesses so far in the contest (to compare, Frank was the next lowest, and it had ten). With the releases becoming more and more unpredictable, how will this influence the contest? Will Extork maintain the lead, or will a true out-of-left-fielder shake everything up? Say tuned to find out!


 81 Extork                    | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] R911 [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Frank[/COLOR][/B] Shadow BzRun TSPP EBD MousinA [B][COLOR=red]JD[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]SC
[/COLOR][/B] 70 invitro                   | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] Paragon [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Frank[/COLOR][/B] Comet WipeOut [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B] CacJack Hurr BadCats TSPP
 68 CC13                      | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] Starg [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] Catacomb [B][COLOR=red]Frank[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B] TimeMach TSPP BigGuns Breakshot Seawitch
 68 lettuce                   | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] MousinA [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Frank[/COLOR][/B] TftC [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] So76 Starg TSPP TXS [B][COLOR=red]JD[/COLOR][/B] Paragon
 68 weirdproq                 | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] R911 [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Frank[/COLOR][/B] BoneBust [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]NF[/COLOR][/B] EBD TSPP Simpsons WCS JMn
 66 EldarOfSuburbia           | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] Paragon [B][COLOR=red]Frank[/COLOR][/B] BoneBust [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] Hurr GameShow PMagic SoF TSPP
 65 switch3flip               | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] LAH [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] MousinA JMn Paragon [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Frank[/COLOR][/B] R911 TSPP Shadow
 65 Captain B. Zarre          | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] EBD [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] Catacomb [B][COLOR=red]Frank[/COLOR][/B] BzRun LAH MousinA Starg [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B] Paragon
 64 chinzman93                | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] Paragon [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] SpStat TftC EBD Shadow [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]JD[/COLOR][/B] MousinA [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B] TSPP
 61 Gorgar                    | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] BzRun LAH BoneBust [B][COLOR=red]Frank[/COLOR][/B] EBD [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] Paragon MousinA [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] Sorc
 61 pedersonsx                | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]JD[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] TftC Sorc [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] SoF [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B] EBD TSPP MousinA Hurr
 56 Kolchak357                | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] TXS [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] BoneBust TftC [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] LAH Paragon [B][COLOR=red]JD[/COLOR][/B] MousinA Shadow Fireball
 55 heberts811                | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] CacJack [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] BoneBust LAH RCT [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B] Paragon Hurr TimeMach BzRun
 54 ER777                     | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] Paragon [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] TftC EBD Corv JMn SoF Starg BzRun [B][COLOR=red]JD[/COLOR][/B]
 53 NateisGreat88             | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] JokPok [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B] BzRun [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] Congo Shadow Quicksilver TimeMach DM TSPP
 53 David Pannozzo            | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] R911 [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] BoneBust TftC [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B] MousinA LAH TSPP Paragon Starg
 53 jbejarano                 | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] EBD TftC Paragon [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B] Rollerg TSPP BzRun Flash MousinA
 52 Gus                       | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] JMn TftC BoneBust [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] EBD Paragon Gill SpStat MousinA [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B]
 52 pahumaran                 | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] Starg [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] Shadow TftC Paragon [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B] TSPP JMn [B][COLOR=red]JD[/COLOR][/B] R911 JMn
 51 Locksley                  | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] Paragon [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] JMn WPT Shadow Corv [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] TSPP SpStat [B][COLOR=red]Frank[/COLOR][/B] MousinA
 51 Dedpop                    | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] Starg [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] BzRun BoneBust [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B] EBD LAH [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] Hurr MousinA Paragon
 50 Medieval_Gofers           | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] BzRun [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B] BoneBust Freddy MousinA JMn [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] Paragon TSPP TimeMach
 50 MDUDE3st                  | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] So76 [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] TftC Freddy BzRun [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B] TSPP SoF EBD [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] WCS
 50 drdrey                    | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] EBD [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] TftC Catacomb LAH [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] BadCats TSPP Paragon TXS [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B]
 42 dave950lam                | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] So76 [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] Paragon BoneBust Freddy [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] TMNT TSPP EBD Fireball JMn
 42 MisterVercetti            | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] So76 [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] MousinA SnS TSPP [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] SpStat BzRun DM Stars Paragon
 42 Nightwing                 | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] EBD [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] Starg BoneBust Shadow [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] TSPP BzRun Paragon JMn Hurr
 40 masterthes                | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] So76 [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] Paragon Freddy MousinA Hurr EBD TSPP [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] Shadow SPark
 40 Shulk                     | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] BzRun Paragon I500 So76 SpStat [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] TSPP MousinA EBD WCS
 39 IGoFirstIndy              | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] LAH BoneBust TftC Paragon [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] SoF TSPP BzRun Hurr Tommy
 39 Kratos3                   | EBD [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] Freddy Paragon R911 TSPP Fireball Radical SoF [B][COLOR=red]JD[/COLOR][/B] Shadow
 15 David T. Melnick          | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] So76 SWE1 LAH Sorc TftC WCS JP Fireball Spirit Aquarius Sinbad
  0 xray23                    | Paragon Algar Sorc STrek13 Flash Meteor Defender Barracora Quicksilver Embryon SInv TWD
  0 shutyertrap               | SJam BBB Metallica Fireball Orbitor1 NBAF Breakshot GNR Flint Genesis WizBlks AC/DC

PING! @invitro @Extork @CC13 @EldarOfSuburbia @switch3flip @Captain B. Zarre @Gorgar @lettuce @heberts811 @weirdproq @NateisGreat88 @David Pannozzo @jbejarano @Gus @Locksley @Dedpop @chinzman93 @pedersonsx @Medieval_Gofers @MDUDE3st @drdrey @ER777 @Kolchak357 @dave950lam @MisterVercetti @Nightwing @masterthes @Shulk @pahumaran @IGoFirstIndy @Kratos3 @David T. Melnick @xray23 @shutyertrap


New member
May 4, 2012
Since it's been a few months and it looks like this thread's dying, I'll try to keep this thing alive. Sorry if I'm crossing any boundaries, invitro, but I figured you didn't want this thing dying any more than the rest of us.
On the contrary, thank you very much for your update! I really appreciate it!

Here's an update with the Fireball/El Dorado table pack. I scored this by averaging their release position; this gives the ".5"'s in the scores below. This also lets you see the five people who picked Fireball. No one picked EDEM.
@Extork is sitting pretty in the #1 position, as he has the leaked R911, and only three tables are left in this contest (four table packs are left in Season 5), and IIRC, Farsight confirmed AGSB as one of those three. But if Hurricane comes soon as expected, but R911 doesn't for some reason, the contest could open up.

 81   Extork                    | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] R911 [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Frank[/COLOR][/B] Shadow BzRun TSPP EBD MousinA [B][COLOR=red]JD[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B]
 70   invitro                   | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] Paragon [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Frank[/COLOR][/B] Comet WipeOut [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B] CacJack Hurr BadCats TSPP
 68   weirdproq                 | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] R911 [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Frank[/COLOR][/B] BoneBust [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]NF[/COLOR][/B] EBD TSPP Simpsons WCS JMn
 68   lettuce                   | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] MousinA [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Frank[/COLOR][/B] TftC [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] So76 Starg TSPP TXS [B][COLOR=red]JD[/COLOR][/B] Paragon
 68   CC13                      | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] Starg [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] Catacomb [B][COLOR=red]Frank[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B] TimeMach TSPP BigGuns Breakshot Seawitch
 67.5 Kolchak357                | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] TXS [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] BoneBust TftC [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] LAH Paragon [B][COLOR=red]JD[/COLOR][/B] MousinA Shadow [B][COLOR=red]Fireball[/COLOR][/B]
 66   EldarOfSuburbia           | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] Paragon [B][COLOR=red]Frank[/COLOR][/B] BoneBust [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] Hurr GameShow PMagic SoF TSPP
 65   switch3flip               | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] LAH [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] MousinA JMn Paragon [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Frank[/COLOR][/B] R911 TSPP Shadow
 65   Captain B. Zarre          | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] EBD [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] Catacomb [B][COLOR=red]Frank[/COLOR][/B] BzRun LAH MousinA Starg [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B] Paragon
 64   chinzman93                | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] Paragon [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] SpStat TftC EBD Shadow [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]JD[/COLOR][/B] MousinA [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B] TSPP
 61   pedersonsx                | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]JD[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] TftC Sorc [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] SoF [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B] EBD TSPP MousinA Hurr
 61   Gorgar                    | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] BzRun LAH BoneBust [B][COLOR=red]Frank[/COLOR][/B] EBD [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] Paragon MousinA [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] Sorc
 55   heberts811                | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] CacJack [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] BoneBust LAH RCT [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B] Paragon Hurr TimeMach BzRun
 54.5 dave950lam                | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] So76 [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] Paragon BoneBust Freddy [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] TMNT TSPP EBD [B][COLOR=red]Fireball[/COLOR][/B] JMn
 54   ER777                     | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] Paragon [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] TftC EBD Corv JMn SoF Starg BzRun [B][COLOR=red]JD[/COLOR][/B]
 53.5 Kratos3                   | EBD [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] Freddy Paragon R911 TSPP [B][COLOR=red]Fireball[/COLOR][/B] Radical SoF [B][COLOR=red]JD[/COLOR][/B] Shadow
 53   jbejarano                 | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] EBD TftC Paragon [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B] Rollerg TSPP BzRun Flash MousinA
 53   David Pannozzo            | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] R911 [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] BoneBust TftC [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B] MousinA LAH TSPP Paragon Starg
 53   NateisGreat88             | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] JokPok [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B] BzRun [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] Congo Shadow Quicksilver TimeMach DM TSPP
 52   pahumaran                 | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] Starg [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] Shadow TftC Paragon [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B] TSPP JMn [B][COLOR=red]JD[/COLOR][/B] R911 JMn
 52   Gus                       | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] JMn TftC BoneBust [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] EBD Paragon Gill SpStat MousinA [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B]
 51   Locksley                  | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] Paragon [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] JMn WPT Shadow Corv [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] TSPP SpStat [B][COLOR=red]Frank[/COLOR][/B] MousinA
 51   Dedpop                    | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] Starg [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] BzRun BoneBust [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B] EBD LAH [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] Hurr MousinA Paragon
 50   Medieval_Gofers           | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] BzRun [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B] BoneBust Freddy MousinA JMn [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] Paragon TSPP TimeMach
 50   MDUDE3st                  | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] So76 [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] TftC Freddy BzRun [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B] TSPP SoF EBD [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] WCS
 50   drdrey                    | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] EBD [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] TftC Catacomb LAH [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] BadCats TSPP Paragon TXS [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B]
 42   Nightwing                 | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] EBD [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] Starg BoneBust Shadow [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] TSPP BzRun Paragon JMn Hurr
 42   MisterVercetti            | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] So76 [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] MousinA SnS TSPP [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] SpStat BzRun DM Stars Paragon
 40   masterthes                | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] So76 [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] Paragon Freddy MousinA Hurr EBD TSPP [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] Shadow SPark
 40   Shulk                     | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] BzRun Paragon I500 So76 SpStat [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] TSPP MousinA EBD WCS
 39   IGoFirstIndy              | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] LAH BoneBust TftC Paragon [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] SoF TSPP BzRun Hurr Tommy
 29.5 David T. Melnick          | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] So76 SWE1 LAH Sorc TftC WCS JP [B][COLOR=red]Fireball[/COLOR][/B] Spirit Aquarius Sinbad
 10.5 shutyertrap               | SJam BBB Metallica [B][COLOR=red]Fireball[/COLOR][/B] Orbitor1 NBAF Breakshot GNR Flint Genesis WizBlks AC/DC
  0   xray23                    | Paragon Algar Sorc STrek13 Flash Meteor Defender Barracora Quicksilver Embryon SInv TWD

Here's a recap of all picked tables and how many people picked them, with the actual released tables highlighted:
31 - Red & Ted's Road Show
30 - F-14 Tomcat
30 - The Getaway: High Speed II
26 - Paragon
24 - The Simpsons Pinball Party
20 - Safe Cracker
17 - Eight Ball Deluxe
17 - Mousin' Around
14 - Banzai Run
13 - Tales from the Crypt
12 - Bone Busters Inc.
10 - Frankenstein
10 - Johnny Mnemonic
10 - Last Action Hero
10 - Shadow
8 - Hurricane
8 - Judge Dredd
8 - Stargate
7 - Spirit of 76
6 - Rescue 911
6 - Swords of Fury
5 - Fireball
5 - Freddy A Nightmare on Elm Street
5 - Space Station
4 - Sorcerer
4 - Time Machine
4 - World Cup Soccer
3 - Catacomb
3 - TX-Sector
2 - Bad Cats
2 - Breakshot
2 - Cactus Jack's
2 - Corvette
2 - Demolition Man
2 - Flash
2 - Quicksilver
1 - AC/DC
1 - Algar
1 - Aquarius
1 - Barracora
1 - Big Bang Bar
1 - Big Guns
1 - Comet
1 - Congo
1 - Defender
1 - Embryon
1 - Flintstones
1 - Genesis
1 - Gilligan's Island
1 - Guns N' Roses
1 - Indianapolis 500
1 - Joker Poker
1 - Jurassic Park
1 - Metallica
1 - Meteor
1 - NBA Fastbreak
1 - No Fear: Dangerous Sports
1 - Orbitor 1
1 - Pinball Magic
1 - Radical!
1 - RollerCoaster Tycoon
1 - Rollergames
1 - Seawitch
1 - Sinbad
1 - South Park
1 - Space Invaders
1 - Space Jam
1 - Spirit
1 - Star Trek (Stern, 2013)
1 - Star Wars Episode I
1 - Stars
1 - Surf 'n Safari
1 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
1 - The Bally Game Show
1 - The Simpsons
1 - The Walking Dead
1 - The Who's Tommy Pinball Wizard
1 - Wipe Out
1 - Wizard Blocks
1 - World Poker Tour
0 - El Dorado (1975)
0 - A.G. Soccer-Ball

PING! @Extork @invitro @lettuce @CC13 @weirdproq @Kolchak357 @EldarOfSuburbia @switch3flip @Captain B. Zarre @chinzman93 @Gorgar @pedersonsx @heberts811 @dave950lam @ER777 @Kratos3 @David Pannozzo @NateisGreat88 @jbejarano @pahumaran @Gus @Dedpop @Locksley @MDUDE3st @Medieval_Gofers @drdrey @MisterVercetti @Nightwing @masterthes @Shulk @IGoFirstIndy @David T. Melnick @shutyertrap @xray23
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New member
Mar 14, 2013
Man, I'm kicking myself for not picking hurricane. Feels good to be #1 at something though. Right now I'm #1 at eating pizza rolls and having the crappiest apartment


New member
Jan 2, 2015
I'm slipping too; but don't mind since the season is good so far.
Gonna be fun with El Dorado - a nice table texture and different play will make a world of difference from city of gold.



New member
May 26, 2015
Whelp, looks like it's time to revive this thread from the dead. Triple header we've got going here!

First off: Good ol' Hurricane. Eight correct guesses, though none were exact. Three came within one, though, so there's at least a silver lining there.

Next, good news for those who guessed Rescue 911, as it did indeed come around when it was planned. Congrats to @switch3flip for the dead-on guess! Movin' on up, as they say.

Finally, for #59 comes the most-guessed of the three, Last Action Hero. Interestingly, most folks thought it would be coming a lot sooner than it did, with @David Pannozzo coming closest with a guess of #57. But hey, the fact that we got it is what counts.

Overall, while @Extork still has the lead, @switch3flip is closing the gap fast and now only trails by a single point, with the former having just one distant correct guess this update and the latter having two (one of which was an exact guess). With TX-Sector being all but confirmed as table #60, is victory assured for Extork, or does FarSight have one last trick up their sleeve that could result in a massive upset?

 91   Extork                    | [B][COLOR=red]RS R911 HS2[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Frank[/COLOR][/B] Shadow BzRun TSPP EBD MousinA [B][COLOR=red]JD[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B]
 90   switch3flip               | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]LAH[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] MousinA JMn Paragon [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Frank R911[/COLOR][/B] TSPP Shadow
 84   invitro                   | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] Paragon [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Frank[/COLOR][/B] Comet WipeOut [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B] CacJack [B][COLOR=red]Hurr[/COLOR][/B] BadCats TSPP
 80   EldarOfSuburbia           | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] Paragon [B][COLOR=red]Frank[/COLOR][/B] BoneBust [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]F-14 Hurr[/COLOR][/B] GameShow PMagic SoF TSPP
 79   heberts811                | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] CacJack [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] BoneBust [B][COLOR=red]LAH[/COLOR][/B] RCT [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B] Paragon [B][COLOR=red]Hurr[/COLOR][/B] TimeMach BzRun
 78.5 Kolchak357                | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] TXS [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] BoneBust TftC [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]LAH[/COLOR][/B] Paragon [B][COLOR=red]JD[/COLOR][/B] MousinA Shadow [B][COLOR=red]Fireball[/COLOR][/B]
 78   weirdproq                 | [B][COLOR=red]RS R911 F-14[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Frank[/COLOR][/B] BoneBust [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]NF[/COLOR][/B] EBD TSPP Simpsons WCS JMn
 77   Dedpop                    | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] Starg [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] BzRun BoneBust [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B] EBD [B][COLOR=red]LAH[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Hurr[/COLOR][/B] MousinA Paragon
 76   Captain B. Zarre          | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] EBD [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] Catacomb [B][COLOR=red]Frank[/COLOR][/B] BzRun [B][COLOR=red]LAH[/COLOR][/B] MousinA Starg [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B] Paragon
 76   David Pannozzo            | [B][COLOR=red]RS R911 HS2[/COLOR][/B] BoneBust TftC [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B] MousinA [B][COLOR=red]LAH[/COLOR][/B] TSPP Paragon Starg
 73   pedersonsx                | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]JD[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] TftC Sorc [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] SoF [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B] EBD TSPP MousinA [B][COLOR=red]Hurr[/COLOR][/B]
 71   Gorgar                    | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] BzRun [B][COLOR=red]LAH[/COLOR][/B] BoneBust [B][COLOR=red]Frank[/COLOR][/B] EBD [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] Paragon MousinA [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] Sorc
 68   lettuce                   | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] MousinA [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Frank[/COLOR][/B] TftC [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] So76 Starg TSPP TXS [B][COLOR=red]JD[/COLOR][/B] Paragon
 68   CC13                      | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] Starg [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] Catacomb [B][COLOR=red]Frank[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B] TimeMach TSPP BigGuns Breakshot Seawitch
 66   pahumaran                 | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] Starg [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] Shadow TftC Paragon [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B] TSPP JMn [B][COLOR=red]JD R911[/COLOR][/B] JMn
 64.5 Kratos3                   | EBD [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] Freddy Paragon [B][COLOR=red]R911[/COLOR][/B] TSPP [B][COLOR=red]Fireball[/COLOR][/B] Radical SoF [B][COLOR=red]JD[/COLOR][/B] Shadow
 64   chinzman93                | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] Paragon [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] SpStat TftC EBD Shadow [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]JD[/COLOR][/B] MousinA [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B] TSPP
 62   IGoFirstIndy              | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]LAH[/COLOR][/B] BoneBust TftC Paragon [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] SoF TSPP BzRun [B][COLOR=red]Hurr[/COLOR][/B] Tommy
 61   drdrey                    | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] EBD [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] TftC Catacomb [B][COLOR=red]LAH[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] BadCats TSPP Paragon TXS [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B]
 54   Nightwing                 | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] EBD [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] Starg BoneBust Shadow [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] TSPP BzRun Paragon JMn [B][COLOR=red]Hurr[/COLOR][/B]
 54.5 dave950lam                | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] So76 [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] Paragon BoneBust Freddy [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] TMNT TSPP EBD [B][COLOR=red]Fireball[/COLOR][/B] JMn
 54   ER777                     | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] Paragon [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] TftC EBD Corv JMn SoF Starg BzRun [B][COLOR=red]JD[/COLOR][/B]
 53   jbejarano                 | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] EBD TftC Paragon [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B] Rollerg TSPP BzRun Flash MousinA
 53   NateisGreat88             | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] JokPok [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B] BzRun [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] Congo Shadow Quicksilver TimeMach DM TSPP
 52   Gus                       | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] JMn TftC BoneBust [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] EBD Paragon Gill SpStat MousinA [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B]
 53   masterthes                | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] So76 [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] Paragon Freddy MousinA [B][COLOR=red]Hurr[/COLOR][/B] EBD TSPP [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] Shadow SPark
 51   Locksley                  | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] Paragon [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] JMn WPT Shadow Corv [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] TSPP SpStat [B][COLOR=red]Frank[/COLOR][/B] MousinA
 50   Medieval_Gofers           | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] BzRun [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B] BoneBust Freddy MousinA JMn [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] Paragon TSPP TimeMach
 50   MDUDE3st                  | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] So76 [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] TftC Freddy BzRun [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B] TSPP SoF EBD [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] WCS
 42   MisterVercetti            | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] So76 [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] MousinA SnS TSPP [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] SpStat BzRun DM Stars Paragon
 40   Shulk                     | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] BzRun Paragon I500 So76 SpStat [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] TSPP MousinA EBD WCS
 39.5 David T. Melnick          | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] So76 SWE1 [B][COLOR=red]LAH[/COLOR][/B] Sorc TftC WCS JP [B][COLOR=red]Fireball[/COLOR][/B] Spirit Aquarius Sinbad
 10.5 shutyertrap               | SJam BBB Metallica [B][COLOR=red]Fireball[/COLOR][/B] Orbitor1 NBAF Breakshot GNR Flint Genesis WizBlks AC/DC
  0   xray23                    | Paragon Algar Sorc STrek13 Flash Meteor Defender Barracora Quicksilver Embryon SInv TWD

Here's a recap of all picked tables and how many people picked them, with the actual released tables highlighted:
31 - Red & Ted's Road Show
30 - F-14 Tomcat
30 - The Getaway: High Speed II
26 - Paragon
24 - The Simpsons Pinball Party
20 - Safe Cracker
17 - Eight Ball Deluxe
17 - Mousin' Around
14 - Banzai Run
13 - Tales from the Crypt
12 - Bone Busters Inc.
10 - Frankenstein
10 - Johnny Mnemonic
10 - Last Action Hero
10 - Shadow
8 - Hurricane
8 - Judge Dredd
8 - Stargate
7 - Spirit of 76
6 - Rescue 911
6 - Swords of Fury
5 - Fireball
5 - Freddy A Nightmare on Elm Street
5 - Space Station
4 - Sorcerer
4 - Time Machine
4 - World Cup Soccer
3 - Catacomb
3 - TX-Sector
2 - Bad Cats
2 - Breakshot
2 - Cactus Jack's
2 - Corvette
2 - Demolition Man
2 - Flash
2 - Quicksilver
1 - AC/DC
1 - Algar
1 - Aquarius
1 - Barracora
1 - Big Bang Bar
1 - Big Guns
1 - Comet
1 - Congo
1 - Defender
1 - Embryon
1 - Flintstones
1 - Genesis
1 - Gilligan's Island
1 - Guns N' Roses
1 - Indianapolis 500
1 - Joker Poker
1 - Jurassic Park
1 - Metallica
1 - Meteor
1 - NBA Fastbreak
1 - No Fear: Dangerous Sports
1 - Orbitor 1
1 - Pinball Magic
1 - Radical!
1 - RollerCoaster Tycoon
1 - Rollergames
1 - Seawitch
1 - Sinbad
1 - South Park
1 - Space Invaders
1 - Space Jam
1 - Spirit
1 - Star Trek (Stern, 2013)
1 - Star Wars Episode I
1 - Stars
1 - Surf 'n Safari
1 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
1 - The Bally Game Show
1 - The Simpsons
1 - The Walking Dead
1 - The Who's Tommy Pinball Wizard
1 - Wipe Out
1 - Wizard Blocks
1 - World Poker Tour
0 - El Dorado (1975)
0 - A.G. Soccer-Ball

PING! @Extork @invitro @lettuce @CC13 @weirdproq @Kolchak357 @EldarOfSuburbia @switch3flip @Captain B. Zarre @chinzman93 @Gorgar @pedersonsx @heberts811 @dave950lam @ER777 @Kratos3 @David Pannozzo @NateisGreat88 @jbejarano @pahumaran @Gus @Dedpop @Locksley @MDUDE3st @Medieval_Gofers @drdrey @MisterVercetti @Nightwing @masterthes @Shulk @IGoFirstIndy @David T. Melnick @shutyertrap @xray23[/QUOTE]
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New member
May 4, 2012
Sorry for the delay folks, and thanks so much for @MisterVercetti for covering for me. Let's wrap up with TX-Sector, picked by three people. Congrats to @Extork for eking out a one-point win over [MENTION=2036]switch3flip[/MENTION], who was two points ahead of @Kolchak357 in third! Thanks to everyone for predicting, now it's on to predicting the unknown tables of Season 6 and Stern Pinball Arcade! Or is it? Maybe!

(I went back and read my first post and didn't say clearly what to do in the case of a two-pack. Since no one picked El Dorado, I just ignored it. Probably the best thing to do would be to award points for picking either table of a two-pack. The other option, which I think I had in mind but it's not in my post, is to count the first twelve released tables, which would've ignored TX-Sector. Oh well!)

 91   Extork                    | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]R911[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Frank[/COLOR][/B] Shadow BzRun TSPP EBD MousinA [B][COLOR=red]JD[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B]
 90   switch3flip               | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]LAH[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] MousinA JMn Paragon [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Frank[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]R911[/COLOR][/B] TSPP Shadow
 88   Kolchak357                | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]TXS[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] BoneBust TftC [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]LAH[/COLOR][/B] Paragon [B][COLOR=red]JD[/COLOR][/B] MousinA Shadow [B][COLOR=red]Fireball[/COLOR][/B]
 84   invitro                   | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] Paragon [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Frank[/COLOR][/B] Comet WipeOut [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B] CacJack [B][COLOR=red]Hurr[/COLOR][/B] BadCats TSPP
 81   lettuce                   | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] MousinA [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Frank[/COLOR][/B] TftC [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] So76 Starg TSPP [B][COLOR=red]TXS[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]JD[/COLOR][/B] Paragon
 80   EldarOfSuburbia           | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] Paragon [B][COLOR=red]Frank[/COLOR][/B] BoneBust [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Hurr[/COLOR][/B] GameShow PMagic SoF TSPP
 79   heberts811                | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] CacJack [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] BoneBust [B][COLOR=red]LAH[/COLOR][/B] RCT [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B] Paragon [B][COLOR=red]Hurr[/COLOR][/B] TimeMach BzRun
 78   weirdproq                 | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]R911[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Frank[/COLOR][/B] BoneBust [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]NF[/COLOR][/B] EBD TSPP Simpsons WCS JMn
 77   Dedpop                    | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] Starg [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] BzRun BoneBust [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B] EBD [B][COLOR=red]LAH[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]Hurr[/COLOR][/B] MousinA Paragon
 76   David Pannozzo            | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]R911[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] BoneBust TftC [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B] MousinA [B][COLOR=red]LAH[/COLOR][/B] TSPP Paragon Starg
 76   Captain B. Zarre          | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] EBD [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] Catacomb [B][COLOR=red]Frank[/COLOR][/B] BzRun [B][COLOR=red]LAH[/COLOR][/B] MousinA Starg [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B] Paragon
 74   drdrey                    | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] EBD [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] TftC Catacomb [B][COLOR=red]LAH[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] BadCats TSPP Paragon [B][COLOR=red]TXS[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B]
 73   pedersonsx                | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]JD[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] TftC Sorc [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] SoF [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B] EBD TSPP MousinA [B][COLOR=red]Hurr[/COLOR][/B]
 71   Gorgar                    | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] BzRun [B][COLOR=red]LAH[/COLOR][/B] BoneBust [B][COLOR=red]Frank[/COLOR][/B] EBD [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] Paragon MousinA [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] Sorc
 68   CC13                      | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] Starg [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] Catacomb [B][COLOR=red]Frank[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B] TimeMach TSPP BigGuns Breakshot Seawitch
 66   pahumaran                 | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] Starg [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] Shadow TftC Paragon [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B] TSPP JMn [B][COLOR=red]JD[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]R911[/COLOR][/B] JMn
 65   Kratos3                   | EBD [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] Freddy Paragon [B][COLOR=red]R911[/COLOR][/B] TSPP [B][COLOR=red]Fireball[/COLOR][/B] Radical SoF [B][COLOR=red]JD[/COLOR][/B] Shadow
 64   chinzman93                | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] Paragon [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] SpStat TftC EBD Shadow [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]JD[/COLOR][/B] MousinA [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B] TSPP
 62   IGoFirstIndy              | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]LAH[/COLOR][/B] BoneBust TftC Paragon [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] SoF TSPP BzRun [B][COLOR=red]Hurr[/COLOR][/B] Tommy
 54   dave950lam                | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] So76 [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] Paragon BoneBust Freddy [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] TMNT TSPP EBD [B][COLOR=red]Fireball[/COLOR][/B] JMn
 54   ER777                     | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] Paragon [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] TftC EBD Corv JMn SoF Starg BzRun [B][COLOR=red]JD[/COLOR][/B]
 54   Nightwing                 | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] EBD [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] Starg BoneBust Shadow [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] TSPP BzRun Paragon JMn [B][COLOR=red]Hurr[/COLOR][/B]
 53   NateisGreat88             | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] JokPok [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B] BzRun [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] Congo Shadow Quicksilver TimeMach DM TSPP
 53   jbejarano                 | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] EBD TftC Paragon [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B] Rollerg TSPP BzRun Flash MousinA
 53   masterthes                | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] So76 [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] Paragon Freddy MousinA [B][COLOR=red]Hurr[/COLOR][/B] EBD TSPP [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] Shadow SPark
 52   Gus                       | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] JMn TftC BoneBust [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] EBD Paragon Gill SpStat MousinA [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B]
 51   Locksley                  | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] Paragon [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] JMn WPT Shadow Corv [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] TSPP SpStat [B][COLOR=red]Frank[/COLOR][/B] MousinA
 50   MDUDE3st                  | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] So76 [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] TftC Freddy BzRun [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B] TSPP SoF EBD [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] WCS
 50   Medieval_Gofers           | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] BzRun [B][COLOR=red]SC[/COLOR][/B] BoneBust Freddy MousinA JMn [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] Paragon TSPP TimeMach
 42   MisterVercetti            | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] So76 [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] MousinA SnS TSPP [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] SpStat BzRun DM Stars Paragon
 40   Shulk                     | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=red]HS2[/COLOR][/B] BzRun Paragon I500 So76 SpStat [B][COLOR=red]F-14[/COLOR][/B] TSPP MousinA EBD WCS
 39   David T. Melnick          | [B][COLOR=red]RS[/COLOR][/B] So76 SWE1 [B][COLOR=red]LAH[/COLOR][/B] Sorc TftC WCS JP [B][COLOR=red]Fireball[/COLOR][/B] Spirit Aquarius Sinbad
 11   shutyertrap               | SJam BBB Metallica [B][COLOR=red]Fireball[/COLOR][/B] Orbitor1 NBAF Breakshot GNR Flint Genesis WizBlks AC/DC
  0   xray23                    | Paragon Algar Sorc STrek13 Flash Meteor Defender Barracora Quicksilver Embryon SInv TWD

And here's the final tally of which tables were picked and how many times:
31 - Red & Ted's Road Show
30 - F-14 Tomcat
30 - The Getaway: High Speed II
26 - Paragon
24 - The Simpsons Pinball Party
20 - Safe Cracker
17 - Eight Ball Deluxe
17 - Mousin' Around
14 - Banzai Run
13 - Tales from the Crypt
12 - Bone Busters Inc.
10 - Frankenstein
10 - Johnny Mnemonic
10 - Last Action Hero
10 - Shadow
8 - Hurricane
8 - Judge Dredd
8 - Stargate
7 - Spirit of 76
6 - Rescue 911
6 - Swords of Fury
5 - Fireball
5 - Freddy A Nightmare on Elm Street
5 - Space Station
4 - Sorcerer
4 - Time Machine
4 - World Cup Soccer
3 - Catacomb
3 - TX-Sector
2 - Bad Cats
2 - Breakshot
2 - Cactus Jack's
2 - Corvette
2 - Demolition Man
2 - Flash
2 - Quicksilver
1 - AC/DC
1 - Algar
1 - Aquarius
1 - Barracora
1 - Big Bang Bar
1 - Big Guns
1 - Comet
1 - Congo
1 - Defender
1 - Embryon
1 - Flintstones
1 - Genesis
1 - Gilligan's Island
1 - Guns N' Roses
1 - Indianapolis 500
1 - Joker Poker
1 - Jurassic Park
1 - Metallica
1 - Meteor
1 - NBA Fastbreak
1 - No Fear: Dangerous Sports
1 - Orbitor 1
1 - Pinball Magic
1 - Radical!
1 - RollerCoaster Tycoon
1 - Rollergames
1 - Seawitch
1 - Sinbad
1 - South Park
1 - Space Invaders
1 - Space Jam
1 - Spirit
1 - Star Trek (Stern, 2013)
1 - Star Wars Episode I
1 - Stars
1 - Surf 'n Safari
1 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
1 - The Bally Game Show
1 - The Simpsons
1 - The Walking Dead
1 - The Who's Tommy Pinball Wizard
1 - Wipe Out
1 - Wizard Blocks
1 - World Poker Tour
There were 34 entries.

PING! @Extork [MENTION=2036]switch3flip[/MENTION] @Kolchak357 @invitro @lettuce @EldarOfSuburbia @heberts811 [MENTION=3573]weirdproq[/MENTION] @Dedpop @David Pannozzo @Captain B. Zarre @drdrey @pedersonsx @Gorgar @CC13 @pahumaran @Kratos3 @chinzman93 @IGoFirstIndy @dave950lam @ER777 @Nightwing @NateisGreat88 @jbejarano @masterthes @Gus @Locksley @MDUDE3st @Medieval_Gofers @MisterVercetti [MENTION=2009]Shulk[/MENTION] @David T. Melnick [MENTION=134]shutyertrap[/MENTION] [MENTION=5278]xray23[/MENTION]


New member
Feb 8, 2014
So, we're doing this for S6? I think for SPA we should hold off because they've already announced the launch tables (MSF, SST, Ripley's, Star Trek, AC/DC) plus an additional one coming pretty soon after (Ghostbusters).

If we are doing an S6 contest... well....

#1 June: The Shadow
#2 July: A.G. Soccer-Ball
#3 August: Eight-Ball Deluxe
#4 September: Dr Who
#5 October: Bone Busters Inc
#6 November: Rollergames
#7 December: Congo
#8 January: Surf N Safari
#9 February: Johnny Mnemonic
#10 March: Flash


New member
Mar 14, 2013
I'd like to add that I just got lucky. Took all my guesses from whatever was floating around the forums. If you're looking for actual predictions from now on from me, I'm not your guy. But it was a lot of fun. Predictions and speculations are some of my favorite things about this forum. And of coarse the community. Here's to the people that put in the hard work for fun threads like this, and it would be great to have another one for season 6. Watch me be at the bottom the next time around. I've still got my wildcard 'Big Buck Hunter Pro'


Active member
Mar 31, 2012
Here's my season 6 predictions:

1. June - Corvette
2. July - Mousin Around
3. August - Mystery Castle
4/5. September - Dr. Who/ Dr. Who Regenerated (Dr. Who Regenerated will be sold separately, but I will be Teed Off if the Dr. Who tables take up two of the ten table packs)
6. October - Bone Busters Inc.
7. November - Pinball Magic
8. December - Indy 500
9. January - A.G. Soccer-Ball (Farsight has said that there will be a public beta for Vs. mode, and looking at how long the new UI is and DX11 was in beta before being rolled over into the game, I don't think it will come until later on in the season)
10. February - Sorcerer/Spirit of 76 (2 pack)
11. March - Banzai Run
Last edited:


New member
Oct 20, 2012
I'd like to add that I just got lucky. Took all my guesses from whatever was floating around the forums. If you're looking for actual predictions from now on from me, I'm not your guy. But it was a lot of fun. Predictions and speculations are some of my favorite things about this forum. And of coarse the community. Here's to the people that put in the hard work for fun threads like this, and it would be great to have another one for season 6. Watch me be at the bottom the next time around. I've still got my wildcard 'Big Buck Hunter Pro'

Now that one I think will be in Stern Pinball Arcade. And maybe with this new "partnership" FarSight has, maybe we can get some better licensed properties (that aren't Disney) for TPA as well. Demolition Man is the main one I want, but would probably fail hard as a kickstarter IMO.


New member
Oct 20, 2012
So, we're doing this for S6? I think for SPA we should hold off because they've already announced the launch tables (MSF, SST, Ripley's, Star Trek, AC/DC) plus an additional one coming pretty soon after (Ghostbusters).

If we are doing an S6 contest... well....

#1 June: The Shadow
#2 July: A.G. Soccer-Ball
#3 August: Eight-Ball Deluxe
#4 September: Dr Who
#5 October: Bone Busters Inc
#6 November: Rollergames
#7 December: Congo
#8 January: Surf N Safari
#9 February: Johnny Mnemonic
#10 March: Flash

That would be a good list IMO. If this list were 100% accurate, I wouldn't be so concerned with a seventh season. These pinball machines, combined with the other 71 tables, plus STPA could keep me entertained for a very long time.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
I certainly need Rollergames before it's all over. I think the community at large would be disappointed if Bonzai Run didn't make it in, even though I don't think it's a great table, just a unique design. If FarSight gets head to head working sooner rather than later, I'll hold out hope that they won't let AG Soccer be the sole table that really puts it to true use, and include NBA Fastbreak.

But yeah, Rollergames is the linchpin for me.


Active member
Nov 6, 2013
I think the community at large would be disappointed if Bonzai Run didn't make it in, even though I don't think it's a great table, just a unique design.

Your comparable is Safecracker. Check out the hate for that one around here. Unique doesn't mean interesting or fun. It's even bad if the uniqueness raises expectations that go unmet.

Banzai Run's backbox game is very repetitive, it's the exact same sequence of stop-and-go shots every time. Extra playfields just aren't nearly as viscerally impressive on a screen as in a real machine. Nobody really cares about Black Hole's extra playfield and that has more to do than does Banzai Run's. Heck, even the Powerfield or Victory's upper area is more interesting.

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