Twilight Zone Kickstarter Redemption

Captain Rumwood

New member
Apr 25, 2012
Awesome! So no one has received a code or even an email about it yet? I know I haven't. If they actually do manage to not completely screw this up I hope the code can be redeemed on both the PS3 and the Vita.

Haven't received mine yet. :mad:

Message about this on FB...
Sam Bowles According to Farsight they will send the codes later in the week for Kickstarter.

So let me get this straight.. The people who donated money to make this table a reality will have to wait until the non-donaters have played it for a week or so!?

Farsight I love you, but this is bull5hit and is going to piss off a ton of your most dedicated supporters!

That would really piss me off.

I want to say that this will hurt their kickstarters in the future but I'd just be kidding myself.

It definitely will on my part.

I can't remember when was the last DLC release and now Twilight Zone, apparently gets pushed back AGAIN for Kickstarter supporters????

I don't like being negative, but this newsbit really upsets me. I still have a bit of hope since the day isn't over yet, but from the looks of it (the Facebook post), it doesn't look good.
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Apr 12, 2012
Yeah, this will dissuade me from future kickstarters for Farsight if we don't get codes today. There's no reason for us not to. I'm sure Farsight will come on here and blame Sony or something...



New member
Jun 20, 2012
I joined too late to do Twilight Zone's kickstarter , would you believe 2 days before it ended? I did participate on Star Trek's kickstarter , so in March it will be my turn to feel annoyed having to wait until after the table is released to get my voucher code.

I predict FarSight will add something into the pot , to try to compensate KS funders , again.


New member
Apr 27, 2012
It seems obvious to me that kickstarter supporters would be the type of players that would want to play on the day of release. Not the kind of player that waits until the weekend to play.


Apr 12, 2012
Bobby King just said that the codes should be sent out tomorrow or the day after on the PS there we go.

And Farsight wonders why they get criticized. Instead of posting something on their official Facebook page or this forum - you know, where a "community" guy is supposed to keep us up-to-date - they bury a post into a response on the frigging Playstation blog.

In case I'm being unclear: Farsight, when you want to put out news, you post it on your Facebook, you post it on the top forums for your product, and you e-mail people. You don't JUST bury it in a reply on a blog that 99% of your customers won't read. That's just bush league, folks.



New member
Dec 2, 2012
Another comment from the PSBlog from Bobby:

"Getting you guys the table via PSN before release isn’t possible as far as I know. We will be sending out the voucher code shortly. You may have to wait a day or two, but we’re doing the best we can."

I replied to that and mentioned that I've gotten codes for products before those products were released so it should be possible to get codes from Sony prior to release and to ask them about it. Because this is probably the first time they're dealing with codes on PSN. They might not know the ins-and-outs of it yet. Trying to give them the benefit of the doubt here. I don't think they really want to piss off their customers on purpose.

the ajp

New member
Jun 17, 2012
After contributing to the kickstarter for twilight zone and ending up buying it again on my i pad just to play it without having to log in .. out .. in out .. password .. in out etc and now find out i will get to play my PS3 version AFTER it is released to the public i have only one thing to say .. Kickstarters ..... NEVER AGAIN !!! it isn't the money for me it is the principal of the whole thing .........


Apr 12, 2012
I replied to that and mentioned that I've gotten codes for products before those products were released so it should be possible to get codes from Sony prior to release and to ask them about it. Because this is probably the first time they're dealing with codes on PSN. They might not know the ins-and-outs of it yet. Trying to give them the benefit of the doubt here. I don't think they really want to piss off their customers on purpose.
If they didn't know they can get codes ahead of time, it would have to be that they didn't ask. If they didn't ask, well...see the last line of my previous post.



New member
Sep 22, 2012
Regardless of whether FS can get codes or not, this all comes down to communication or lack of it. I just wish they would execute things better.


New member
Apr 20, 2012
Bobby King just said that the codes should be sent out tomorrow or the day after on the PS there we go.

The keyword there being should!

And for the record there is no rule against companies sending out PSN codes before the release. Or else those Pre-order codes wouldn't exist.

They really should have worded their Kickstarter like this
TIER 1: Pay $10 to help fund the table and wait until AFTER the non-backers have already enjoyed it.

Seriously though, this will hurt Farsight's future Kickstarter campaigns.
I know it for a fact because I will be hesitant to back anything for $10, when I know I'll be able to buy it cheaper and play it while the people who really give a shi! about it have to
sit out and wonder why they treat the people who donate like that.

The fact that they are still sitting on all of the codes proves this is not nearly as much of a priority as accepting our money was. Sad, but true. :(


New member
Apr 16, 2012
I am so pissed at this company. Do they have children running the show there or what? What a sad way to run a company.
What a f'n waste of $200 that was donating to their kickstarters. Thanks for the lesson I guess.
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New member
Apr 16, 2012
Does this company want to remain in business, and if so, for how long? I have never seen a company f up so many times and screw their most loyal customers every chance they get.


New member
Sep 14, 2012
I do feel they should have swapped the two packs and given the supporters a week to enjoy it longer... and I know this isn't the best thing to hear. But would it be that bad to drop another 5? I know it sucks big time...but look at it as you are "kickstarting" more future tables. Any income can go a long way in keeping the game going. Gift your code when you get it to a friend and try to grow the user base. In the end the more support the better to extend the game as long as we can.

Would like to thank you for supporting the kickstarter to make it happen.

Lord Boron

Apr 18, 2012
Of course if you didn't contribute to the kickstarter then you wouldnt be waiting to play The Twilight Zone....because it wouldn't be coming out. Then everyone would complain, "why don't you have games like The Twilight Zone."

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