Terminator 2 Kickstarter BEGINNING NOW!!!

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Jul 7, 2012
So I think I'm right in saying that iOS is currently the best selling platform for TPA, but literally nowhere on the update is there any mention of the Kickstarter? No updates on the Kickstarter page or facebook since last week? I'm really baffled by this. And no newsletter yet either (Thought it usually came the morning after the new tables monthly update)


These took all of about 5 seconds to find and would probably make good updates on the actual Kickstarter page:

Terminator 2 Pinball Promo Video (part 1) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ByKyvpw4lM
Terminator 2 Pinball Promo Video (part 2) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LaQaHV-bBOE
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New member
Apr 5, 2013
Maybe they're in the middle of being bought out by a bigger company and so all the staff are busy having money fights and online shopping to care

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
I am hyped for T2. After playing it at Papa, I really want it. And I've of the mindset that the more tables, the better. However if you had to ask me which kickstarter tables I want going forward, that I must absolutely, positively have, really Addams Family and... and... Dracula which might not even need a kickstart. I can live without the Simpsons, Family Guy, or even Lord of the Rings. Indiana Jones, there's two amazing machines, but I'm pretty sure those are a no-go (as was anything Disney/Star Wars/Lucas). Honestly there is still a TON of non-licensed stuff to choose from still, just reading Pin Wiz's thread makes me drool.

Addams Family kickstarter would not, could not fail. The rabid fan love for that table is bigger than Twilight Zone and Star Trek combined.

But anyways I think my point is, as long as we get Highspeed and Getaway, and Black Knight 2000 I think that would make up for a lack of T2. Some would probably argue Getaway is a superior Richie table and that's non-license. So I'm not going to cry myself to sleep if T2 fails. Because outside of some miracle big donation, or Farsight stepping in it's not looking good.

And my final comment regarding Farsight stepping in. Donating 20k or even 30k would do the following: really show the fans hey, we care and we mean business. Two, say hey we recognize our mistakes and this is our gift to you the fans. Three, allow them to get the 360 and PC tables and honor kickstarter codes etc. It would create a ton of good will. Wouldn't make a difference for the Addams kickstarter: either way that will succeed.

And as for from Farsight's perspective and bottom line: it's a good idea. 30K isn't even the cost of what Microsoft used to charge for title updates... and with that fee now out the window, everything they release on 360 is going to be very profitable versus just profitable. Why not use that savings to get T2 and then make money selling T2 on all 37 million of their other platforms, including Xbox.

My whole point is: things HAVE changed. I can't stress enough how big that Xbox title update fee no longer applying is for Farsight.


New member
Sep 13, 2012
And my final comment regarding Farsight stepping in. Donating 20k or even 30k would do the following: really show the fans hey, we care and we mean business. Two, say hey we recognize our mistakes and this is our gift to you the fans. Three, allow them to get the 360 and PC tables and honor kickstarter codes etc. It would create a ton of good will. Wouldn't make a difference for the Addams kickstarter: either way that will succeed.

Four, show that they have enough money to do the license without the Kickstarter and completely kill off any chance of doing another Kickstarter in the future. The average guy on the street putting £/$30 of their money into the pot suddenly discovering that Farsight have $30k to put in out of nowhere is a huge kick in the teeth and makes it look as though Farsight COULD fund it themselves but are willing to see how cheap they could get the license first from outside donations.

This is the risk, and the negative fallout could eclipse any good will from the kickstarter succeeding. If Farsight were to donate they'd have donated before the table was available for Kickstarter so they wouldn't get any negative feedback.


New member
Apr 5, 2013
Four, show that they have enough money to do the license without the Kickstarter and completely kill off any chance of doing another Kickstarter in the future. The average guy on the street putting £/$30 of their money into the pot suddenly discovering that Farsight have $30k to put in out of nowhere is a huge kick in the teeth and makes it look as though Farsight COULD fund it themselves but are willing to see how cheap they could get the license first from outside donations.

This is the risk, and the negative fallout could eclipse any good will from the kickstarter succeeding. If Farsight were to donate they'd have donated before the table was available for Kickstarter so they wouldn't get any negative feedback.

What, and you don't believe they have the $30K to spare? Pffffft do me a favour. Maybe a year ago they didn't but this thing has taken off, it's a money spinner.

Don't get me wrong, I'm really happy it's a money making organisation (if someone knows different, tell me) as that means they will continue putting tables out ..... but I still think its bloody cheeky for a money making company to go begging to the masses crying about how if we don't stump up then they can't do it. It's utter boll_ocks and I think you know that. If you don't believe they have 30K in the bank (and what company doesn't?) do you not believe they'll make at least that in profit from the game? Really? So if they can't scrape together 30K they can go and borrow it from the bank like any other company.

Everyone knows they could afford to pay this, that's why (I think) people are getting bored of them going cap in hand as they go from financial strength to strength and their quality issues pile up and up and up. What is it now, 26 tables? Six or more platforms? And they just lost a big regular invoice they previously had to pay for updates? That's a nice windfall.

Ok ok ok I'm gonna start pis_sing people off by not just instead saying that I pledged money. I buy all the tables instead, they have a loyal and eager customer in me, and like the rest of you here, I am a PinballArcadeFan. But if they won't pay and they won't promote this kick starter and they won't communicate and they won't stop churning out new products, I think more and more of you are going to start drifting across the fence and losing your support for them.

One final thing - if they do decide to do TAF, why not just charge more for the damn game, isn't that the way that suppliers of in-demand quality products get their money back? You don't pay the same for a Porsche as you do a skoda.


New member
Sep 18, 2012
Serious question, why don't you contact them?

So far, I have contacted the admins of four Terminator fan pages / communities.

But I don't have a Twitter and Facebook account. I know there are lots of people who use both platforms like crazy.
So don't pick me for this job.

Baron Rubik

New member
Mar 21, 2013
you don't pay the same for a Porsche as you do a skoda.

What about a Porsche and a Honda Jazz? :D
Skoda's are more respectable than a Jazz these days.

Seriously though, even though I'm not backing this KS, I can still understand why Farsight need a little community help to make the licensing costs a viable proposition.
Previous success or not, 60k is still a big chunk of cash - (unless your name is Karl:D)
Exactly as Sean posted, if it was a product I wanted - I'd back it, but it's not, and I don't have the Farsight goodwill anymore to back just anything - but if they did something I did want next, I'd be waving my cash in clenched fist and barging to the front.

Farsight is a business and will more than likely still Kickstart again even if this one fails.


Active member
Apr 24, 2012
So I think I'm right in saying that iOS is currently the best selling platform for TPA, but literally nowhere on the update is there any mention of the Kickstarter? No updates on the Kickstarter page or facebook since last week? I'm really baffled by this.

Yeah they don't seem to understand how you're supposed to do this. They should be posting status updates about it on their Facebook page every day or so at least!


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
Yeah they don't seem to understand how you're supposed to do this. They should be posting status updates about it on their Facebook page every day or so at least!


I only play on PS3, and were it not for me being an active member on this forum, I'd have no clue about the kickstarter. Easiest way to reach your fans is through your game, and the get out there and do some stumping on all the social media sites. FarSight showing their vested interest regularly makes people care and get excited.

Baron Rubik

New member
Mar 21, 2013
So I think I'm right in saying that iOS is currently the best selling platform for TPA, but literally nowhere on the update is there any mention of the Kickstarter?

Maybe ios isn't the best selling platform.
They took the trouble to put it on the Android splash screen.


New member
Sep 22, 2012
nah they never thought of it, until fans started to flag it up. By the time they realised, the iOS version had already been submitted. Like I say they lack PR savvy.

Even the android T2 placement is minimal. It really should have been a full screen poster rather than little button. It needed to be in your face to grab your attention.

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
Big boost today! Rock on!! Over 15k now.

I'm happy to say ill be throwing around 300-500 dollars towards the end of the campaign. I want the table and I'm putting my money where my mouth is. Rent be damned! (Just kidding I can afford this).


New member
Feb 20, 2012
What, and you don't believe they have the $30K to spare? Pffffft do me a favour. Maybe a year ago they didn't but this thing has taken off....

There are so many things wrong here. Firstly of course they have the money to get the license that was never the issue. The problem is the license is so damn high it would drive out table prices over 10 dollars. People already whine about paying 4.99 for a two table pack. At a price that high the odds of maintaining the same user purchase rate would drop below half current levels which would make it a total loss financially.

Secondly they were never begging for anything. When people were clamoring for twilight zone they came out and explained what I just did above. And basically said they couldn't do it. Users asked them to do a kick starter and they did it just to see if it would work. Of course it did so why wouldn't they try again. As people keep saying they don't need to have t2 or any other licenced table. They Can continue to make plenty of money just doing non licenced tables. But people want them so why not try.

And yes they no longer have pay for updating the Xbox version but that's no windfall. They also lost revenue from that system so at best that's break even if not a loss.

The only thing your not off on is their promotion of these kickstarters. They need huge improvements in that area.


If there was someway to convince all the $10 contributors to up their level to $100 then the KS would suddenly be at ~81%

Oh, what a coup that would be.

Father Time

New member
Apr 21, 2013
Not to the extent some people seem to believe. Would it have a negative impact? Sure. But they've also had two kickstarters that succeeded.

I just think this particular kickstarter is laboring under the weight of bad (although perhaps unavoidable) timing with the 360/PC crowd still waiting for satisfaction, past kickstarter mismanagement, a table that is not in the same league as TZ and ST:TNG, and a license that doesn't inspire irrational behavior in people (you have Trekkies and to a lesser extent TZ fanatics; I've never heard of rabid Terminator fans).

I've never heard of Twilight Zone fanatics. I've heard of Twilight fanatics but that's another issue.

Terminator 2 is considered one of the best action movies ever. It's got a following behind it.


New member
Apr 5, 2013
The problem is the license is so damn high it would drive out table prices over 10 dollars.

Where did you read that? Very interesting. If you know anything else about FS current cash flow or profits per table, please share, as it would shut me right up. I just read their announcement of this kick starter on Facebook and about 5 other people shared my opinion that they can easily afford to buy their own licenses.

Seriously, we're both speculating, right? But if you know facts, please share them.


Jul 7, 2012
Maybe ios isn't the best selling platform.
They took the trouble to put it on the Android splash screen.

Thanks for clarifying Baron, they should really update their iOS app again soon though and add this screen or something way before the table pack release at the end of next month when it'll be too late, pretty sure there would be a funding gap for iOS users who would be interested in backing, but aren't Facebook fans/don't get the newsletter.

Here's hoping in a few days time Update 2 states Xbox One support now Microsoft aren't charging for updates - that would help keep the momentum going.

Still no websites/app description mention of the kickstarter, such a wasted opportunity!
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New member
Mar 17, 2012
Well I think table pack 14 is out on the PS3 in euro land this week, what's the betting FarSight haven't had the Fore Sight to place a full page promotion ad for the T2 KS every time you load the game for this title update, when they release table pack 15 next month they can remove it from the update. It would just nag people about it for this coming month, perfect advertisement if you ask me.

FarSights studio name is fairly apted really as they defiantly don't have any fore sight LOL.
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