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  • I still work at Home Depot on the Cash Register now, no more outside lot work. You know I had kidney failure and spent about 3 years on Dialysis, then in December 17 2011 I had a Kidney transplant and doing quite good with it. I'm on Social Security Disability so I don't work a lot of hrs., actually right now I only work 1 or 2 4hr. Shifts. When December 17, 2014 comes I won't have disability anymore, I hope they give me my Full time hrs. Back or I won't be able to afford my rejection medicine or bills. Well have to get going I'll talk soon, I love this app. I also have Playstation 4 already paid off at GameStop in the Port Charolette Town Center, I love the graphics and can't wait for Killzone and many more including The Pinball Arcade. Here's hoping Steve Ellenoff gets the S.A.M. System emulated so I can play Family Guy I love that Pinball Machine and TV show. Well Super Dave over and out.
    Just to let you know, I live in Punta Gorda. Yes just down the road from you, we got hit the worse during Hurricane Charley. You have any real pinball machines, I don't but I want The Wizard Of Oz and Family Guy once I win the Lotto. I do play Pirates of the Caribean at Harpoon Harry's every so often, so if you ever want to play let me know. Just to let you know I suck at pinball, but I did get 40 Million twice today, I guess it was just a lucky day and I go by the initials DJP.
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