Recent content by andy

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    Season 2 PS4 Bundle

    The update is out now for the tpa on ps4 also its 976.4 mb just to let you know.
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    PS3 - Bug Game freezes after displaying high scores. (White Water, Pinbot)

    @werner I have told FS 2 times about this bug and they said they would look into it but I few people have told me on fb that its the same for them on ww so I think the best thing for all of us to do go to fb and tell them again the more people that tell them the faster they will fix it I hope.
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    PS3 - Bug Game freezes after displaying high scores. (White Water, Pinbot)

    hi zastian white water does it for me every time I get a high score pressing x does nothing and I have to reset the ps3 don't know yet about pinbot haven't played it for a few weeks but will do now to see whats happened with that 1. also I did tell FS this and they said it would be to hard to...
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    PS3 NA v2.15 Feedback & Discussion

    Mine freezes on ww when I get my name up. This is from the last update for Europe ps3
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    PAF Top Ten Most Wanted Table Poll Series : #5 - Gottlieb/Premier (Closed)

    what happened to monte carlo gold wings and spring break pinball how come they didn't go up.
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    PS3 - Bug Another Lag Thread

    I have a Samsung 60" tv it came out in may this year and with game mode on the pinball tables play great in 1080p I cant see any lag at all apart from that I have left my tv settings has they are.
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    Bug Ball ghosts through flippers

    its ok mate same here it happened to me most on tom all the dam time hope they fix it on next update
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    Star Trek: TNG

    i hope so im not so in to the 80s so much the 90s onwards come on
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    The Official PSN ID Thread

    i will add you to guys id voyager_38
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    What are your most-wanted tables?

    thanks jeff thats the one i played all the time back in the late 80s i have it on visual pinball and it says by gottieb thats why i couldnt find it wasnt looking for it under premier technology thanks for finding it for me.
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    What are your most-wanted tables?

    does any1 know what licence tables we are getting or some idear of whats to come.
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    What are your most-wanted tables?

    i will buy most of the tables im really in to the 90s tables onwards do like some of the 80s the i did like back in 1987 was by gottieb and was called monte carlo does any1 remember that1 did ask on face book but no 1 got back to me if any1 remembers it let me know thanks andy.

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