Recent content by Belgarion

  1. B

    What new tables will f.s bring us in 2014??

    I may be the only one who wants it but Frank Thomas Big Hurt would make my year :)
  2. B

    Top 5 wish list

    1 - Frank Thomas Big Hurt 2 - WWF Royal Rumble 3 - Lethal Weapon 3 4 - Indiana Jones 5 - The Avengers
  3. B

    Comment by 'Belgarion' in article 'PAF Top Ten Most Wanted Table Poll Series...THE RESULTS ARE IN!!!'

    So sad to see that Big Hurt didn't made it... :( anyway, great polls and great tables coming !
  4. B

    Bug iOS Version 2.7.0 Bugs

    Device/OS: iPhone / 6.1.3 Bug Description: Right flipper (opposite side of the skull) sometimes not responding. Steps To Reproduce: Especially occurs after the balls went thought the right ramp. Frequency: 20% of the time Additional Comments: Doesn't seem to occur on other tables
  5. B

    PAF Top Ten Most Wanted Table Poll Series : #5 - Gottlieb/Premier (Closed)

    We need some votes for the hard licences such as big hurt, shaq, sf2! Big hurt is certainly my favorite table, every baseball fan should vote for this one :)
  6. B

    PAF Top Ten Most Wanted Table Poll Series : #4 - Premium Licensed (Closed)

    Good idea to have a poll focused on easy/low-cost licences wich would not require any KS ! PinWiz, what do you think ? :)
  7. B

    PAF Top Ten Most Wanted Table Poll Series : #4 - Premium Licensed (Closed)

    I just hope Hook will be noticed, great movie with fantastic music and great pin too. A good KS could be a KS with multiple stretch goals grouping in that way all the "low-cost" licences (Congo, frankenstein... )
  8. B

    Terminator 2 Kickstarter BEGINNING NOW!!!

    Let's raise ours by 10 or 20$ then :) Even if we don't like it we need this table to be done in order to get the next ones...
  9. B

    Terminator 2 Kickstarter BEGINNING NOW!!!

    This is not "exciting news" it Will be bigger And it will do, really no need to worry we only need 14k now, a surge at the end and it's ok, like for many other KS Anyway we need this license to help TPA gain more credibility and target new bigger licenses
  10. B

    Round 3 Audio Interview: Post Your Questions

    Can you tell us which tables are impossible, or near impossible, to have in TPA and license ? Thanks!
  11. B

    Round 3 Audio Interview: Post Your Questions

    Quick questions : - Do you think that FT Big Hurt could be added to TPA? - Same Question about Data East / Sega tables. Is there any planned? I've seen the brands listed in the PS4 news. - Do you intend to sell some TPA or pinball related goodies? Could be good for KS for instance. Thanks...
  12. B

    Solving FS community management problem

    Hi, As we all already know FS has a real big problem with their community management. I can understand that as a small studio they don't have a lot of time allowed to community management, but community is a big part of their success and they need to solve this prob asap. One guy has suggested...
  13. B

    Terminator 2 Kickstarter BEGINNING NOW!!!

    I still hope that they preparing some big news or updates and that we'll succeed with this KS and the next ones if any
  14. B

    Terminator 2 Kickstarter BEGINNING NOW!!!

    I love the game and have pledged 100$ BUT i'm disapointed and concerned by FS attitude. To me, letting the community beg for updates, giving only 2 or 3 comments, is just a lack of respect of their consummers while they ask for their money. We are fans, consummers and partners of FS as we help...
  15. B

    Terminator 2 Kickstarter BEGINNING NOW!!!

    Just increased my pledge by 10$, not much but i don't want to see them fail here. It's a big step for FS, if they can manage this kind of license we'll be able to wait for the best tables next. Hoping to hear a Merlin's " You did it!" in 24 days :)

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