Recent content by darkuni

  1. darkuni

    Android TV support?

    Yeah, but I need a pointing device to use it - and for some reason, NVidia says that Google won't allow them to activate the track pad pointer on Android TV. It is a shame.
  2. darkuni

    Android TV support?

    Any activity on this? Zen is fine, but I need me some BK2000 on my Shield TV!
  3. darkuni

    USB/BT Joystick Center config for Pinball Arcade!

    Yeah, that's about it. We need at the VERY least, keyboard equivalents for everything. A simple config screen would be best; allowing us to map either keys or game pad controls to any action in the game.
  4. darkuni

    Android 1.9.0: Feedback and Discussion

    TNG on the Nexus 10 is just .. completely unplayable. I verified several other tables still played fine. I don't know why, but TNG drops frames like MAD, stutters, jumps around. Of course, the orientation issues previously mentioned. The portrait/landscape really affects people that play...
  5. darkuni

    USB/BT Joystick Center config for Pinball Arcade!

    I already made one for the Nexus 7 in portrait. Direct Download:
  6. darkuni

    Request Pro Mode (operator menu), and how this affects local high scores

    YES PLEASE! I am just getting this bucket of bolts App back together - we don't want Pro scores infecting our work. :)
  7. darkuni

    USB/BT Joystick Center config for Pinball Arcade!

    I've added it all to Green Robot Gamer!
  8. darkuni

    USB/BT Joystick Center config for Pinball Arcade!

    This shows you essentially what I did to create the config.
  9. darkuni

    USB/BT Joystick Center config for Pinball Arcade!

    Android folks, I'm pleased to announce a near-fully functional USB/BT Joystick Center configuration file for Pinball Arcade! The downside is that it requires USB/BT Joystick Center's add-on, Joy2Touch to allow me to properly map the controls - Pinball Arcade has NO physical controls support...
  10. darkuni

    TPA featured on RetroGaming Radio (July 2012)

    Hey gang, I promised coverage of the product on my podcast this month, and it has been done :) Get the show, etc. here: If you aren't interested in the rest of the show, skip to 2 hours 10 minutes it. Enjoy!
  11. darkuni

    Bug Android Version 1.0.10 Bugs

    I was thinking more along the lines of something IN APP that lets you "unlock" beta or incomplete tables.
  12. darkuni

    Bug Android Version 1.0.10 Bugs

    To keep PR issues to a minimum ... maybe a "beta" group or an "opt in" focus group would make sense. It sounds like there is a closed beta going on - but it doesn't seem to be getting the same feedback as the "released" product. Perhaps a special opt in group to better bang on these scripted...
  13. darkuni

    Video Tutorial: How to play TPA with a Wii Controller

    Wii controller, USB/BT Joycenter and rooted Android device required.
  14. darkuni

    The Six Million Dollar Man

    Pretty sure Pinball Hall of Fame in Las Vegas, NV had one when I went up there last. Didn't get to play though :(

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