Recent content by EbortionXsrk

  1. E

    PS Vita: First Impressions

    Configurable controls is my biggest overall gripe outside of the GUI. The other bugs are expected and will be polished out, things like the controls and GUI are something I don't see as excusable. As far as using the Vita, you're right. Using the OTHER side would be great. I'd much rather...
  2. E

    PS3 or Xbox 360

    The 360 is where you will find the top players like Roy Wils (tommycyberroy) and other pinball pros. So, I'd go for that if you're into competition.
  3. E

    Android - Bug Android VER 1.0.5 Bugs

    I cannot download Bride of Pinbot. It gets to a screen where it shows the download bar and freezes. Sometimes, it won't even make it this far. I bought these tables despite awful performance on my Acer A200 (Tegra 2, 1gb ddr2, and dedicated graphics ram) which is clearly sufficient in specs to...
  4. E

    Pinball Tips For Newbies

    Serenseven, those are two very high level skills to have! Keeping the ball occupied in multiball or even single ball play can sometimes be the deciding factor in a good set. Any shot with a habitrail is generally a good one to go for as the ball slows down quite a bit. Even pop bumpers, jets if...
  5. E

    PS Vita: First Impressions

    I stand corrected. You can change it, just not in game. select a table. Under controls, turn the Vita sideways. Hahaha. Wow, you would think Farsight would have given us at least a clue on how to do that.
  6. E

    PS Vita: First Impressions

    Unless I'm being an idiot here (could be) I can find absolutely no way to change it.
  7. E

    Why is the Death Save (Bang Back) considered illegal?

    In tournament play Deathsaves and Bangbacks are illegal. Also, they are two different things, not one in the same. There are some animations there to clarify the differences. Most places generally frown upon it and I think the community standard is to...
  8. E

    PS Vita: First Impressions

    Okay, albeit a bit tough to find, you CAN play the game in portrait mode. Simply go to Help & Options on the main menu, then go to controls. Once you are in controls turn the PSP and the mode will switch. Press circle and you are ready to rock. In light of this, I have to say that the Vita...
  9. E

    Pinball Tips For Newbies

    I've been talking to some pros for quite awhile now, as I'm actually venturing to Austin to pursue competitive pinball (flying to PAPA, etc.) The best thing I've ever been told was by Bowen Kerins, and the thing I try to pass on to everyone else, is this: Have a reason behind every shot you...
  10. E

    Request Sound Options

    Yeah, the console releases are seriously lacking in configuration options...
  11. E

    360 - Request Farsight: Controller configuration, please.

    I feel this warrants its own thread considering that if it's not changed now, something tells me it will be looked over in the future. I love the way Pinball Arcade is playing on 360 (minus a few glitches like Roy's 10billion rollover and some flipper/ball craziness) but there's one thing that...
  12. E

    Are slingshot really this annoying?

    I encountered this with Funhouse back during the WPBHOF days. I was frustrated with the deadliness of a slingshot. A few days later I was playing on a real Funhouse machine and realized that it wasn't just the game being unforgiving, it was how Funhouse was designed to be (unforgiving.) So, in...
  13. E

    360 - Request Allow nudge mapping both sticks

    Controller configuration is my main issue with the game so far, as well. There are some bugs that they will work out as time goes on, but something tells me if they don't add the ability to customize controls now... They never will. :/
  14. E

    Request General Wish List Thread

    Controller configuration would be nice. As I use a custom built arcade stick that I don't want to have to rewire every 5 minutes, it would be nice to have an ability to change what button/stick the plunger is set to. For now I'm stuck using a controller (yeah, poor me, haha) and I can't help but...

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