Recent content by Gigabomber

  1. G

    Same bug Support for the XBone as for the PS4?

    Just saw that Circus Voltaire video. Pretty bad. sways me toward PS4.
  2. G

    Same bug Support for the XBone as for the PS4?

    Still haven't committed to which system to buy (first), but I notice that the PS4 forum has a bug thread stickied and this one doesn't. Anyone notice any game quality differences between versions? more odd bugs reported with one or the other? Gut reactions are welcome. Thanks
  3. G

    TPA to Return to XBox 360

    If I'm here, I clearly haven't moved on. I'm attempting to convince myself that dropping $100 for tables on a system that will have no servers in 12 months is not a great idea. I can simply spend that money on a new system with a superior controller that will keep an active community for over 5...
  4. G

    TPA to Return to XBox 360

    Why are we still here? It's on both next gen consoles already. Why are we holding onto this so dearly? They are never going to make back the cash they spent to develop it at this point; it's a niche game to begin with. I'll probably just hold out since none of the tables will transfer over and...
  5. G

    TPA to Return to XBox 360

    I think I'm done here. The game is the same price on both next gen consoles, so I'll just grit it out for another year or less until I break down and get a next gen console. No reason to pay twice. Crave and xbox policies lost this battle for us, but they are doing a much better job on the next...
  6. G

    TPA to Return to XBox 360

    Is this from facebook? Didn't find it. Please show a little respect, they've been caught in bankruptcy court for years now and have managed to resubmit to MS recently. NOTE: still, you're joke is a bit funny.
  7. G

    TPA to Return to XBox 360

    Thanks Retro. I want to know what "working on" and "new" mean in this case; maybe that is clearer. Considering how direct answers have become in this thread, asking is worth a shot. Can't look at PS4 Pinball all day...
  8. G

    TPA to Return to XBox 360

    Does this mean: A. The new version is in testing/certification or B. The old version is in testing/cert. and you are actively working on a newer one?
  9. G

    TPA to Return to XBox 360

    I'm hoping for a deep discount when it comes around. I've actually gone from playing zero pinball machines in the last ten years to playing more than half of the pins on offer in the last few months in preparation. Made three trips to the hall of fame while I was in Vegas.
  10. G

    TPA to Return to XBox 360

    Nothing in the newsletter. Depression setting in
  11. G

    TPA to Return to XBox 360

    They could have easily abandoned the 360. Major developers have binned a a finished product, sometimes even going as far as giving refunds. Konami refused to patch the Silent Hill HD Collection for the 360 and issued a refund instead. Farsight has money pouring in from more than half a dozen...
  12. G

    TPA to Return to XBox 360

    Thanks for the info. I felt the PC versions, on my weak hardware, weren't better than the xbox version either. At least they weren't as responsive. Titles will flow to the ps4 and xb1 soon enough.
  13. G

    The DLC is on XBox live!

    Adding Carpy to the summary execution list for bumping this thread...
  14. G

    TPA to Return to XBox 360

    Just cross your fingers and say a hail mary in hopes that they don't fail the first cert. Was following sanctum 2 and they failed certs and it took a total of 2.5 months or so to straighten it out. Here's hoping for a couple of weeks.
  15. G

    TPA to Return to XBox 360

    Well, when you look at the release list for Xbox 360, you might want to wait for the next gen. Then, when you buy ps4 or xb1 and see that the release list is even smaller, you'll wonder what you were thinking. I bet they will announce some new releases for them over the next 6 months, but I'm...

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