Recent content by KendrikTheRed

  1. K

    Master List of Issues Within the PC Version

    I didn't have anything assigned to the stick for my XInputs. It was to be my next test. Was hoping tab behavior would be available, but I appreciate the information, and that works. Thanks!
  2. K

    [REPORT] Bug Reporting / Issues

    Anyone come up with a workaround for this? I'd like to avoid having to dedicate a button to mouse relocation. Directional inputs haven't seemed to do the trick. Maybe I'm just missing something? Edit: Turns out mouse and XInput left joystick will both move the pointer. Still, neither is ideal...
  3. K

    Master List of Issues Within the PC Version

    So, with the new UI, I can't seem to find a keyboard press that gets me out of the game over/final score screen if the mouse has been moved off of it. I seem to have to click on the button with a mouse. I'm trying to get my setup mouseless for cabinet play, so that's troublesome. Is there some...
  4. K

    [REPORT] Bug Reporting / Issues

    This would be very helpful, though I'll see if I can get some workaround happening on my system. Having the screen size change is really nice for getting around, though. Updating the mod to work with .12 is also hugely appreciated. :D
  5. K

    TPA updated to 1.50.10 ... Mod is for 1.50.7b

    Version 1.50.12 got installed while I wasn't paying attention amidst working on my little cab project today. Planned to take Steam offline to avoid exactly this, but had to be online to buy table packs while they were on sale. D'oh! Will just have to pick up work on the cab again later. Thanks...
  6. K

    Steam Sale: Summer 2016

    The hype is real.
  7. K

    NEW UI THIS WEEK be prepared

    Props to you, NoEx. Way to be on top of this, and thanks for your work! Super impressed that the mod works just fine. ...not as impressed with what the UI is gonna do to my launcher work. haha Whoa. After getting the full mod update, I'm even more impressed. The resize for non-play regions is...
  8. K

    [REPORT] Bug Reporting / Issues

    Darn it. Didn't think to do that. But it did the trick! Thanks so much! :D
  9. K

    [REPORT] Bug Reporting / Issues

    Really excited about the Free Camera Mod, and I'm greatly appreciated of the work that's been done on it, especially as it helps make cab-style play much more achievable. I've run into an issue that of unknown source, but it at least seems to be caused by having the FreeCam Mode activated in...

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