Recent content by odoyle

  1. O

    Pinball Arcade Overclocking After Update to Version 7.5.0

    12.9 iPad Pro here. Same issue :(
  2. O

    No Fear released on iOs

    aaaaaaaand no older tables got updated physics. Make my Christmas, FS. Let me play the greats with the improved flippers.. Please?
  3. O

    November mobile tournament is up!

    My strategy for TAF: shake the crap out of it to stop the horrid outlane drains, and try not to screw anything up too badly. Also STTNG, same strategy. Since I haven't drilled multiball control on TAF at all, really the best strategy for me was to max the graveyard and keep shooting right orbit...
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    November mobile tournament is up!

    Ooh, ouch.
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    November mobile tournament is up!

    4th place in bronze—it's like just missing the podium at the Special Olympics, hehe. I console myself with the fact that this was my first tourney.
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    November mobile tournament is up!

    Welp, cleared 2 billion on dracula. Still hate it.
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    November mobile tournament is up!

    So far, this tourney is just reinforcing my love of the Elvira machines and MB—and forever cementing my hatred of HH. Unexpected: I hate Dracula. I got it for the tourney, and I already want to drive a stake through it. Should've named it "Cheapass Turbo Drains, with Oddly Sexual Overtones." I...
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    November mobile tournament is up!

    This. So much this.
  9. O

    November mobile tournament is up!

    While you're soapboxing, I'm back in tourney ;) Thanks, FS!
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    November mobile tournament is up!

    I thought the ME scores seemed low. Hm, wonder if the purchase xfers to the other... Edit: nope. Dang. I guess one of these days I'll have to unlock the regular edition gold membership :(
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    November mobile tournament is up!

    I'm 0'Doyle
  12. O

    November mobile tournament is up!

    Made it to #5. Anyone up for a friendly competition? ...looks like we won't be playing PA for a bit
  13. O

    November mobile tournament is up!

    It's a lot better than some of the things that go on in a public restroom, for sure.
  14. O

    November mobile tournament is up!

    Send help. And wipes.
  15. O

    November mobile tournament is up!

    Naw, the only issue I have with FS is their lack of timely communication. Otherwise, it's pretty incredible that I can play classic pinball tables while poopin'.

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