Recent content by philph

  1. P

    Table pack 13 unavailable ??

    Thanks for that. I have tried going into Season 2 tables and they do appear to be available. On clicking them you are taken to the PSN page and then you recieve a message saying " there is nothing available at this time " . As you say I think I need to get in touch with Sony. Cheers PH
  2. P

    Table pack 13 unavailable ??

    Does anyone know why Table pack 13, Space Shuttle and White Water, appear to be unavailable ? I have purchased the Season Two Pass some time ago and have downloaded packs 11, 12 and 14 but in the New Zealand PSN store Table Pack 13 is "unavailable " to download. Just wondering why ??
  3. P

    What tables did you play today?

    Playing Fire Power today and I have to confess I'm not too good at this table. I need to sharpen up my nudging skills to stop the drain straight down the middle !
  4. P

    The Official PSN ID Thread

    Hi everyone, I'm new to the forum and new to Pinball Arcade. My scores pretty well suck at the moment but still enjoying on both Vita and PS3. Feel free to add me, cheers My PSN ID is philph

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