Recent content by pinballrocks

  1. P

    iOS - Bug Strange behaviour

    I found a way to reliably reproduce the problem of unresponsive flippers, though it requires a bit of patience and an older table. On Attack From Mars if you can get to the Video Mode special where you shoot descending saucers before they land, you'll notice very clearly and reliably that the...
  2. P

    iOS - Bug Strange behaviour

    I do suspect it has something to do with Game Center. However, even after doing what you suggested (leaving TPA alone for a while after launching) I'm still encountering flipper unresponsiveness, mostly with the right one now. It's still not consistent and absolutely frustrating, since it...
  3. P

    iOS - Bug Strange behaviour

    Same here, except I noticed it a lot more often and with the flippers also sticking as if I was pressing and holding. It has caused me to lose balls unexpectedly. I noticed it started after updating my iPad to iOS 9.
  4. P

    Mobile tournament starting June 26

    Aside from my very first one (which of course was terrible), no scores are posting for me either. I should see at least two scores in the top 10 in Arabian Nights and No Good Gofers, yet nothing since Saturday. Very lame... :mad:
  5. P

    iPad Air 2

    If there is an Apple hallmark it is thinness. Pretty much every product Apple makes eventually gets the Air treatment, so my money is on iPads getting even thinner in the next two generations. That being said, I don't feel they're particularly flimsy. At least not any flimsier than my iPad 3...
  6. P

    iPad Air 2

    You must play at very high volume levels :eek:. I tend to use headphones most of the time, simply because I can just hear everything much more clearly. Or I connect to my little Bluetooth speaker (the game sounds great like this, actually). But one thing I love about the Air 2 is how thin it...
  7. P

    iPad Air 2

    Mine is also an Air 2. Occasionally I'll run into situations in which a flipper doesn't respond. I've noticed it more often on Black Knight, but also on a few other Season 1 tables, just not as consistently. Not sure what causes it, and it doesn't happen every time I play, so don't ask me how...
  8. P

    Nudge options.

    I've been experimenting with Swipe, but find it a bit unresponsive. However, Touchscreen feels a bit too responsive for me. No sweet spot, unfortunately.
  9. P

    This table STINKS

    This ^^ I've seen the real table (though admittedly not played it) and the ball physics on TPA are totally off. Waaaaaay too floaty and overly bouncy -- almost like the ball needs more weight. Add my complaint to the list.
  10. P

    Xenon out for ios

    All the tables as in all four seasons? One can only hope.
  11. P

    iOS - Bug TPA 4.3.1 #1 for iOS

    I had the same problem on my iPad. Luckily I also had the app installed on my iPhone with a fairly current backup, so I used that to overwrite the remote backup and then restore from there to the iPad. It was a bit of a convoluted processed but it worked and I lost minimal data. I agree that...
  12. P

    iOS - Request Better graphics

    I'm with the last three posts. I wouldn't call the tables ugly (they're very crisp and clean in fact), just flat and a bit artificial looking, lacking any of the ambient lighting or shadow effects of the more advanced console versions.
  13. P

    iOS - Request Better graphics

    I understand the reluctance to alienate a large user base of older iOS devices. Limiting support to just two generations of iOS would probably mitigate any losses somewhat, but even then Metal was only released with iOS8 last September, so any support would probably come one maybe two years...
  14. P

    iOS - Request Better graphics

    Yeah, hard to improve the graphics when you're still trying to support iOS 5, for crying out loud.

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