Recent content by subbie

  1. S

    Bug iOS Version 2.8.0 Bugs

    Device/OS: iPhone 4 (iOS 7.0.0) Bug Description: Camera focuses on the back glass and not the wheel when spelling gopher Steps To Reproduce: Get to spelling gopher mode then shoot into the middle ramp. Frequency: 100% I'm also getting the flipper issue others are reporting. If it helps, I...
  2. S

    PAF Top Ten Most Wanted Table Poll Series : #2 - Williams (Closed)

    I think some of my selections will happen but for an older table. Please Bad Cats, Please Bad Cats!
  3. S

    March table hinted at in newsletter?

    I think the hate for older tables is too much. I actually like CP & Jive Time. I don't always want to sit down for a long play session and the older tables fill a nice itch for me. Really if anything FS should just go back to breaking down their packs and make the price reasonable (ie. Don't...
  4. S

    how many tz kickstarter supporters have gotten an email about rewards

    I didn't get one but then I realized it probably doesn't matter that much since I'm in the $100 bracket. =/
  5. S

    Are console exclusive tables viable?

    Ignoring the AC/DC side, I've brought up the Mario Bros ones in the past. It might not be worth it for FS to go after it right now but it would be cool if they can strike a deal with nintendo to do the tables based on their properties in the future. Even if it means Wii-U exclusive tables. I'm...
  6. S

    Bug iOS Version 1.1.8 Bugs & Feedback

    Found a few more odd bugs in Harley (minor) 1) Start a game 2) Go to the pause menu 3) Start repeatedly tapping the camera button. At times it will stop and have the icon button on like if you were still holding down. The background music from the table also stops about the same time it starts...
  7. S

    Taxi/HD/Gofers/Elvria update out!

    So finally bought the two packs today and got some more time in on all 4. Harley still seems buggy and broken to me. I still from time to time have issues with the flippers not working properly. Like one time I had it so that if I hold the right and hit the left flipper then let go then hit it...
  8. S

    What are your most-wanted tables?

    Today I went and played some pinball during lunch (Pinball Cafe to anybody here from Toronto). I found a new table I would love to see in PA in the future. Bad Cats by Williams. Out of all the machines they had at PC this one I enjoyed the most. Sadly...
  9. S

    Scared Stiff and Big Shot for table pack #7 in October.

    Wow. Big Shot? I'm game! =D (I like retro tables)
  10. S

    Bug iOS Version 1.1.8 Bugs & Feedback

    Bugs [iPhone 4, OS 5.1.1, PA Free Version] Taxi - Got a joyride and the camera went under the table and all the way to the back glass. Menu - Crashed a few times scrolling right in the main menu. Misc - Got a crash onetime when coming out of sleep mode. -edit- I can confirm again the Taxi...
  11. S

    Taxi/HD/Gofers/Elvria update out!

    WOW. WTF..... I got a joyride in taxi and the camera went under the freaking table and all the way to the back glass. Talk about some freaky ****.
  12. S

    Taxi/HD/Gofers/Elvria update out!

    DL the free version. It comes with Taxi & Harley pre downloaded. That is how i'm playing it. Something just over all feels wrong with Harley. Like i've had the right flipper not respond a few times. =/ I'm on a iPhone 4 btw.
  13. S

    Taxi/HD/Gofers/Elvria update out!

    What the hell. The bug is not just on the new tables. It extends to all tables you have A) not previously downloaded (or are not being forced to redownload) and B) you have not purchased said table. I get the bug on Bride of Pinbot since I don't own that table and there was an update to it...
  14. S

    No Good Gofers - Elvira

    how the hell are people getting to be beta testers in the first place? =/
  15. S

    Taxi and Harley Davidson release date?

    I don't want to get my hopes up and be depressed but new tables this week would be nice. =D I play PA a lot already but I think I'll be getting more out of it when i'm forced to take public transit again when I start my new job next week (prev I would just walk to work).

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