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    VICE: Silver Pinball Museum

    Sharing Xenon lookin good
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    Android - Bug Nexus 7 incompatible?

    Unlocked Nexus 7 here with 4.2.2. stock. I'm getting device incompatibility when trying to update...
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    Genie: Weird boxes around Lights and Playfield objects

    Here's a screenshot from my Nexus7 It has many weird boxes around the playfield objects, here's a detail so you can see what I mean.
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    Best camera angle to score?

    I used to use 4 for the dramatic cam angle but I switched to 2 and am beating my old records in the first couple of games. What's the beast cam angle for higher scoring?
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    Android - Bug Just played a real table, a couple things I noticed.

    I have not played a great many of real life pinball machines, but I play your App a lot and have purchased all the tables. I can't say I speak from authority, but after dropping several dollars into a CFTBL table yesterday then going home and playing your app. 1. The ball in the app feels very...
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    Android Vector graphics to remove pixilization?

    I've noticed a bit of pixillation, especially on text, when playing Pinball Arcade on my Nexus 7. I'm curious as to whether or not it would be preferable to use vector graphics for the 2D objects which receive close up camera angles, such as flat text for the "50 cents a play" part of the table etc.

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