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  1. Blueshirt

    So, being a rather poor individual...

    ...I've been playing TPA on my XBOX with an old CRT tv. And being a lucky gent, I got a 32 inch LED tv for christmas thanks to some seriously awesome folks. And firing up the xbox and playing a game of CV... HOLY MOTHER OF GOD ITS SO PRETTY JESUS CHRIST WHOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Nobody ever...
  2. Blueshirt

    The great-ish midwest pin search

    As a local minnesotan, as Farsight started to get me into pinball big (curse you guys!), I feared finding pinball machines would be fruitless and disheartening. Boy, was I wrong. There's a surprising amount of great machines in the twin cities here, and I thought I'd share a few finds with you...
  3. Blueshirt


    Thought I'd make an account after lurking for so long. Seeing all the stories about people hunting for machines has made me want to post some of my midwestern findings. And there's a lot! Otherwise just waiting patiently for xbox dlc while playing on my kindle. Without TPA I would have never...

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