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  1. Brandon Debes

    Limited Time Achievement: Genie Challenge

    Fellow Xboners, don't forget you only have through the end of 2014 to defeat Saleem Bagazi and complete the Genie Challenge! I posted a solution over at that you can check out should you need help getting it to pop. As I noted there, I still don't seem to have access to...
  2. Brandon Debes

    Borrowed a friend's Vita; how do I sign him out?

    Hey, Vita friends. I have never played any PlayStation console or handheld, but a friend of mine insisted I borrow his PS Vita to take on holiday with me. So I thought I would play some TPA on it (and Zen 2, which comes out while I'm on the beach). I created a PSN account on the web, but I can't...
  3. Brandon Debes

    Help Wanted: Earn the Special at 1-2-3-4 targets

    Does anybody have any advice for me on shooting these spot targets reliably? I never did complete this goal on the PHoF: Williams Collection disc, and now here I am again in TPA's Gorgar with all but this one ticked off. Once I managed to complete the third set to light the rotating special...
  4. Brandon Debes

    On the possibility of a new, TPA exclusive table from a classic designer

    The most requested question for Bobby King in round 3 was, "Would you ever comission a new table design from a classic designer exclusively for TPA?" Well, we'll see what he says about the issue when his answers are posted later, but there was a new announcement today that might shed some light...
  5. Brandon Debes

    360 Screen tearing on Cirqus Voltaire's playfield mounted DMD

    I suppose this is not an art issue per se, but I didn't want it to get lost in the noise. I'm playing TPA most frequently on an Xbox 360 hooked to an ASUS LCD computer display via HDMI. On this setup, the DMD that's mounted in the playfield (not the toggleable, floating one) has constant screen...
  6. Brandon Debes

    TOTAN Issues

    The left side of the TOTAN backbox still has that jank, mirrored side art with the backwards Williams logo. Every time I see that backwards logo text it makes my freakin' teeth itch. Admittedly, I have clinically diagnosed OCD, but still; it just looks so amateurish.
  7. Brandon Debes

    Any Carcassonne players here?

    I feel like there is significant enough overlap between pinball and classic german style board game fanbases to warrant asking this here. If any of you plays Carcassonne on iOS, I'd love a few more people to play with. I am Fire Sauce on GameCenter. If you add me, just put "TPA" in the friend...
  8. Brandon Debes

    Standard and Wizard Table Goals Master List & Hall of Fame Scores

    Below is a list of every table goal in The Pinball Arcade. Links point to guides and tips on completing the goals. If you’d like to offer help to others on a goal you’ve completed, just type it up here or post a link to an external write-up, and I will edit it into the OP. Hopefully we can...
  9. Brandon Debes

    DAE notice that the front panel texture says 25¢ on the coin slots?

    The table history flavor text they included for Black Hole specifically mentions that this game is historic for being the first to successfully charge 50¢ per play, and then if you look around at the front panel while plunging the coin slots are marked 25¢. Obviously not a big deal, but it seems...
  10. Brandon Debes

    360 - Bug TILT doesn't clear on ended game

    I realize that the "pause->end game->start new game" cycle is purely video gamey and not an issue on the actual tables, but in the video gamey version of these tables there are goals and unlimited credits, so people are going to learn the button sequence that starts them with a fresh game if...
  11. Brandon Debes

    360 - Bug TotAN Bug Round-up, XBLA edition

    Use this thread to post write-ups of any bugs you encounter while playing Tales of the Arabian Nights on Xbox LIVE Arcade. Plunged a ball, let it drain straight down the middle, "ball locked" animation played on dot matrix display, accompanied by "ball locked" sound sample, before end of ball...

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