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  1. B

    Solving FS community management problem

    Hi, As we all already know FS has a real big problem with their community management. I can understand that as a small studio they don't have a lot of time allowed to community management, but community is a big part of their success and they need to solve this prob asap. One guy has suggested...
  2. B

    Baseball Tales

    Some crazy baseball tables here : I would love to play to Big Hurt or even Silver Slugger in TPA ! Any baseball fan here to support this request ? :)
  3. B

    Past newsletters ?

    Hi ! Is there a way to read pat newsletters ? No archive is available on FS website but i imagine that links to the web version of the emails should be available somewhere. Thanks for your help !
  4. B

    iOS - Bug Hints to play anyway

    Bug : since the last iOs update the game loose the scores and crashes Solutions : In the general game options deactivate Game Center update, scroll down the list of options and select "Restore saved datas" and choose "Remote" I hope that helps ! :rolleyes:

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