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  1. P

    Awesome Pinball Site This site is especially awesome if you have a tablet computer (like an iPad); you can watch pinball playthroughs (under "Videos & Tutorials") in proper vertical display.
  2. P

    Why is the Death Save (Bang Back) considered illegal?

    The Death Save, a sharp forward nudge (when timed right) that pops the pinball up while it's going down the center drain from the outlanes (with help from holding the flipper in the direction to where the ball is draining), is a move often considered a controversial move. Some say it's cheating...
  3. P

    Request Score Rollover Recognition

    Score Rollover Recognition (Xbox 360) I understand ROM codes do have score rollovers; however, FarSight's score display for their leaderboards (local and online) don't recognize score rollovers, which I think it should.
  4. P

    Bug 10 Billion Point Rollover

    10 Billion Point Rollover (Xbox 360) This guy gets up to 10 Billion points on the Xbox 360 version of this table and the score rolls over and doesn't count his 10 Billion+ points.
  5. P

    April Fools 2012

    It's that time of year again where the internet posts faux-news and troll. Google already started theirs:
  6. P

    iOS/Android Pinball

    Since there are quite a few people on this forum that have a mobile device, I thought I'd make this thread. I have both an iPod Touch 4th generation and iPad 2. Here's my two cents on the pinball games I've bought from the app store: The Pinball Arcade needs no explanation; bought it, played...

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