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  1. S

    PS3 williams collection original game compared to the pinball arcade

    The texture resolution on some tables could be a little sharper and some rails could be a little radiused if you see them close compared with Zen Pinball, I think, but not on all tables. Certainly the backglass textures have a poor resolution all in all, if you look closely. In my opinion there...
  2. S

    Bug Android Version 1.6.0 Bugs And Feedback

    Still no bugfix for the sound-stuttering/ performance problem on SGS II G-version!
  3. S

    Android 4.0.4 performance

    Still no information on a patch for fixing the stuttering problem? Want to play my tables again .. :( ... Maybe Samsung itself could do something?..
  4. S

    Farsight hates europe

    Maybe Farsight should send their DLC#6 - 9 to SCEE right now, so we EU-Users could expect them at Christmas-Eve.. maybe New Years-Eve... :rolleyes:
  5. S

    Hot damn the new tables look incredible!

    Will the EU-Users enjoy the same patch for their tables or is this update for US only?!
  6. S

    Android 4.0.4 performance

    Oh, that's bad to hear because Samsung is very slow on updates with the SGSII G Version. Do I have to wait 6 month again till they fix this on the next android update ?! :(
  7. S

    Android 4.0.4 performance

    New app version - old problem. No fixes to the stuttering problem yet!? Can't buy any new tables till the problem hasn't been fixed..
  8. S

    Android 4.0.4 performance

    No, with my SGSII G the stuttering problem is with the whole app not only the tables funhouse and bride.. It starts in the table overview menu..
  9. S

    Android 4.0.4 performance

    The sound on SGSII G with ICS is stuttering heavily. Sometimes there is even no sound at all. You only hear a few soundframes with six or more seconds between them. The game itself is a bit slower than before the update but still playable. And yes, it's the latest version.. :rolleyes:
  10. S

    Android 4.0.4 performance

    Same problem on SGSII G. Any news about a fix or an update on PA for the issue ?
  11. S

    Perfomance Problems and sound stuttering after Android "sandwich" Update on SGII G

    ..So it's the ICS that causes the stuttering on both phones SGSII G and Razr Maxx..:(
  12. S

    Perfomance Problems and sound stuttering after Android "sandwich" Update on SGII G

    The update has been made with Samsung KIES (official Samsung Software). I have to point out that it's the G Version of the SGSII with the Texas Instruments CPU not the first edition with Exynos CPU. That might be the point.. :confused:
  13. S

    Perfomance Problems and sound stuttering after Android "sandwich" Update on SGII G

    Perfomance Problems and sound stuttering after Android "sandwich" Update on SGII G Hi, after updating my Samsung Galaxy SII G version with the newest Android Version 4.0.4 (german) i noticed a heavy sound stuttering during menu and ingame. Starting each table is very slow and the performance...

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