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  1. R

    PC Version 1.19.4 Discussion & Feedback

    Thanks so much for the fast fix, now it works on my XP! :) Best regards from Hungary. George
  2. R

    Bug PC Version 1.19.6 Bugs

    I'm hardly running any program. Only some program start at the boot. I'm use 650 MB of the 4GB. And the reboot not solve the problem either temporarily. I do not know what else to do,I'm waiting for the fix. Anyway thanks for the quick reply, Mike. :) Best Regards. George
  3. R

    Bug PC Version 1.19.6 Bugs

    BUG: Can't start the game OS: Windows XP pro SP3 Graphics card: ATI RADEON HD 4830 Ram: 4 GB Full Screen 1024x768 Frequency of Occurrence: All the time log.txt "vs 1.19.1 Main Start Init Steam Init Achievements Init Heap Largest Memory Chunk = 276463616 Alloc Resource Heap Failed Init Game...
  4. R

    It's out! (PC Initial Release Discussion And Feedback)

    Hi There! I have the same problem, like LamerDeluxe! 'Assertion Falied,Expression Mdata' File: ..\..\..\..\Libraries\SourceCpp\...\IMemor...ace.cpp Line: 11 Here's My Config: Windowx XP Pro SP3, ASUS M2N-E MOtherboard, AMD Athlon 64 X2 3100MHz, 4GB RAM, ATI Radeon HD 4830 (512 MB) Creative...

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