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  1. G

    Shooting the cannon advise for accuracy.

    Yes farsight has it wrong, it should hit on the second light from the bottom. Btw, I was one of two testers during the creation of the chrome version for visual pinball. You can sure as hell bet it is correct there ;)
  2. G

    Bug Skull 2

    On a real T2, if you shoot two balls in the skull at the same time the ball finder will eventually search for the missing ball. During the search it will load one of the balls into the cannon. If you make the shot, the game then goes directly into shooting for the super jackpot since there was...
  3. G

    Bug. Kickback

    I still have never seen it once on the T2 recreation and I have played it 100s times (more than I like to admit). Ball always loses too much speed when it hits the corner. I've even tried to nudge the table upward when the ball gets to the corner and still no dice. Bug bug bug bug :p
  4. G

    Bug skull

    This bug gets really annoying when you shoot the skull for a shot at super jackpot and the ball just goes right through it giving you nothing!! Farsight please please please fix this one!!!
  5. G

    Bug T2 Disappearing ball glitch during multi-ball on iPad

    I have had it where the table thought I only had one ball but I really had two but I have not had it lose a ball on me yet. I'm only playing on the IOS version. I have it for android but almost always play on a iPad or iPad mini. What are you using?
  6. G

    Bug. Kickback

    1:30 if you didn't get any extra balls. I know I get two extra balls most games. ;) Well that and the timer that gives you another chance if you lose a ball too fast...
  7. G

    Shooting issue with the Super Jackpot

    So Advalle how did it work for you once you moved it lower?
  8. G

    Bug cannon x2

    Yeah, I just watched some PAPA videos and their machine also hit the super jackpot on the second light from the bottom just like almost all of the t2 cabs I have played on. I played one cab at a pub i stopped at that had an issue where the cannon was way too fast and the super jackpot was just...
  9. G

    3rd bug with the cannon

    Thanks for the reply Carl. This in the only bug that I reported that I was not 100% sure on. I know my cab did it but it is possible that it wasn't the norm. I played many other t2 cabs but I can't remember exactly how they behaved in regards to this. On my cab the cannon would just go very...
  10. G

    Bug. Kickback

    Thanks for the reply Mayuh. I'm only talking about the IOS version at this point running on an iPad and iPad mini. Is that the version you are using? Besides owning a T2 for about 5 years, I also played this pin a ton when it first came out in 1991. All of the T2 cabs did the ball kick...
  11. G

    3rd bug with the cannon

    This one i am about 50% sure on. i no longer own a T2 myself so i cant confirm it. The cannon does not swing out far enough. When shooting the hunter ship with the cannon, you should be able to shoot the black rubber below the lowest target. This would give you a complete miss as you hit no...
  12. G

    Bug iOS Version 2.7.0 Bugs

    Table t2 IOS ipad 4 There are four bugs with this table that I found. They are listed here: I found four bugs with the T2 on IOS... They are all listed here
  13. G

    Bug cannon x2

    This one happens pretty darn often. One strange thing is that sometimes the ball shoots out of the cannon on its own and misses the target for superjackpot but it still gives it to you. The other issue is that when you don't press the cannon the cannon sometimes actually hits the correct light...
  14. G

    Bug. Kickback

    This bug is also really annoying. I know farsight has the actual table so they can easily prove this with the glass off. I now really think the issue is that the corner where the kickback is is just too sharp of a turn for the ball to head up high enough in the left drain in order for it to...
  15. G

    Bug skull

    This bug happens very often. Last game it happened 4 times!! So annoying!
  16. G

    Bug - cant shoot cannon

    Done. By they way. I confirmed this bug on an iPad, iPad mini, and an android phone ( Samsung galaxy note)
  17. G

    Bug Android Version 1.17.0 Bugs

    Device/OS: iPad mini and iPad 4 and Samsung note android Table: T2 Bug Description:If you are holding the left or right flipper, you can't shoot the cannon. This happens mostly when you are going for super jackpot and have balls in play or held on the flippers. Confirmed on both iPad and on...
  18. G

    Bug iOS Version 2.7.0 Bugs

    Device: iPad mini and iPad 4 OS: IOS 6.1.3 Table: T2 V2 Bug Description:If you are holding the left or right flipper, you can't shoot the cannon. This happens mostly when you are going for super jackpot and have balls in play or held on the flippers. Confirmed on both iPad and on android with...
  19. G

    Bug - cant shoot cannon

    Just tried it with the trigger all the way at the bottom and it worked fine. Tried it twice, once with left flipper held and once with right flipper held.
  20. G

    Bug cannon x2

    When going for the super jackpot, you can sometimes just not shoot the ball at all, the cannon will eventually shoot the ball and sometimes it actually shoots the super jackpot for you. This never happens on a real t2. Getting picky here but the super jackpot always hits on the bottom light...

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