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  1. T

    Season 3 released on Steam

    I'd like to know this, too. I'm holding off buying season 2 and 3 packs until there are Steam boards in the game.
  2. T

    Has anyone heard if the Pro-Packs will be a part of the Steam sale?

    Right. They don't have to, that's pretty obvious. Never said they do. Farsight either didn't want to participate in the sale or they didn't manage to apply for the sale in time. I'd say the latter is less likely since some of the games that appeared on Steam days before the sale got a discount...
  3. T

    Has anyone heard if the Pro-Packs will be a part of the Steam sale?

    It's absolutely not. There was a leaked Valve document telling the dates of this year sales stating that the devs/publishers have to apply beforehand (a month before I think?) for their games to be discounted. Either Farsight didn't want to have any discounts or didn't have time to apply for...
  4. T

    Request Some way of showing relative leaderboard position

    Very well put. Steam leaderboards discussion seeps into different topics simply because it's the most pressing matter for TPA. It's a basic feature that's lacking from the PC port.
  5. T

    PC - Request Missing features - PC port

    Ok, I guess I'm in the wrong on that one. Would be cool to see that feature, though.
  6. T

    PC - Request Missing features - PC port

    This would only be a problem if the game's code was a complete mess. PBFX2 offers that, can't see why TPA wouldn't.
  7. T

    PC - Request Missing features - PC port

    I edited the first post. Some stuff got added but there's very little progress on PC port. And I'll ask again - what is the progress on Steam leaderboards? When do we get a proper answer on that? Do the devs seriously expect PC players to compete in tournaments with iOS/Android users?
  8. T

    PC - Request Missing features - PC port

    Already removed. They fixed that one today. Good job!
  9. T

    PC - Request Missing features - PC port

    It's a feature advertised on the TPA's Steam page and it doesn't work for many people who bought the game. I'd say it should be fixed even if one self-proclaimed old guy doesn't know what steam trading cards are (all due respect).
  10. T

    PC - Request Can we upgrade the textures?

    It's funny seeing these two bolded sentences together in the same post.
  11. T

    PC - Request Can we upgrade the textures?

    I agree with Filip. It should be marked as an Early Access. Also, can't wait for the DX11 light/textures upgrade. It's become a standard nowadays, lots of people have cards with DX11 shaders. Don't think it would be that taxing on the PC rigs. Larger textures would make the game require more...
  12. T

    PC - Request Missing features - PC port

    I wasn't writing this to spite Farsight. I support them, paid for tables on PS3/Vita, now bought a whole season on PC. And glad I did. I know about digital distribution issues on PSN, really hope they will iron all of this out on PC. Can't wait for the ROM update for the tables you mentioned...
  13. T

    PC - Request Missing features - PC port

    I'd be happy to cross out any from the list (in order of importance): 1. Steam leaderboards (what's the point of cross-over with iOS and Android devices?) 2. Hi-res textures (leaving lo-res in graphic settings for those with weaker machines) 3. New lightning system (from PS4 port) 4. Proper...
  14. T

    Request Steam Leaderboards

    Any progress on this? Steam users are screaming for this feature. And so am I, really: No friend leaderboards really defeats the purpose of having the game in your steam library. This feature would really boost the sales.
  15. T

    Portrait mode on PC? (Update: Now Available)

    It worked. Thanks. But now I got the blur bug. Everything looks like it got mip-mapping or something. I got an ATI card...
  16. T

    Portrait mode on PC? (Update: Now Available)

    Portrait mode is bugged on 16:10 monitors. Game crashes at startup. Will the next patch fix that?
  17. T

    Request Steam Leaderboards

    Wouldn't it make more sense to require Farsight login only for people who participate in tournaments? Me and my buddies organized a steam group to compare our pinball scores in PFX2 hoping TPA will allow us to do the same. I know there are lots of people who prefer playing against their friends...

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