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  1. L

    PC Steam version crashing

    I wonder if they did a bad update because I came here for the same thing...
  2. L

    [REPORT] Bug Reporting / Issues

    Okay, I finally gave up the software portion and started swapping cables at your suggestion. Since both the backglass and DMD were on the 210 I tried moving the backglass to the GTX but that didn't fix it. The DMD is a VGA and I don't have any VGA to DVI or HDMI cords so that couldn't be tried...
  3. L

    [REPORT] Bug Reporting / Issues

    Stumped... They were like this but I double checked for piece of mind. This didn't help but was a good thought that I hadn't tried figuring the global settings would override everything. I was using FRAPS but I turned on the steam FPS counter instead just in case that might matter. I had...
  4. L

    [REPORT] Bug Reporting / Issues

    Slowdown with the mod running... First, Thanks to NoEx for making the mod since PA seem unlikely to give us anything now... I've got an issue and I THINK I might know why but I thought I would ask advice before doing anything drastic. I have a table (3 monitor setup) that I bought for my wife...
  5. L

    Details on PC Cabinet support for TPA

    On the PS4 stream for Addams Family we got a little bit of news on Cabinet Support. Seems it's number 2 on the priority list and right now. He said that Priority 1 (DX11) should be nearly done so fingers crossed that we get it in the next few months. They mentioned earlier in the stream (the...

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