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  1. Jim O'Brien

    PAPA gives Farsight a shout out

    Thought I would share something I seen on their website, love watching these whenever I have spare time. Funhouse is at 1:03:15 if you are on mobile.
  2. Jim O'Brien

    Updated Version

    What happened exactly with this table ? I haven't played it in a while until the current tournament and it seems the difficulty level is stupid hard, did the team just raise the slope level or something I'm stumped. :confused:
  3. Jim O'Brien

    Is this possible with Pinball Arcade ?

    Any one using a mini PC to play pinball arcade ? I'm up in the air about buying one and would if it could run PA and maybe a bit of MAME. Most of my collection is on Android and would like to keep that going I've yet to buy anything from season 3 because I have been dipping my feet in the water...
  4. Jim O'Brien

    Bug Where the hell did Joyride go ? ( PS3 )

    It's been awhile since I fired up the PS3 to play Pinball Arcade. Played quite a few games and good ones too and noticed that the Joyride feature is totally gone. The display for the screen doesn't show up anymore. When did this happen ? I've been away from the PS3 for quite some time and have...
  5. Jim O'Brien

    Real Cool App

    Want to find real tables close to you ? Thought I would share this wonderful app.
  6. Jim O'Brien

    Windows Surface

    I'm in the market for my first tab and was wondering if one of these could also run visual pinball ? If anyone here has one could you share your thoughts about it ?
  7. Jim O'Brien

    PS3 - Bug Pin Bot Pick Up Consistency In 1080p

    Today I decided to try the some tables in 1080p again, lately if I have been playing at all it has been in 720p and while playing Taxi (PS3) I could not believe the amount of times I was able to pick up Pin Bot it was ridiculous and I wasn't even aiming for the shot too that is the strange part...
  8. Jim O'Brien

    Does Anyone Know ?

    What does Monster Bash pinball say after the match feature plays through at the end of a game ?
  9. Jim O'Brien

    Trophy Help For Version 2.03

  10. Jim O'Brien

    Trophy Help For Version 2.03

    So I've finally got around to deleting my Save File on PS3 and I have a game save back up of tables that I accomplished all goals for trophies. I'm wondering how do I add my old game save to overwrite the existing one ? My save data is on a memory stick. Just asking for help because I don't want...
  11. Jim O'Brien

    Something Startiling About Version 2.01

    Today while playing I was messing around in the table options before you start a game and I was blown away when I selected Help & Options, then view EULA. Instead of showing the End User License Agreement (EULA) it appears to show the start of the Challenge Mode with five slots available for...
  12. Jim O'Brien

    When We Get To Scared Stiff...

    If you look on the back glass on the videotapes next to Elvira you will see the words Black Thursday written on the middle tape case. This was the day Williams closed it's doors and was a hidden message from the art team.
  13. Jim O'Brien

    This Looks Like A Very Strange Table

    With a very limited run, just ran over this a few days ago and thought I would share.
  14. Jim O'Brien

    Hitting The Highwire Ramp Consistently

    This ramp drives me crazy and I don't think I have a good enough handle on it yet. Do most of you hit it with the left flipper or the right ? Seems to me you can't hit the ramp from a trapped ball shot (right flipper) but it seems to work when the ball is coming down the Strike An Ark habitrail...
  15. Jim O'Brien

    PS3 - Bug Main music cutting out after you pause the game

    Playing last night and I noticed that the main music from the game cut out after I paused the game (final genie battle) and started playing again. It was real strange because all of the voices were working, but there wasn't any music from the roms playing - Pinball Arcade Acappella anyone ? ;)

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