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  1. skysier

    Official Announcement.

    I m understand for Bally table.. but i don't undestand.. I have Watch on wikipedia that stern had parted on williams
  2. skysier

    2 days to go need to know straight.

    Crepello55012 : You conserve all tables you have paid
  3. skysier

    PS4 uk disc does not allow purchase of tables

    @capitain : no I musst change disk
  4. skysier

    European Disk version questions

    @reabbferrell : Perharps refresh your liscences..
  5. skysier

    European Disk version questions

    Personnaly I have disc season 1 and season 2.. I had bought seasons 3-7; When I put disc season 1 I have all pinball season 3-7 and season 1 and when i Put disk season 2 I have 3-7 and season 2. juste precision. I have bought seasons 3-7 after installed season 1 and 2 I have european disks...
  6. skysier

    Official Announcement.

    I found unlucky with upgrade programs for season 1 and 2 disc that it's not possible to access with disk on ps4
  7. skysier

    UK PS4 Table Purchase Problems

    francis247uk : I had the same problem the support says download separatly all tables.. you can control the tables downloaded to go to the other seasons program's and Watch tables.. if mesage "all tables are buying", all tables are downlaoded @ tandygab : The support had ask me for refresh...
  8. skysier

    PS4 uk disc does not allow purchase of tables

    MIK one times you have paid the season, all table are free (be carfull take the correct table pro or not pro as the mode of season you take).. If you have disk for season 1 and for season 2, you can't download again table from the season. To control you have downloading all tables on one season...
  9. skysier

    PS4 uk disc does not allow purchase of tables

    pinbot I have disc season 1 and season 2. For having other season you can't buy with the link on the disk.. you musst go to psn store and order on the store.. After paying the seasons. you musst download table by table..

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