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  1. darkuni

    USB/BT Joystick Center config for Pinball Arcade!

    Android folks, I'm pleased to announce a near-fully functional USB/BT Joystick Center configuration file for Pinball Arcade! The downside is that it requires USB/BT Joystick Center's add-on, Joy2Touch to allow me to properly map the controls - Pinball Arcade has NO physical controls support...
  2. darkuni

    TPA featured on RetroGaming Radio (July 2012)

    Hey gang, I promised coverage of the product on my podcast this month, and it has been done :) Get the show, etc. here: If you aren't interested in the rest of the show, skip to 2 hours 10 minutes it. Enjoy!
  3. darkuni

    Video Tutorial: How to play TPA with a Wii Controller

    Wii controller, USB/BT Joycenter and rooted Android device required.
  4. darkuni

    Caps (still and video) of new CFTBL/BK tables (plus a bonus)

    Several posts have people asking for pictures of the new tables. Here are a bunch: I shot some HD video of the new TPA tables (and an old one) - plus a look at all three tables in the Android's War Pinball HD...
  5. darkuni

    Please add Xperia or physical button mappings....

    This has been eluded to in other posts, but I'll add my +1 here. Can you add physical button mappings to TPA? Xperia Play support would be optimum because it would give that whole market a huge bonus - but any actual keyboard/keymapping would do. Essentially, for Zen Pinball, I can remap my...
  6. darkuni

    Salutations from Phoenix, AZ!

    Hello everyone. My name is Shane R. Monroe. I've been a very active member of the internet's retro gaming scene since 1998; you might know me from my humble podcast RetroGaming Radio. I was also huge in the MAME scene - running the website Insert Coin. Anyway, I've always been a casual fan...

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