Bug Multiple 360 camera glitches


New member
Aug 21, 2012
I have encountered multiple problems with the camera in the 360 version of Cirqus Voltaire. I'm not sure what triggers these, but they happen to me pretty frequently during the course of a game.

1. No plunger cam. This is the most frequent camera bug I experience. Sometimes, when it's time to launch a new ball after locking a ball for multiball, the camera does not return to the plunger. This makes it more difficult to line up skill shots. Once this glitch triggers, it usually remains for the rest of the game.

2. Lurching camera during multiball. Sometimes, when a new ball is automatically launched during multiball, the camera will quickly swing over partway to the plunger and then snap back to the main playfield. Once this glitch is triggered it will continue to swing the camera back and forth every time a new ball comes out. This happens while other balls are already in play and is pretty disorienting.

3. Camera stuck on backglass. Once, I played the backglass cannon mode, where the camera is focused on the backglass. Once the mode ended, game play returned to the main playfield, but the camera never left the backglass. All I could do was hit flippers randomly and play completely blind until the ball drained.


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
I had the camera stay in plunger mode during highwire multiball (or volt was it? I don't know CV that well yet)

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