Which tables are worth buying


New member
Aug 26, 2012
IGN has a list of ones to buy, consider, and skip, but they haven't updated to the latest tables. Which ones are worth buying, and which ones should I skip?


New member
Jul 20, 2012
I would say they're all worth getting. I have every table that has currently been released for PS3, and will purchase every other table FarSight releases in the future.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
I must agree. I think there is something to get out of each pin, even if it is just to have variety. And since they are so affordable, I would recommend them all. I've yet to regret purchasing one.


New member
May 29, 2012
Not a single one I would rather have skipped, seriously. The mixture is just fantastic as it is right now, there´s a table for every mood I´m in. Taxi and Harley will only make the collection more rounded.

I mean, there´s a reason these tables made it to TPA to begin with - they´re all among the best machines ever, or at least stand out for one reason or another. There´s also tables I hated at first but then really started appreciating, and my preferences for what I want in a pinball change over time as well. For instance, you might argue that Gorgar has aged terribly, but sometimes I really enjoy the raw, retro thrill of it, when I´m not in the mood for complex DMD-era action.

And really, it´s not like they are so expensive that you really need to make a choice.


Yeah, it´s a nice gesture that they´re trying to make a little guide like this, but RBION isn´t a table you should just flat-out skip like that, and even BH (which I still don´t really enjoy) has its hardcore fans. It´s like making a guide about what kind of music you should listen to and what not to bother with.

I know "just buy them all!" sounds like a non-answer, but you should really end up testing all of them, because they´re so vastly different and there isn´t one table that makes a similar one not worth bothering with.
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Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
I agree. At this point, they're all worthy. I may hate BH, but I still play the damn thing (you will NOT get the better of me dammit!). I thought I wouldn't like Ripley's, cause I didn't in VP, but it's one of my favorites to play now. Meanwhile I was totally looking forward to Funhouse, and instead I'm lukewarm on it. Now if you wanna say you only have $5 to spend and therefore can only afford one table pack? I think the answer will be the same. You really can't go wrong with any of them.


Feb 21, 2012
I have no love of anything Harley Davidson, but will buy it in the DLC #5 pack for support of the cause. I get every table that comes out because they are all different and exciting, fresh and new or reminders of a memory playing the real table.


New member
Jun 12, 2012
when i saw that medieval madness was being made i thought to myself meh... didn't really like the artwork, music, theme...

and it wasnt till i actuall bought the pack (just couldnt wait without new pinball tables for packs 4&5) and played it, when i realised tha the table is actually really, really good ;)

the point is -> pinball can be really fun even if it has a lame concept for the main theme... like that horrible flintstones movie... ah, but the flintstones table is something else... the playfield, with the ball going behind the drain to set up the shots... the music... wilmas snickering... barneys hey hey hey, ball saved... go for the strike!!! etc ;) :cool:


New member
Aug 26, 2012
I have no love of anything Harley Davidson, but will buy it in the DLC #5 pack for support of the cause. I get every table that comes out because they are all different and exciting, fresh and new or reminders of a memory playing the real table.

I totally agree with this statement.
I have absolutely no intention of supporting or buying anything with the Harley name. But if it's partof an upcoming table pack then I'll do it mainly to support the cause (and for whatever other table that's included).


Jul 11, 2012
Theyre all WORTH IT! Every table offers something unique and teaches you different skills that when all amassed improves your skill in total, I loath BH but it has its...differences and aiming is critical on it more so than some but it comes in the core pack...even if didn't Id still buy for variety.

Matt McIrvin

New member
Jun 5, 2012
IGN has a list of ones to buy, consider, and skip, but they haven't updated to the latest tables. Which ones are worth buying, and which ones should I skip?

It's really a matter of taste. The IGN reviewer seems to like relatively complex DMD tables; Monster Bash is another one of those, with a design in some ways reminiscent of Medieval Madness, though it's significantly easier. They might like Cirqus Voltaire and Creature from the Black Lagoon as well, though Creature's ruleset is shallower than Monster Bash.

Black Knight and Gorgar are relatively simple, early solid-state tables, of similar vintage to Black Hole. Funhouse is comparable in complexity to Bride of Pinbot, but Funhouse has a more balanced ruleset and is generally fiendishly clever; for some reason it never quite grabbed me in Pinball Hall of Fame, but in its TPA incarnation it's one of my favorites.

Of the recent DLC tables, the only one I'd really consider skipping for now is Black Knight, just because the bugs in the emulation actually hurt gameplay (though I do like Black Knight, and a really solid version, such as we might get when the table goes to ROM emulation, would be a wonderful thing). But on the consoles it's going to be bundled with Creature from the Black Lagoon, a fun table that is well worth your money for the whole pack.


New member
Jul 16, 2012
So far for me my favorite is mideval madness, although monster bash and creature from the black lagoon are also just as amazing to me. I`m loving them all :) im going to buy harley the moment i see it for sale. I mean come on dude fast bike's and rock n roll awwwww yeaaaah exxxxxtra ballllllllllll!!! Pinball is awesome

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
Black Hole and Harley Davidson are the two tables so far that players could raise honest objections against, but Black Hole has its partisans, and having had a chance to play a real one, it's growing on me. I've found less people willing to defend HD, but it's not a bad table...it's just not in the same league as some of its contemporaries.

Most of the others are either held in near-universal acclaim and/or have great historical value, although RBION's allure will probably fade quite a bit once Twilight Zone arrives.


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
So, the version of Harley Davidson we'll be getting is version 3. Does that mean the game was not good and had to be reinterpreted 2 more times, or does that mean it's so good, people asked for more? I keep thinking I'm gonna pass on this one, but it's hard for me to say no to a new table.


New member
Jun 12, 2012
the table has the same rule sets and layout acros the 3 versions...

the thing that changed was the art. afaik the first one was sega, then the 2nd and 3d are stern versions


New member
Jul 16, 2012
3rd edition means that it was so awesome and so many people pumped quarters into it that it actually warrented them to send it back in production sevral times to meet the demand of people asking for it


New member
Apr 16, 2012
Ig I could buy my tables one at a time, I could be persuaded to skip on BH, Gorgar and Bride of Pinbot. As it is, I already got my money's worth out of all of them.

Every other table, including Harley Davidson, is a must have in my opionion for the price you pay. Harley's elctropost and constant multiballs make the tables vibe and playing unique among everything we have, plus it has one of the best physics atm.

an ox

New member
May 28, 2012
I won't hear a word spoken against Black Hole. The Hole is love. <3

Anyway at less than a pint of Guinness for two new tables once a month it's daft not to get them all really. It's good to have the variety of a few less popular tables to have a go on when you've been playing your favourites too much and fancy a bit of a break.


New member
Jul 29, 2012
honestly they are ALL worth it. considering you can't even buy a crappy fast food lunch for the price of a table, it's a steal how much effort went into and how much entertainment you get out of them. unless you're really strapped for cash, you can't go wrong purchasing every table that comes out.

i'll put it this way, though: my guess is that Black Knight, Black Hole, and Gorgar have the highest probability of disappointing someone that is not already familiar with those machines.

Those three are of an older generation, a time when pins tended to have simpler rulesets and shorter game lengths. they can certainly seem less extravagant than something like Monster Bash or Fun House. I could see a casual player being disappointed at their apparent lack of sophistication.


New member
May 16, 2012
But then again the older tables are ideal for a quick game. And after hating BH at first, i really started to like it for its differentness.

All tables released so far have their own feel and flow. So for me it only depends on my mood which one to play.

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