Request PlayStation Home Integration for Pinball Arcade


New member
Sep 14, 2012
I know there are far more pressing matters at hand but I got to thinking it might be cool if they added some Home features.
When Namco released their classic arcade games they unlocked a stand up arcade cabinet for each of the games in Home that would launch right into that specific game itself. I was thinking if Pinball Arcade did something similar and maybe released a "arcade" looking home space for a few bucks users could make their own personal arcades to invite their friends to. Or even to add your favorite machines to your own little home space.
Could have a shirt unlock or something once you hit the standard or wizard goals to push the Home fans into wanting to buy.
They could probably even sell the machines as "decorations" and market them as fully functional pinball machines in Home.
Thinking it might be a way to sneak some more sales into the market.


Jul 11, 2012
This would be sweeeet! Being able to put pinball machines in your home,wearing TPA gear, an actual PINBALL ARCADE. FS there is sooo much extra revenue in this form of advertisements its worth looking into and before you guys say youd rather see FS focus on the game I agree. FS already has 2 arcade rooms from thier COLLECTION of GOTTLIEB and WILLIAMS arcades.


New member
Sep 14, 2012
I was thinking about it a bit more and thought of a few more things.
If there were up to making a public Home space for The Pinball Arcade they could even try to do what the Home "Casino" or that odd carnival space did and charge for tokens. Have the machines purchasable outright for free play from inside the Home space or let people have one play for a token. Then that free credit at the end may have some excitement. Maybe even being able to earn ownership to drive people to drop a few tokens in.
High score boards on the walls, news bulletins, trailers for the upcoming packs playing. Also would be a pretty neat way to get a look at the machines themselves.
I think it would really help to draw people in that might not normally give it a second look. Just checking it out for it being a new Home space or following a friend in.
Plus it might be a nice space to talk to other fans or send out challenges once we get some kind of multiplayer.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
But then I'd actually have to think about using Home for the first time since it was actually introduced, and I don't want to do that!


Senior Creature
Mar 22, 2012
I think FarSight's time would be better spent on developing the future tables and refining the older ones.

The Playstation Home spiel seems to be geared towards the younger busy-bodied crowd.

I was curious at one point and checked out PS Home. I already have a real place to maintain and a real wardrobe in my closet.
I didn't see how the virtual versions of those things would enhance my life. I just didn't get the point of it.


New member
Sep 14, 2012
That is kind of the point. Trying to open up pinball to a different crowd. I'm not sure but I can't see making basic 3D versions of the tables or a empty room resembling a arcade would be that costly or time consuming. Plus if you can sell that room for 5 bucks a pop they could use that money to invest back in the game itself.
Don't get me wrong ... I don't feel it's a priority. Just a bit of a side project to think about after things smooth out to see if it would be a decent source of income and advertisement if the idea didn't take long to bang out.

Russell Bergman

New member
Feb 29, 2012
I am all for The Pinball Arcade integrating into PlayStation Home! Namco has a retro arcade place in PlayStation Home, and I think it would be awesome for The Pinball Arcade to have something similar to that.....perhaps a building like the one in the Williams Collection and people can hang out and play some demo pinball, and if you have it fully purchased, you can play the whole table instead of up to a certain point system. That would be awesome to have people conversate in the Pinball Arcade and challenge people to tournaments and games!


Jul 11, 2012
I have never purchased anything in HOME but I'd ROCK a TPA shirt for$.99 and some posters and if it was made in REALITY I'd ROCK'IT! FS already renderd 2 arcades from thier previous COLLECTIONS WILLIAMS/GOTTLIEB attach the 2 and Viola T.P.A. I thought somthing similar would be awsome for TPA with the ability to move your machines around to your liking. There is alot of potential if this were made a reality with advertisements and sales in HOME itself all contributing to the BIG PICTURE!:) I see no downside, what FS tables will be MORE BUGGY or they wont FIX bugs that have been an issue since day 1 or maybe Mobile user releases sync with consoles CHAOS!


New member
Apr 20, 2012
Would be interesting to see. I don't know of a pinball enthusiast that wouldn't love to design their own pinball arcade room and place the virtual tables wherever they like.

The only thing better than this would be an interface built directly into TPA's frontend, but I doubt they would ever get around to that.


Senior Creature
Mar 22, 2012
I have a theory. The people that couldn't care less about PS Home are 30-35+ years old.

I'm a sexagenarian. I want the pinball. If I wanna decorate, it's happenin' where I live. A virtual home?.. Really?

I thought the Pet Rock was bad. P.T. Barnum had no idea.


Jul 11, 2012
Its a chatroom with a bunch of other fun stuff that gamers like to do like play games. Im 32 so there goes your theory:) Im just saying if this could bring in extra money why not? Oh yeah its easier to ask suckers for it.


New member
Sep 14, 2012
That's what I figure. You should are the crap people blow money on in there. There is one outfit that is 15 Dollars that is just a status symbol that they spent that much on something stupid.
I think it could be easy income to fund some tables for the game. Toss some xbox avatar shirts up too!


Jul 11, 2012
And REAL GEAR, I'd rep. FS TPA gear in reality before I spend $.99 on a digital T-shirt, but for the price of a T-shirt I could deck out my virtual HOME with TPA posters gear and trinkets....if you met MIKE or RYAN there would your perception change? The abilty to have a virtual conference by the Makers without them traveling is a money SAVER! So PRO/CONS.....:) I think since TPA is digital interface, expand on that notion. I would like to get FS input on this idea wether its feasible with the constant crunch time theyve put themselves in.


New member
Mar 4, 2012
Its a chatroom with a bunch of other fun stuff that gamers like to do like play games. Im 32 so there goes your theory:) Im just saying if this could bring in extra money why not? Oh yeah its easier to ask suckers for it.

I don't mean to sound offensive, but I had always assumed that you were a bit younger Skill_Shot. I believe it's partially your unbridled enthusiasm for TPA, which is ageless, but mostly your relaxed grammar and syntax. Again, I mean you no insult, it's just that, on the interwebs, it's always somewhat difficult to discern things like someone's age, or sarcasm & tone. With that said, I think most everything I say on here sounds extra geeky for some reason, whereas in person I'm much more casual and laid back.


Senior Creature
Mar 22, 2012
The only way I see myself ever using PS Home, is if that was the only way that FarSight could really put the 'arcade' into TPA.
A competitive, multi-player arena + chat-room. That would be alright but, probably all I'll ever do is 'live' at the arcade though.
I've seen enough crazy marketing that, for me, virtual merch (like clothes and such) = Pet Rock. (TPA is a good exception to that rule because that kind of Pet is fun for me to play with)

Real merch would be even better. I'd sport around some T-shirts or a cap in a heartbeat!
A new keychain would be nice too, my I-Ching medallion is about to fall off.


New member
Jun 20, 2012
I was skeptical about this, buuuutt , then I considered the possibility of being able to use it (PS HoME) as a alternate game launch platform and user interface.

so you're in the The Pinball Arcade area of PS HOme , and your avatar meets up with some of the forum regulars like Jeff , PinWiz, Skillshot , and you can interact with them , then go to a favorite TPA machine and when hit ENTER it launches FarSight's The PinBall Arcade and the machine you chose . It would be like having Second Life for the TPA , and it would get visitors who dont own the game , another opporunity to evaluate buying it , with 1 minute demos of the TPA machines from inside the PS Home app.


Active member
Apr 24, 2012
People actually use PlayStation home?
I'm surprised by this as well!

For myself, I'm an old fart and think that Farsight obviously have their hands full producing the actual tables, let alone bells and whistles for outside applications.

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