What we've learned so far from Bobby King answering questions on the Playstation Blog


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
TZ is ahead of schedule and due to that, FS is going to use the extra time to look at other table bugs this coming month.

Pack #7 and TZ should launch worldwide on the same day for PSN users, sometime before 2013. Pro mode will be available for purchase too.

Don’t expect to be able to demo new table packs. Waste of hard drive space, requires entirely new download for ALL tables.

Pro Version is coming to all platforms.

Playstation + members should see some discount pricing on TPA in the very near future. Because all of you haven’t already bought everything day 1, right?!

They will ‘look into’ improving the art on BK. The flippers however will be improved before TZ is released.

If something was wrong or CLEARLY needed adjusting on an earlier table release, sure FS would go in and tweak it. That doesn’t mean they’ll be implementing say the physics used in CFTBL on MM just because they can. So maybe we all need to raise a stink? I just want what they did in Creature to be applied to the original 6-8 tables.

Not really news to us, but Star Wars, Indy, and Terminator are on FS’ radar as future kickstarters. Duh.

T2 was mentioned as Bobby’s fave Steve Ritchie table. Between that, the above mention, and the time he mentioned it’d be the next kickstarter during that blog interview, ya think we’re gonna be seeing T2 soon?

Whirlwind, coming, F-17 not anytime soon.

Centaur is on the short list of Bally tables.

There’s exclusivity issues with Jurassic Park. But Universal is open to it? Waddya all make of that? Is he talking about it being exclusive to some other publisher?

Nintendo hasn’t gotten back to FS about any of the tables with their license. Dicks.

Live Scoring, meaning updating you on friend’s scores mid game, will be implemented once head to head play is. Whether that is only for that mode wasn’t said. In other news, there’s gonna be head to head play! (or did we already know that?)

Live in SoCal? If so, FS is planning on having a regular tourney with the real tables and the TPA tables up in Big Bear!

The idea of an actual arcade with their tables in it, well let’s just say they like ‘em right where they are, in the office set to free play! Greedy bastards.

Apart from t-shirts for the kickstart backers, it doesn’t sound like official merch is really all that close to happening. He said it’s possible, but that’s it. Well it’s also possible we need to maybe create our own fan forum shirts? Hmm?

The Doctor

May 1, 2012
it's not just the art that needs changing on black knight... the fact that they don't even know what is bad about it is a disgrace

for shame booby king for shame


New member
Mar 29, 2012
Not really news to us, but Star Wars, Indy, and Terminator are on FS’ radar as future kickstarters. Duh.
Not happy about this. I thought we'd be finally past the point in which the game requires kickstarters... and I'm not sure if I really want to participate into another one. But well, it's not like I'm being FORCED to put some dough into the pot, so what am I complaining about? (And knowing me I'll most probably spend my money on them anyway. ;) With T2 I'm on the fence though. I got to play a machine some time ago and found it disappointing.)
Centaur is on the short list of Bally tables.
Nintendo hasn’t gotten back to FS about any of the tables with their license. Dicks.
Pity, but it was to be expected.

Carl Spiby

New member
Feb 28, 2012
They're not getting any more of my money until all current problems are addressed, I've reached the end of my tether now.


Jul 11, 2012
Thanks to the fan page members who showed up to the PS3 forum and represented us with we'll thought out questions unlike the rest of the drooling masses that spew out a list of tables followed with "will we ever see these"? forcing Bobby to give the politicians answer..."Well thats a great table and definitely a possibility " :)


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
Yep, thank God most of the facebook 'fans' didn't show up. As I was compiling that list, I was actually surprised at all the info that came out. For some reason I haven't gotten the latest newsletter, so I don't know how much of this was gonna be announced anyways (that's why I didn't put any of the pack 5 or 6 info down), but I suspect most of this was new.


Jul 11, 2012
Also FS is looking into stereoscopic 3D. Bobby mentioned playing FIRE POWER while waiting for his lunch to warm so they have a FIRE POWER on sight.


New member
Jun 20, 2012
Yep, thank God most of the facebook 'fans' didn't show up. As I was compiling that list, I was actually surprised at all the info that came out. For some reason I haven't gotten the latest newsletter, so I don't know how much of this was gonna be announced anyways (that's why I didn't put any of the pack 5 or 6 info down), but I suspect most of this was new.

Have you checked your spam filter ? , I use Yahoo mail and that's what happened to mine , i caught it , but my guess yahoo may be filtering things on their own , because I know I did not flag for Spam FS's newsletter .

what does pac-man have to do with nintendo? it's namco's freakin' mascot.. owned by namco bandai

smart man , Namco Bandai has a robust game developer , I should know half my Youtube videos are their games , and they 're getting ready for a new PAc Man re-boot , their facebook page recently polled fans to rate new character designs of pac and the ghosts . It's up to us to bring FarSight's attention that Nintendo is not IP owner of Pac Man Pinball , necessarily.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
Have you checked your spam filter ? , I use Yahoo mail and that's what happened to mine , i caught it , but my guess yahoo may be filtering things on their own , because I know I did not flag for Spam FS's newsletter .

Checked my spam folder, nothing there from the past 4 days from FarSight. I've gotten the newsletter before, just not this time. Anyone wanna send me a copy? Or post it somewhere for all to read?

Gord Lacey

Site Founder
Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
There’s exclusivity issues with Jurassic Park. But Universal is open to it? Waddya all make of that? Is he talking about it being exclusive to some other publisher?

It's likely the contract that Telltale Games has with Universal prohibits another company from developing a video game with the property. That's my best guess. Of course a digital pinball table and a video game are distinct to us, but in a contract it's probably worded so that it would be prohibited.


New member
Jun 4, 2012
This is all good information to know. Would be interesting to see how another Kickstarter project would do. I think they should wait till after TZ and STTNG are released though.

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
"Short list" of Bally tables? That's a shame. Though Centaur is freaking awesome to hear. Bobby listened to you, Darth Von Doom :)

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