PS Vita - Bug Party Punch value: "972, 00"


New member
Jul 15, 2012
Yes, you read that right in the title...

So I decided to give this game another spin but this time on my Vita. (After experiencing the game ending glitch on the PS3 too many times)

I get the first party punch EB. Then, I'm working the ramp for the second one, and right after the 225,000 shot, the one that should light EB, instead I get:

"Party Punch
972, 00"

Yes, "972, 00"

Then, the value resets to 10,000. No EB.

Okay, you can get one extra ball per ball. You won't even get the one for the replay score. The rest of the time, you get the above. Has the Vita version always been nerfed like this?

Screw this game forever.
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New member
Sep 2, 2012
Afaik, this is in the rom somewhere... I can't remember where I read that, but you're only able to get one EB per ball. And this is what the game gives you instead.

I could be all wrong, but I'm pretty sure ;-)


Yep, had the same thing once playing in tournament, never seen it before or after.


New member
Jul 15, 2012
I had only played the PS3 version before, and you could always stack up to 4 EBs. I've heard the complaints/confusion about other versions being limited to 1 EB at a time, but I wouldn't have guessed the Vita and PS3 versions differ... and I considered it very strange that rather than just saying "250,000" (what it actually gives you), that it appeared glitched with that "972, 00".

Captain B. Zarre

New member
Apr 16, 2013
Just happened to me on iOS today. I was going on a crazy Party Ramp spree when I noticed the 97,200 glitch- but for some reason, it actually gave me the points! I'm guessing this was not the designer's fault- it HAS to be on the real table.


Active member
Feb 14, 2013
not a bug.

not a bug.

not a bug.

The real table does this when you get to the stacked extra balls limit, and try to get another one off the party punch ramp. stop shooting it when you get your extra ball. :)

Most platforms have extra ball stack limit of 1. ps3 lets you stack up 4 of them (and maybe 360 if that ever was released)


New member
Jan 7, 2013
At least the stack limit should be the same on all platforms. Since the leaderboards are mixed it is not really fair

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