Master Issues List: Scared Stiff

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
This is the master issues list for Scared Stiff. This thread is maintained to aid FarSight in exterminating gameplay bugs, art issues, and sound problems from SS.

This thread is locked to keep it clean and focused on actual issues, as opposed to opinions about such issues. Report art issues in the Art forum, and all other issues in a new thread in this table's forum. I will add newly-reported issues to this thread at regular intervals. In addition, each bug has a link to the thread it was reported in; discussion of bugs should take place there.

Status key:
  • New - Issues that are newly reported.
  • Unknown - Issues from a long time ago that have not been followed up in a while so that no one really knows what happened to them.
  • Confirmed / Open - Issues that either I've personally reproduced, that so many people have reported that the existence of the issue is not in doubt, and/or that members have posted a demonstration (like a YouTube clip) of the issue.
  • Acknowledged - Issues that have been acknowledged by FarSight, but for which no fix exists yet.
  • Fix Pending - Issues that have fixed by FarSight, but the fix is in testing or submission process and is not yet available to players.
  • Fixed - Issues that have been resolved by FarSight. Note that not all platforms receive bug fixes at the same time, so an issue that is "Fixed" may still be unresolved on some platforms.
  • Could Not Reproduce - Issues that were reported, but the issue has not been successfully reproduced.
  • Working as Designed - Issues that are bugs or quirks in the actual table, as well as other issues that result from design or licensing constraints.


18-001: Games in Pro Mode sometimes malfunction at high score input
First reported: 03 Dec 2012
Description: If Pro Mode is enabled and you finish the game with a performance that entitles you to enter your initials, the UI does not come up for the first initial entry. Subsequent initial entries, if any, for that same game work normally, but then the table enters attract mode and becomes unresponsive.
Devices: iOS
Status: Acknowledged as of 18 Dec 2012

18-002: Table becomes unresponsive after match feature
First reported: 18 Dec 2012
Description: After finishing a game and watching the match animation, the table becomes unresponsive. The camera remains focused on the DMD.
Devices: iOS
Status: Unknown

18-003: Multiple balls get stuck in Dagger scoop
First reported: 01 Nov 2012
Description: In Terror from the Crate or Monster Multiball, more balls can enter the Dagger scoop than can physically co-exist inside it. This leads to various erratic behavior; see link for details.
Devices: Android, iOS
Status: Confirmed, open as of 22 Mar 2013

18-004: Ball travels through back of Crate
First reported: 01 Dec 2012
Description: Very hard shots to the Crate sometimes travel through its back wall and into the Dead Head lanes.
Devices: Android, iOS
Status: Confirmed, open as of 22 Mar 2013

18-005: Multiball continues with only one ball remaining
First reported: 12 Feb 2013
Description: During an unspecified multiball, the table continued in multiball with only 1 ball remaining. After ball drained, table remained in single-ball play, but there is no ball with which to continue. Attendant did not help.
Devices: iOS
Status: Unknown

18-006: Crate will not open to start Stiff-o-Meter mode
First reported: 14 Feb 2013
Description: The Crate will not let a ball in to start the Stiff-o-Meter mode. Chance of occurrence is increased if this shot would start the second Stiff-o-Meter mode in a game.
Devices: Android, iOS, PS3
Status: Confirmed, open as of 22 Mar 2013

18-007: Spin Spider scoop remains active during multiball
First reported: 07 Mar 2013
Description: In Terror from the Crate, the Spin Spider shot remained active. Hitting it shifts the camera to the backglass for the spider spin.
Devices: Android, PS3
Status: Unknown

18-008: Multiple balls in Crate rapidly award multiple unearned jackpots
First reported: 25 Feb 2013
Description: Shooting both balls into the crate during Terror from the Crate sometimes causes both balls to rattle and repeatedly trip the switch inside the crate. This unjustly awards multiple jackpots to the player in a rapid-fire fashion. It is possible to receive 20 to 100+ jackpots from a single occurrence of this issue.
Devices: Android, iOS, PS3
Status: Confirmed, open as of 22 Mar 2013

18-009: Ball ejected from Dagger scoop repeatedly travels up and around Crate into the Dead Head lanes, forming a semi-infinite loop
First reported: 29 Oct 2012
Description: A ball ejecting from the Dagger scoop should hit the left Lab bumper and fall down. Instead, the ball travels up and into the Dead Head lanes. Once this happens, it often happens repeatedly, 8 or 10 times.
Devices: iPad 3, iPad 4
Status: Acknowledged as of 15 May 2013. FarSight is having difficulty determining the cause of this behavior, as it only happens on later-generation iPads.
Last edited:

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012

18-501: Coin return covers are missing
First reported: 19 Mar 2013
Description: The covers for the coin returns are missing and transparent "holes" exist where they would have been.
Devices: PS3
Status: Confirmed, open as of 22 Mar 2013

18-502: Backglass textures are very low resolution
First reported: 29 Oct 2012
Description: The spider, part of the backglass, and the inserts in the spider wheel are all very low resolution.
Devices: All
Status: Acknowledged as of 08 Nov 2012

18-503: Dagger insert and Tele-Pathetic Power insert are blue instead of white
First reported: 29 Oct 2012
Description: The indicated inserts are the wrong color.
Devices: All
Status: Acknowledged as of 08 Nov 2012

18-504: The lightning bolts above the remote are white instead of orange
First reported: 29 Oct 2012
Description: The indicated inserts are the wrong color when lit.
Devices: All
Status: Acknowledged as of 08 Nov 2012

18-505: Tale of the Bony Beast insert has yellow letters unlit and red letters lit
First reported: 29 Oct 2012
Description: The indicated inserts are the wrong color when lit.
Devices: All
Status: Acknowledged as of 08 Nov 2012

18-506: Eyes on crate are yellow instead of red
First reported: 29 Oct 2012
Description: The indicated lights are the wrong color.
Devices: All
Status: Acknowledged as of 08 Nov 2012

18-507: Playfield on Vita version is of low quality
First reported: 19 Feb 2013
Description: See screenshot in attached link.
Devices: Vita
Status: Confirmed, open as of 22 Mar 2013

18-508: Art on front of cabinet has low resolution
First reported: 26 Feb 2013
Description: Art in vicinity of coin door is of low resolution.
Devices: PS3
Status: Unknown

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