Master Issues List: Creature from the Black Lagoon

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
This is the master issues list for Creature from the Black Lagoon. This thread is maintained to aid FarSight in exterminating gameplay bugs, art issues, and sound problems from CFTBL.

This thread is locked to keep it clean and focused on actual issues, as opposed to opinions about such issues. Report art issues in the Art forum, and all other issues in a new thread in this table's forum. I will add newly-reported issues to this thread at regular intervals. In addition, each bug has a link to the thread it was reported in; discussion of bugs should take place there.

Status key:
  • New - Issues that are newly reported.
  • Unknown - Issues from a long time ago that have not been followed up in a while so that no one really knows what happened to them.
  • Confirmed / Open - Issues that either I've personally reproduced, that so many people have reported that the existence of the issue is not in doubt, and/or that members have posted a demonstration (like a YouTube clip) of the issue.
  • Acknowledged - Issues that have been acknowledged by FarSight, but for which no fix exists yet.
  • Fix Pending - Issues that have fixed by FarSight, but the fix is in testing or submission process and is not yet available to players.
  • Fixed - Issues that have been resolved by FarSight. Note that not all platforms receive bug fixes at the same time, so an issue that is "Fixed" may still be unresolved on some platforms.
  • Could Not Reproduce - Issues that were reported, but the issue has not been successfully reproduced.
  • Working as Designed - Issues that are bugs or quirks in the actual table, as well as other issues that result from design or licensing constraints.


12-001: Multiple button presses required to change letter once in initial entry screen
First reported: 28 Jul 2012
Description: On the initial entry screen, it sometimes takes several button presses to change the letter one space (from "B" to "C" for example). At other times it works normally. Not all players experience this issue.
Devices: Android, iOS
Status: Unknown

12-002: Table does not remember high scores and achieved goals
First reported: 02 Aug 2012
Description: The table does not remember past high scores and goals once you exit to the table select screen. It as if the table has never been played before.
Devices: iOS
Status: Unknown
Notes: See also thread CFTBL deletes my highscores.

12-003: Ball plunges to right outlane
First reported: 09 Aug 2012
Description: After starting the second multiball, plunging the second ball instead caused the ball to phase through the outlane wall and drain down the right outlane.
Devices: iOS
Status: Unknown
Notes: See also thread Plunged ball straight into right outlane.

12-004: Table rolls over at 10 billion points
First reported: 05 Aug 2012
Description: Scores over 10 billion are shown with the leading digit removed.
Devices: All
Status: Working as designed. The actual table rolls over at 10 billion.

12-005: Ball phases through right flipper
First reported: 30 Jul 2012
Description: The ball occasionally ghosts through the right flipper.
Devices: All
Status: Fixed

12-006: Achieving 4X playfield multiplier locks multiplier to 1X for next multiball
First reported: 27 Sep 2012
Description: If the 4X playfield multiplier is achieved, then for the next multiball the multiplier is locked at 1X and cannot be increased immediately (but see below).
Devices: All
Status: Working as designed. This is a bug in the actual table ROM.
Workaround: The multiplier is locked at 1X only for the first regular jackpot of the multiball. After that jackpot is taken, the multiplier can then be increased in the normal fashion.

12-007: Super jackpot goal does not register
First reported: 20 Aug 2012
Description: Upon scoring a super jackpot, the related goal is not completed.
Devices: Android, iOS, PS3
Status: Unknown
Last edited:

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012

12-501: Creature ramp is missing its right wall
First reported: 09 Aug 2012
Description: The right-hand wall of the Creature ramp is missing on some devices. (See linked thread for exact location of missing wall.)
Devices: iPad 2, some Android devices. The iPad 3 and other Android devices are not affected.
Status: Unknown

12-502: Bumpers appear polygonal in Mac version
First reported: 01 Dec 2012
Description: The bumpers appear hexagonal or octagonal on CFTBL in the Mac version.
Devices: Mac
Status: Unknown

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012

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