Bug Orbit Loop Path Exits



Device/OS: All

Bug Description: When the ball exits the L or R orbit/Loops there is a random? path that the ball travels. This is totally counter to how a pinball table is designed. The loop exits should be consistent, pretty much no matter the speed the ball is travelling.

Steps To Reproduce: Play, on average 40% of the balls that exit from the Orbits/Loops will exit at a random? angle and result in a SDTM drain or lead to a complete loss of control

Frequency: 40- 60%

Additional Comments: without any consistent, reliable exit path from the orbits the game becomes one of luck and random nudging.

This orbit/loop exit randomization seems to have been introduced in AFM and really needs to be stomped before it continues in later builds.


New member
Apr 26, 2012
I was going to report this exact bug/glitch for inclusion in Sean DonCarlos' 'Table Master Issues List' thread when I didn't find it already listed there. You're right, this is the same bug described in the 'Master Issues List: Attack from Mars' thread. It's listed as Issue 21-005. I'm really hoping both (CC and AFM) issues will be fixed in the next update.

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
This is a separate issue from the physics weirdness near the sheriff's star, correct? The ball starts heading off on an odd trajectory right as it leaves the orbit?


This is a separate issue than the Sheriffs Star.

The L orbit/Loop seems to be far worse than the R one, but they are both totally inconsistent.


New member
Sep 2, 2012
I also find that the right slingshot fires way too often SDTM. I raise my left flipper constantly to avoid power drains... I haven't seen this on a real table - I always thought slingshots are designed to put the ball towards the outlanes, no between the flippers.

I just made a slomo: when the ball exits Bart and hits the right slingshot, the angle is way way off... The slingshot should hit the others post or the left slingshot itself.

Or this table has ball spin enabled ;)
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New member
Sep 8, 2012
This is a separate issue from the physics weirdness near the sheriff's star, correct? The ball starts heading off on an odd trajectory right as it leaves the orbit?

Yeah, I've been seeing this on the PS3 version. Its very similar to the issue on AFM from the opposite side of the table. In CC when the ball is rolling down out of the left side orbit it sometimes appears to hit an invisible edge at the exit and deflect STDM.

I also find that the right slingshot fires way too often SDTM. I raise my left flipper constantly to avoid power drains... I haven't seen this on a real table - I always thought slingshots are designed to put the ball towards the outlanes, no between the flippers...

I've noticed this on several TPA tables, but it has definitely already happened to me a few times on CC already (PS3 version).

Sometimes it feels like the slingshot hits the side of the ball (relative to the face of the slingshot) and deflects it sideways towards the drain rather than across the table towards the other slingshot or opposite outlane like it should. My guess is that there's a geometry/collision detection error in the slingshot mechanism. On a real table there's a rubber band around the slingshot so there isn't any chance of the kicker mechanism just clipping the edge of the ball and deflecting it sideways. I could see how it may have been difficult to precisely imitate that in TPA.


Apr 13, 2012
The L orbit/Loop seems to be far worse than the R one, but they are both totally inconsistent.

And I already thought it's me. From the left lane there seems to be a 50% chance that the ball falls down to the left flipper and you can easily make a dead flipper pass. The other times though you are in trouble, especially when the ball heads for the left tip of the right flipper. If you don't move the ball will drop from the flipper SDTM without bouncing. If you try to hit the ball there is a high chance that you hit the slingshot and drain.


New member
Dec 26, 2012
I notice this on the iOS version too. When the ball exits the left orbit it acts like it hits a object which changes the trajectory and often goes SDTM. Happens on the right orbit too buy not as much or severe as the left. This is the same thing that happened on the right orbit of AFM but that seems to be fixed. Please fix this on CC too!!


So to add more rumour to the mill, the steam version of CC doesn't have these loop/orbit oddities from the few games I have played.

I'll play more tonight and see if I can get any strange paths but every shot and return came directly to the middle of the flippers, exactly as expected.


Active member
Feb 14, 2013
The steam version used to be just as bad, but it seems to have been tamed a bit. it still deflects sometimes randomly, but not quite as far as it used to. i'm not getting feeds i have to slap save anymore.

Funny thing is there is a shot on a table that's in TPA that's known for deflecting SDTM in real life, and it doesn't happen. it's Disaster Drop on whitewater, where it will randomly defelct to the right edge of the left orbit and then go screaming straight down the middle from there. and it's very much intentional.

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