Kickstarter for Pinball Circus or similar rarity instead of T2?


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
I'm not convinced that T2 is the right table to pursue for the next Kickstarter. I can definitely see it requires a kickstarter for the licenses, however when you break it down the table is somewhat basic.

I definitley won't pony-up any up-front cash for the Kickstarter, and will let the hardcore fans of this franchise get it over the line. Then I'll pay my $5 should it get released. I will never not purchase a TPA table, because I'm a completist when it comes to "collect them all".

Funny, I'm never a completist in anything and I have to own all the tables. I wonder what the license would cost farsight. Maybe it's time to back their own licenses.

Of course there are a couple tables I would back in a heartbeat.

Gord Lacey

Site Founder
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Feb 19, 2012
It would be cool to see Pinball Circus in the game, but I fear for the development time it would take. This isn't a normal table - it's multi-tiered. How would that affect something like displaying multi-ball, and how would it affect the code they're using for the other tables? Not to mention the difficulty of taking apart the machine to scan it. I'd rather they focus on more traditional tables that don't have all the difficulties that would come with Pinball Circus.

I also didn't find it to be very enjoyable when I played it. Maybe that's just me though.


New member
Feb 25, 2012
I'd love to see this, but I wonder if the logistics would work out. This would be difficult to play on a console, forget about a 4" phone screen.


Jul 7, 2012
It would be cool to see Pinball Circus in the game, but I fear for the development time it would take. This isn't a normal table - it's multi-tiered. How would that affect something like displaying multi-ball, and how would it affect the code they're using for the other tables? Not to mention the difficulty of taking apart the machine to scan it.

The fact that it would be a challenge to develop I think makes it more interesting, in my eyes Farsight have proved that they can recreate regular tables, so not why not take on something which may take them out their comfort zone so to speak.
With the Twilight Zone and Star Trek Kickstarters, there were not many updates till they came out really, I'm guessing just because they were doing their regular thing.
Whereas with something like this on Kickstarter, I'd like to think they would post regular update videos on progress, and some of the hurdles they'd encounter.

Just think it would be more interesting to follow then a regular table.

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
Since many are pretty meh on the T2 kickstarter... and it's not just in this thread... what about a Lord of the Rings ks? I'm just gauging interest. I loved the T2 table, when I played it at Papa, but I do not want to see a ks fail for Farsight.. and I fear between the lukewarm enthusiasm for T2 and the problems with the last two kickstarters it would do just that.

Back on topic; you guys do realize this isn't something Farsight can buy. It's a priceless table. There's only two in the world. They would have to get it lent to them by the Pinball Hall of Fame... it would be an amazing addition though.
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Gord Lacey

Site Founder
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Feb 19, 2012
The next Kickstarter will be T2. They know how much it'll cost to license the table, and have already done work towards launching the Kickstarter.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
The next Kickstarter will be T2. They know how much it'll cost to license the table, and have already done work towards launching the Kickstarter.

Yep and yep. This one is next folks, for sure. The only real question is the when. If you need to make peace with this fact, know this: there is a limited window of opportunity for doing T2 due to certain aspects of a licensing agreement that I am not at liberty to divulge. Suffice it to say, if T2 is not done now, the odds of them being able to do it later are extremely slim. And to put it to you another way, T3 is not even an option.

So to those that would be willing to continue helping out through kickstarters, ask yourself this...would you like T2 now, or never?


New member
Jul 17, 2012
Is the Addams Family still an option after T2? I hear its a license nightmare, but it is the most requested table right now.


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Apr 10, 2012
The only other major licensed title that Bobby talked about wanting to do was Simpson's Pinball Party. That was on a podcast he was on sometime last year.

Gord Lacey

Site Founder
Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
Simpson's Pinball Party is one I seriously considered buying new, I just didn't have anywhere to put it. I'd be all over that KS.


New member
Jul 17, 2012
Yeah I don't know a person that wouldn't be all over a Simpson's pinball game. I know I would! :D


New member
Apr 10, 2012
I would be much more interested in The Simpsons license than T2. I know that it's been said that getting T2 would not include T3 because these films had so many different people involved with one that weren't involved with the other but would that be the same with the Simpsons? Meaning, if FarSight had the rights to TSPP, how much more work and cash is needed to obtain the Data East version? The Stern rights give FarSight access to DE games and The Simpson's was and is still under Fox. I doubt we're going to get a lot of DE games because of all the license issues but The Simpsons was certainly one of their better ones and TSPP pretty much speaks for itself in terms of popularity, mainly due to its incredible rule set. I'd like to hear some thoughts on this? If FarSight gets the rights for TSPP, how difficult would it be to get the DE version?
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Baron Rubik

New member
Mar 21, 2013
I'd more likely back a Simpsons or Family Guy KS.

I probably wouldn't back a T2 one, but would buy it when released.
Wouldn't break my heart if it failed.

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