This is not just the Camera setting angles between tables, on the same platform, that are inconsistent, but even between platforms the camera settings are completely different.
So, we have an overlap of similar, but different issues here, feel free to add to this:
1. The camera setting within a platform are inconsistent. A single angle setting should be the same angle from table to table with the same distance, angle and amount of table real estate exposed.
2. The view settings should be consistent across all platforms, with no differences. IE playing a table in the same perspective in the same view angle should look as similar as possible given the hardware limitations of the platform that it is being played on.
Unlike what we are seeing from pictures posted in the forums:
This is an iPad 3 or 4 vs a Nexus 10 both in portrait and the same viewing angle. There is a massive difference.
iOS viewing Angle 1: https://imageshack.us/a/img33/7623/img0699u.png
Android viewing angle 1: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/83188435/Pictures/IMG_20130419_215657.JPG
So, we have an overlap of similar, but different issues here, feel free to add to this:
1. The camera setting within a platform are inconsistent. A single angle setting should be the same angle from table to table with the same distance, angle and amount of table real estate exposed.
2. The view settings should be consistent across all platforms, with no differences. IE playing a table in the same perspective in the same view angle should look as similar as possible given the hardware limitations of the platform that it is being played on.
Unlike what we are seeing from pictures posted in the forums:
This is an iPad 3 or 4 vs a Nexus 10 both in portrait and the same viewing angle. There is a massive difference.
iOS viewing Angle 1: https://imageshack.us/a/img33/7623/img0699u.png
Android viewing angle 1: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/83188435/Pictures/IMG_20130419_215657.JPG