Request Low-Quality Playfield Art (AFM)


New member
Jul 5, 2013
Please Use Higher Quality Playfield Art (Attack From Mars)

Not really a bug, but I'll list my specs anyway...

OS Version: Windows 7
Graphics Card: NVIDIA Geforce GTX460
Ram: 4GB
Version #(Bottom right of game screen): 0.010
Display Mode: “Full Screen”
Display Resolution: “1680x1050”


The quality of the playfield image on Attack From Mars seems quite poor to me, like it is either really low-resolution or highly compressed. Maybe it's using an art asset intended for a less-capable platform?

Here is a screenshot taken in exploration mode with post-processing turned off. Notice how the small words (like the credits) are kind of fuzzy and none of the black lines are solid; it kind of looks like they were drawn in crayon.

However, notice that the alien and soldier art on the slingshots looks great! Nice crisp black lines.

Click here for full size version where you can really see it. (you may have to click to magnify if your browser shrinks it to fit)


Here is a pic from ipdb for comparison:


I don't expect perfection, but hopefully there is higher-quality art that can be used. I just want the tables to look their best, especially for the eventual cabinet/portrait support!
Last edited:


New member
Jul 5, 2013
Bumping this for version .023 with another example, this time from Whirlwind.

Same as on Attack from Mars: the art on the slingshots looks fantastic; the art on the playfield does not. You can even read the text "31 - 1006 - 574 - 21 - SP" on the slingshots easily - it's much clearer than the design credits in the lower left that are actually larger. Other lines on the playfield, such as the lightning coming down the inlanes, are quite jagged as well. It's a little easier to see for yourself rather than through a screenshot (especially using table exploration).

Since the slingshot textures are so nice, it makes me think the playfields aren't using the highest-quality versions you guys have.



New member
Jul 5, 2013
I don't mean to spam, but it's worth mentioning that I played the PS4 version at the Chicago expo and it did not seem to have this issue on AFM. Even without table exploration mode (which wasn't working yet), I could tell the playfield looked better - the black lines running down the inlanes were crisp.

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