The gate is nowhere near as hazardous as AFM's saucer/forcefield targets, which are both lower on the playfield and not angled. Judicious nudging and perhaps a slap save at times will generally keep things going. I'd say only one ball in every 40 or 50 comes back from the gate in a way that truly can't be saved, as long as you are trapping the ball and taking a set shot each time. Reflex shots to the gate will get you in trouble.The only problem I have is the gate SDTM flaw (discussed at length under another thread), which should automatically disqualify it for the number 1 position (which is where it is on Pinside), but I think it has enough strengths to at least put it in the top 10.
I don't think there's a way to find what the best table ever is besides sales figures and such, it's all opinion.
I like MM because the goals are easily set out, with a very simple play field. I don't mind the repetition, but I do agree that 5 castles would've balanced the goals out a bit. The characters are really good too.
It's funny because I really like MM because i'm watching Game of Thrones at the moment and it fits in nicely.
TAF Gold isn't worth the premium price that people want for it. TAF is an awesome game but, as Richard said, the gold version doesn't add enough to justify the huge jump in price. I'd guess that is why it ranks so much lower than its plainer brother.
Sorry to bring this thread back, but man after playing the TPA version of MM my mind has changed. This is easily my favorite table now judging by the core + dlc 1/2 tables. It's is so much better than the PHOF version which was just ugly and the ball physics were really bad.