Is there a button/flipper delay or is it just me?

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New member
Nov 1, 2013
I haven't had the opportunity to install Pinball Arcade on my main computer yet, but on my laptop seems to have a slight delay between hitting the button (shift) and the flipper activating. It's been quite a while since I've played virtual pinball, so maybe it's just the difference I'm seeing is just the way it is. Or, failing that, it might be a computer thing. Even possible still it could just be me seeing something that isn't there, although I sorta doubt it.

Anyway... Anyone else seeing this sort of issue?


New member
Apr 20, 2013
It does feel a tad slow, and I was wondering if it had something to do with my wireless 360 pad. I've gotten used to it already I think, but I did notice it at first. The flippers also don't seem as strong as in the 360 or iPad versions, but I actually think this is more realistic.


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
I think it simply feels...different....more like real flippers...a tad on the weak side sometimes but much more believable


New member
Nov 1, 2013
It does feel a tad slow, and I was wondering if it had something to do with my wireless 360 pad. I've gotten used to it already I think, but I did notice it at first. The flippers also don't seem as strong as in the 360 or iPad versions, but I actually think this is more realistic.

Yes on both counts. Once I play a few games, I get used to the delay, but when I quit and come back, I instantly notice it again. It's maddening! Hoping my more powerful rig clears it completely. The flippers do seem to shoot the ball at a more reasonable speed (compared to the tablet/phone versions), but also seem a tiny bit weak. Makes me want to check my flipper solenoid for gunk.


New member
Jul 5, 2013
It does feel a tad slow, and I was wondering if it had something to do with my wireless 360 pad. I've gotten used to it already I think, but I did notice it at first. The flippers also don't seem as strong as in the 360 or iPad versions, but I actually think this is more realistic.

No one (including me) complained about any lag during the beta. Could be PC-related if you have lower-end hardware.

One thing to keep in mind with controllers is using the triggers may cause it to feel laggy even if it's not. When I first started playing Pinball FX 2 on the Xbox I used the triggers. Later I switched to the bumpers (LB/RB) and it felt a lot better. They have a nice solid click. The triggers have so much travel it's like it's hard to know exactly at what point it will engage the flipper. Plus you probably have to move your finger farther to get there.


New member
Apr 20, 2013
No one (including me) complained about any lag during the beta. Could be PC-related if you have lower-end hardware.

One thing to keep in mind with controllers is using the triggers may cause it to feel laggy even if it's not. When I first started playing Pinball FX 2 on the Xbox I used the triggers. Later I switched to the bumpers (LB/RB) and it felt a lot better. They have a nice solid click. The triggers have so much travel it's like it's hard to know exactly at what point it will engage the flipper. Plus you probably have to move your finger farther to get there.

Nope, I have good hardware (GTX 660) and I know about the bumpers being better than the triggers from the 360 version.

First session it definitely seemed a step behind, second session I didn't really notice it. I'll have to see what it's like on further plays, and when I play tonight on my laptop (plenty powerful with a 675m) with a wired pad.

For what it's worth, first session I played with post processing off, second session with it on, but if anything you'd think the post processing would cause slight hitches, not remove them.

I don't think it's much of an issue at all, maybe just something to get used to coming from the iPad version, which to me always seemed far too responsive and strong on the flippers.


New member
Apr 27, 2012
Getting a slight delay here as well. When I try and make shots off the tip of the flipper, the damned ball rolls right off into the drain. :p It's making me look like an amateur.

I'm using a wireless 360 controller, old Dell monitor. Comp specs were top of the line... 3 years ago.

I recall PS3 had this issue and it was a LCD TV setting? Could a display setting be causing this issue too?


New member
Jun 11, 2012
One thing to test if you play fullscreen normally and are getting flipper lag is switch to windowed and see if it works better. I have no idea if it's the same problem but in PFX2 unless I fiddled with some settings in the nvidia control panel there was absolutely massive flipper lag in fullscreen mode, but none in windowed.

e: If you want to just go ahead and test the fix instead set Maximum prerendered frames in nvidia control panel to 1. If you're using an ATI card I don't know where the similar setting is, sorry. Also note I have no idea if this is actually the problem since we're talking about different games here and probably a different problem, but it may be worth a shot anyway.
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New member
Nov 1, 2013
I'll try windowed mode now.

This worked for me. There was a notable difference in the reaction of the flippers. I'm on a laptop with the crappy Intel HD Graphics chipset currently, so my actual control over my video card is pretty limited. Still, I have some options to fiddle with... I'll let everyone know if I find anything.


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
This worked for me. There was a notable difference in the reaction of the flippers. I'm on a laptop with the crappy Intel HD Graphics chipset currently, so my actual control over my video card is pretty limited. Still, I have some options to fiddle with... I'll let everyone know if I find anything.

This might have something to it.

I posted my earlier post from my work computer where I was getting some lag but I backed the game up and brought it home. My home laptop is weaker than my work pc except in graphics hardware and the flippers are happy snappy at home.

I'm willing to guess that the intel gfx chip might have something to do with it

I was using the keyboard on both machines, so I'm pretty sure it's nothing to do with the controller.


New member
Nov 1, 2013
Well, typically speaking, running in Windowed mode is harder on the GPU than running in full screen mode. That's not to say the Intel HD Graphics chipset isn't the issue, but it probably isn't a "power" issue.


New member
Jun 13, 2012
Running it on my laptop with an Intel HD Graphics card too. No lag whatsoever playing in fullscreen or windowed mode. The game was running very slowly before I turned the mirroring off of the ball. It was set automatically to low, but once I turned it off it ran smooth as silk. I'm thrilled with how well it runs on my crappy laptop, and I'm honestly amazed at how good it looks. Between the PS3 version with flipper lag and the graphically inferior Vita version, I find myself wishing I would have just held off for this version.


New member
Jun 12, 2012
there definitely was massive lag present until i turned off the postprocessing... now its almost gone, but the flippers still feel kinda sluggish compared to the xbox360 version i think (but this could be just my mind playing tricks on me :D) ... well its miles better than before anyway - now its completely playable and it wasn't before :)
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Active member
Apr 12, 2012
there definitely was massive lag present until i turned off the postprocessing... now its almost gone, but the flippers still feel kinda sluggish compared to the xbox360 version i think (but this could be just my mind playing tricks on me :D) ... well its miles better than before anyway - now its completely playable and it wasn't before :)

It seems that they have tweaked the flipper behaviour altogether. Along with the crazy bounces being toned down (ToM still bounces pretty high but only when it makes sense to). Floaty table still feel floaty but still...better.

The flippers aren't nearly as overpowered as they were in the previous releases, ramps tend to roll back a little more.

Granted, good solid shots are still the norm but there's a bit more meat to this version. Definitely a step in the right direction. That is, as long as the flippers are responsive.

There is a difference between my PC at work and my laptop at home. That I can say for sure.

Craig Booth

New member
Feb 28, 2012
I noticed lag as well, this is comparing to the 360 version, using a wired 360 controller on a Gtx 580 PC. Anyone not used to the 360 version may not notice. It's not horse power related in my case.


New member
Feb 21, 2012
these two tips from the Steam community might help:

[Glottis]: Try going to the Nvidia control panel and adjusting the max pre-rendered frames to 1.
[Killer Tampon]: And make sure vertical sync is disabled, vsync can cause input lag.
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