Why is there such a huge difference between the plunge cam viewing angles between the mobile version of TPA and the Steam build?
On the mobile version of TPA a player can, in view 1, still see most if not all on some tables, see the plunger move and use the hash marks to gauge skill shots without needing to use view 2. However, on the Steam build view 1 has the player looking so low that you cannot even see the plunge lane on most tables, let alone have any base for making skill shots short of only using view 2. Besides the lack of ability to make skill shots due to the view differences, there is the question of why the views are so low in comparison, and there is no consistency in the viewing angles across the platforms.
Here are both Android and PC in Plunge View 1, notice how vastly different they are. For all intents and purposes they should have the same viewing angles, no? This table is the most similar in the viewing angle of the 2 platforms.
Mobile - Android in Landscape
Steam - a windowed view from my POS laptop
On the mobile version of TPA a player can, in view 1, still see most if not all on some tables, see the plunger move and use the hash marks to gauge skill shots without needing to use view 2. However, on the Steam build view 1 has the player looking so low that you cannot even see the plunge lane on most tables, let alone have any base for making skill shots short of only using view 2. Besides the lack of ability to make skill shots due to the view differences, there is the question of why the views are so low in comparison, and there is no consistency in the viewing angles across the platforms.
Here are both Android and PC in Plunge View 1, notice how vastly different they are. For all intents and purposes they should have the same viewing angles, no? This table is the most similar in the viewing angle of the 2 platforms.

Mobile - Android in Landscape

Steam - a windowed view from my POS laptop